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Favourite Final Fantasy


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They gave more inventory space on Dawn of Souls, right? Anyway, I liked Osmose/Aspil in that game a lot. Most powerful Osmose of the series (also first, I guess). It let you go on forever without issue. The only thing that slowed my forays into dungeons in that game was the lack of item space for all the chests. After I got Osmose, I never ran out of magic and thus could go on forever. It also had cool spells like "berserk" (I think it was called). Not sure what it was called in Dawn of Souls, but it's not like the later berserks. This one just made you stronger. Haste made you hit more times rather than activate quicker (still turnbased rather than atb anyway), though maybe it let your turn come up quicker, not sure. Those two spells combined meant that enemy def didn't much matter. Even the enemies that had massive defence causing your best attackers to do only double digit damage start taking high three digits after a few castings of both those spells. It was hilarious. I loved it (and didn't mind grinding back then, either).

Yeah, you're right about Haste- It allows more hits, and therefore more damage. Berserk increased the strength of your attacks as well, so with those combined, along with Aura (Which adds an elemental "type" to your weapons, making them super-effective in some cases), you can pretty much tear through anything in the game.

Yeah, Osmose was pretty cool, it's too bad that you can only get it in one single chest, and I think by a dropped item from a Sorcerer/Magician/whatever that enemy is.

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I hate to be unoriginal but...FF VII. I loved that game. I loved the gameplay, i loved the characters and good god did i loved that story. It was the first game i played where i really cared about the characters. Also the story development shocked me as it was the first time that a main character had died and its possible i got a little chocked up about it. Certainly no game has made such an impact on me as FF VII did, althought I have always remained open to the idea that there will be a game that one day bests it.

Edited by Merric
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Also the story development shocked me as it was the first time that a main character had died and its possible i got a little chocked up about it.

Josef, Minwu, Ricard and Scott would like to speak to you. :P

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Josef, Minwu, Ricard and Scott would like to speak to you. :P

Along with Galuf, Tellah, Porum and Palom (interestingly enough, there's a town in FFXIII called Palumpolum) and possibly a couple others that I'm forgetting from the early FF games.

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Yeah, you're right about Haste- It allows more hits, and therefore more damage. Berserk increased the strength of your attacks as well, so with those combined, along with Aura (Which adds an elemental "type" to your weapons, making them super-effective in some cases), you can pretty much tear through anything in the game.

Yep. Almost no real need of offensive magic, but offensive magic was cool to raise, too. Especially before you powered up Haste and Berserk.

Yeah, Osmose was pretty cool, it's too bad that you can only get it in one single chest, and I think by a dropped item from a Sorcerer/Magician/whatever that enemy is.

Why do you think I spent hours in the only dungeon that had that type of enemy?

I would've gotten a 4th for Leon when he finally showed up, but I think I gave up after spending twice as long as it took to get the third and still hadn't managed.

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Final Fantasy Tactics would be my favorite. It has a great soundtrack and good storyline (many parts weren't fully developed IMO, and the Lucavi were pretty random IMO). The gameplay was the best though, it is easily exploitable like most FFs (if you know which skills to get), but it's very fun and deep. You can customise every character to your own liking, and you can choose to restrict your skills for a better challenge. There was a hack of it released by the ffhacktics community, FFT 1.3, which greatly increased the difficulty and made it much more fun overall (Hamedo and Ninjas are still top tier though).

I'm biased towards Turn-Based Strategy games on a whole, so if I had to pick a normal numbered FF, I'd choose FFVI (FFIII in america) for nostalgia reasons. I personally found Tactics Advance unengaging and boring, and with a shitty excuse for a plot. I don't plan on trying FFTA2 in the future because of that bad experience.

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Am i the only one who doesn't like ff6 and 7?

any how my top three...hm...


I loved 10 for it's characters, it's beautiful music, and it's perfect heart wrenching ending.

I loved 9 for just about the same reasons...likewise with 8 i suppose.

All of these had beautiful music and beautiful stories and romantic love stories...Which are the main reasons why i fell in love with final fantasy as a series...I'm still waiting for a new real final fantasy under these lines.

Well that's all but before i go...

Also, XIII is almost a complete piece of shit.

Exactly...not only did the story blow, it was so hard to get interested with...I seriously started making fun of it just to want to continue playing it. My neighbor fought through longer than i but soon gave up due to the same reasons...then there's the fact that it bricks ps3s...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Final Fantasy IV is my favorite. It was the most difficult Final Fantasy (at least for me) but interestingly enough, the one that required the least grinding. I didn't have to spend time mastering job classes or materia or anything of the sort. I also liked how each party member had a unique role, you couldn't just make anyone be anything. You had to use everyone's abilities properly in order to get by. Of course, usually the first game I play in a series ends up being my favorite, and Final Fantasy IV was the first numbered Final Fantasy that I played. But I seriously do like it.

By the way, Fire Emblems 3 and 12 have a reference to Final Fantasy IV because you can have a Paladin named Cecil, and with the reclass system, a Dragoon (or Dracoknight) named Kain.

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I have only played 3 of them, 4, 6, and 12.

12 was lol here set up something for your caracters to do and just move your analog. Almost no interaction, however i liked the cutscenes, now that i think about it it felt like a movie.

6 well i have nothing negative to say about it, i liked it but ff4 (DS) is also great. Actually i don't know... :mellow: Both had great music, characters, and storyline. Ah both are great and my favorite. Though FF4 (DS) has more replayability.

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My personal favourite is XIII, because of the battle system and the music. And Snow's weapons.

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I think FFVII is my favorite. I figure since I seriously considering doing my senior project on "Final Fantasy VII: The Greatest Story a Baby Boomer doesn't know" or something along those lines (which would entail doing a plot analysis in more 20 pages [lolz that would be easy to do with FFVII] and then presenting my thoughts and research to a 3 member panel filled with teachers at my school). Yeah, it might be my favorite.

I guess I like it so much because I first played it at age 7. My friend and I would work together to beat puzzles and bosses. We were pretty awesome until we both moved and now don't talk because we were like 10 and didn't have cell phones or anything. When I bought the game for myself when I was around 14 and rediscovered the game, I began to see the true genius and intracacies of the plot. I mean, think of how many people spend time trying to understand the plot, and we still don't have a legitamate explanation beyond guesswork for a LARGE portion of many of the events. We know what happened, but we don't know WHAT happened, if you know what I am trying to say. I find that incredible.

FFX is probably my next favorite, mostly because it looks pretty. It was definately the best movie never to hit theaters. Ironically enough, that is it's problem though. I payed like 40 bucks to watch a movie. It pissed me off at first. But I still got immersed in the plot, which was decent, and the visuals, which were stunning, and now it's really grown on me.

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I've only played three of those games (10, 10-2, and 12). Of the three, I'd say that 10 is the best game. I suppose that it's ultimately because I enjoyed the battle system the most (let's not get started about it not being the traditional FF system), and I thought that it had the best gameplay overall.

However, I do think that 12 had a pretty good story (I prefer it to 10's and don't care that consensus disagrees with me here.), and easily the most annoying superboss I've ever gone up against (well, maybe second to Universe [and presumably 4D) Freya in SO3) in Yiazmat. That has got to be the longest gauntlet fight that I've ever fought... Seriously. 50 million HP when you can only deal 9999 at a time (and later 6999 after he puts up his partial-paling...) is insane. At least in other games that have you fight multi-million HP bosses, you can go to a 99,999 cap... :(

But I digress too long. Anyway, long story short, I preferred 10's gameplay but 12's story.

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My faves are:

FFI - We all love the first one right??

FFII - The plotline is so twisted evil! The gameplay is also challenging

FFIV - Rydia FTW!

FFVI - Cause Kefka keep me laughing for periods!

FFIX - Vivi FTW!

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I've only played three of those games (10, 10-2, and 12). Of the three, I'd say that 10 is the best game. I suppose that it's ultimately because I enjoyed the battle system the most (let's not get started about it not being the traditional FF system), and I thought that it had the best gameplay overall.

However, I do think that 12 had a pretty good story (I prefer it to 10's and don't care that consensus disagrees with me here.), and easily the most annoying superboss I've ever gone up against (well, maybe second to Universe [and presumably 4D) Freya in SO3) in Yiazmat. That has got to be the longest gauntlet fight that I've ever fought... Seriously. 50 million HP when you can only deal 9999 at a time (and later 6999 after he puts up his partial-paling...) is insane. At least in other games that have you fight multi-million HP bosses, you can go to a 99,999 cap... :(

But I digress too long. Anyway, long story short, I preferred 10's gameplay but 12's story.

You know, I think I would have liked XII's story a lot more if the constant dungeons you had to trudge through weren't so damn long. You would spend hours and hours getting your team up to scrap to move through this or that environment of tough monsters, and then this plot event would happen and you'd be like "...what the fuck is happening, and why am I here?" The characters weren't terribly charming in and of themselves, so it felt almost like a chore for me to stay up to date on what is actually occurring.

I felt they tried waaaay too hard on putting together huge dungeons, in XII. They were certainly elaborate, but...

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My top 3: Story: Final Fantasy Tactics because it had what has quite possibly the best storyline of any game ever.

Gameplay Final Fantasy XIII it was fast paced ad required strategy.

Overall Final Fantasy X because it had a perfect mix between strategic, fun gameplay and an interesting and deep plot.

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Along with Galuf, Tellah, Porum and Palom (interestingly enough, there's a town in FFXIII called Palumpolum) and possibly a couple others that I'm forgetting from the early FF games.

Yeah i get that now. Perhaps i shoudl rephrase what i said: i mean that it was the first game i had played where that happened. The other FFs were a little before my gaming career started..

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I felt they tried waaaay too hard on putting together huge dungeons, in XII. They were certainly elaborate, but...

Well, it's really only the last two dungeons that were super long (Giruvegan and the Pharos even more so...). But I can definitely see where you're coming from when you have to travel through multiple dungeons in a row (Ogir-Yensa sandsea/Nam-Yensa sandsea/King Raithwall's tomb/Dreadnought Leviathan gauntlet was quite tiresome when you got done with everything...)

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I'm an old school fan, so naturally my favorites in the main series are 1, 6, and 9. 9 is sort of a throwback to that era and I believe it does it excellently. Great music and story and the gameplay and skill system is kickass. I hate the card game though. It was my first game admitedly. 6 due to character uniqueness, customization, and sandbox style story ahoy! 1 is just classic and the original has aged pretty well. You just need to clean up a bit of the bugs, and presto, one of the greatest RPGs.

As a whole though, I pick Tactics. It's just a masterpiece. The story does have a fair share of flaws, but it's epic and it makes much more sense than FFVII and FFXIII's. The customization system is at it's pinnacle in that game and lots of replaly value and twinking is the cincher for me.

I hate FF8 and FFX. FFXIII doesn't interest me, and FFVII is good but not great. Make no mistake, I still like that game, just I feel the characters in battle are too samey and the story is ridiculous. I get it, but there's still stuff that makes no sense and the Complication doesn't make it much better. FFX-2 I tolerate due to it's job system and sandbox style gameplay though. I don't know about XII. It seems nice but I wish my PS2 would load it so I can really formulate an opinion.

I hate X for it's blitzball, it's cliched plot (when you're one of the biggest publishers ever made and you need to steal from a cult classic like Breath of Fire 2, you got some serious issues), the annoying characters and the sphere grid system. Combat system is great though, if unoriginal (Breath of Fire 1 was the first turn based RPG to switch. Son of a bitch it takes a lot from that series).

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I hate X for it's blitzball, it's cliched plot (when you're one of the biggest publishers ever made and you need to steal from a cult classic like Breath of Fire 2, you got some serious issues), the annoying characters and the sphere grid system. Combat system is great though, if unoriginal (Breath of Fire 1 was the first turn based RPG to switch. Son of a bitch it takes a lot from that series).

What the hell are you talking about?

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