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It's unfotunate that for once more you can't add the light glimpse of a "holy" weapon to your forged ones.

(I mean the light that flashes at the beginning of a battle when a "holy" weapon is unleashed)

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It's unfotunate that for once more you can't add the light glimpse of a "holy" weapon to your forged ones.

(I mean the light that flashes at the beginning of a battle when a "holy" weapon is unleashed)

Well, they're holy for a reason, that being that they were infused with godly power. So, unless the forger has access to the power of the gods...

Still, would be funny. "Behold, I have forged you a mighty blade." *Stunned by how godly it is, so godly that light simply shines off it*

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Did anyone notice that village to the right in chapter 2? I'm pretty sure it wasn't there in the original game. It's possible that you'll recruit Cord from there.

Edited by Axefighter Barst
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Did anyone notice that village to the right in chapter 2? I'm pretty sure it wasn't there in the original game. It's possible that you'll recruit Cord from there.

I think so. The village wasn't in FE3. And in the video it also showed on the reclass that the player already has 3 axe fighters recruited. So you get all three pretty soon.

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Actually, the reclass limit is 1 plus every unit you could have recruited in that class by the current chapter. I don't recall the class numbers in reclass being shown in the video. I think you're referring to this screenshot: http://serenesforest.net/fe3ds/img/os3/018.jpg

This means that there are 2 fighters by that point in the game.

Edited by Axefighter Barst
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Oh my god 11 more days the excitement is killing me >_<

This game looks pretty damn cool. Will probably emulate it instantly 8D

Though yeah, Sirius... looks weird.

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Camus/Sirius looks like he's dead and being propped up against a tree. Why is he wearing a mask? Is he pretending to be Bat Man?

I thought I killed Michalis... Yeah, I'm pretty sure I tri-attacked him with Aura. Can't get any more dead than that. Why is he there?


Ogma seems to have aged well. Or, rather, not at all...

Is it me, or does Marth have far too much hair for his head?

I'm so getting this game by the way. For Wifi play.

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Where about is the class in question?

I see one Soldier on the bottom left corner, then moving up and along: one Archer, two Cavaliers, a female Mage bumping into a Mercenary, another Soldier and a Cleric.

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Wait a second, I see a new class sprite when the video is paused at 1:05. Am I going crazy, or is that new?

Just soldiers. There's 2 of them, so I thin they're just there for the sake of being generic for story purposes. Unless you're telling me there's 2 new soldier units, of which I highly doubt.

Though it does make me wonder if halberdiers will be in this game, since soldiers are pretty numerous in FE3.

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Just soldiers. There's 2 of them, so I thin they're just there for the sake of being generic for story purposes. Unless you're telling me there's 2 new soldier units, of which I highly doubt.

Though it does make me wonder if halberdiers will be in this game, since soldiers are pretty numerous in FE3.

Not that numerous, Armor Knights totally replace them later in the game.

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Not that numerous, Armor Knights totally replace them later in the game.

And then in Gra you see level 20 Akaneian Soldiers with Silver Lances. Only FE5 had Soldiers appearing later, with some as late as chapter 24.

Edited by Mr. Belzebuth
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And then in Gra you see level 20 Akaneian Soldiers with Silver Lances. Only FE5 had Soldiers appearing later, with some as late as chapter 24.

Right forgot about that, that was the last level they were encountered in. Soldiers weren't that bad in that game now that I think about it. Through a rom-hack I even found that they had their own player palette which even pirates didn't have.

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Earlier, in a different thread, I put a theory out there of getting 3 new characters in the prologue to go along with your troops later (based on the Re-Class screen).

I'm re-evaluating that thought with the latest commercial (linked here somewhere...)

That instead, what you have is a Lyn style Prologue, and whoever you meet there you will find again later. And that the 2 Axe users and a Curate/Cleric are the Axe twins and Wrys. Recruited by various means from early game chapters.

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