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Thor Odinson

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You might love being in college then--all the computers with a Windows or Mac OS at my university have CS5 on them, though I've never really used the program...

Your designs overall are pretty nice! I like how they all clearly follow a theme, yet at the same time you can tell that she's upgrading each time.

I would warn to watch out for anatomy, just for future reference. The last one has the best proportions out of the three so far (as well as really nice hair!), though her left arm is a bit longer than what is standard. The other two have borderline fashion-modelling proportions. I would actually say the middle one has about average arms, though they look big in comparison because her head is relatively smaller than the other two's.

I find it interesting that Lumi is wearing such extreme high heels and capes despite being a Myrmidon/Swordmaster. XD

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The legs look really long. However, I am saying this after a couple hours of getting angry over how the games industry distorts anatomy in "realistic" games, so maybe it's just me.

CS5~ All the school computers have it where I am, too, but they only have tablet support in the computer labs in the art building.

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You might love being in college then--all the computers with a Windows or Mac OS at my university have CS5 on them, though I've never really used the program...

Your designs overall are pretty nice! I like how they all clearly follow a theme, yet at the same time you can tell that she's upgrading each time.

I would warn to watch out for anatomy, just for future reference. The last one has the best proportions out of the three so far (as well as really nice hair!), though her left arm is a bit longer than what is standard. The other two have borderline fashion-modelling proportions. I would actually say the middle one has about average arms, though they look big in comparison because her head is relatively smaller than the other two's.

I find it interesting that Lumi is wearing such extreme high heels and capes despite being a Myrmidon/Swordmaster. XD

That's it. I can't seem to get out the habit for that on my digital sketches due to having said Fashion Design class every day at 8:45 in the morning. It's like, my hand wants to go the 10 head proportion but my head wants to used the ideallized 8 head thing. It's asdf. I don't have the problem when drawing on paper, but on the tablet I do have said issues.

The heels are because theres this one time, I was dodgin traffic in NYC and running at full speed despite having 3.5 inch boots on, so I'm like, "why the hell not?" It could be *kick in the face* *stab*. Guarantees dead enemies.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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oh lord facestab boots I have a friend who used the same exact idea--

...come to think of it, you kinda remind me of her, she's also really good at art... I don't think you're quite as much of a psycho though, lol.

Heels do work all right if you're used to them, certainly. Maybe not in some terrain, but I don't think they're really mutually exclusive with fighting... within limits of course. (Lol I can't even walk in heels.)

Edited by Kiryn
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I may be more prone to violent tendencies.

I can roundhouse kick someone with heels. I guess it's just a matter of balance and, I dunno.

Heels get +1 mov in NYC sidewalk terrain. Seriously.

If you do a roundhouse kick correctly, you'll hit your target with the wrong part of your foot. You want to do a side kick or back kick. I find the latter hard to do barefoot, but if you can pull it off in heels, NO ONE will want to mess with you.

Oh gosh, why do I know this?!

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I know. It's just that RH in heels are harder to balance and with that I should be able to balance the other kicks

except the jumping ones.

I think my strongest kick is front, actually. Followed by side. I can't aim for shit with back so...asdf.

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If you can balance with a back kick, I wouldn't worry too much about a roundhouse (grab your target's arm or something before smacking him/her/it in the face with the top of your foot).

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In order of my kicking skills: Front>Side>RH>>>>>Back. I'm terribad at it.

RH > Side > Front >> Back

NOOBS. <:3333333

RH = Side = Back = Front = out-in Crescent > in-out Crescent = Tornado > 540

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Ohlol. 8D

Is your friend Asian too?

NOOBS. <:3333333

This thread contains PG13 material. Little children like you should go home and play and stay out of grown-up business.

In all seriousness, I see a reply made by a non-regular commenter, I expect comment on the fucking artwork. Please refrain from joining the conversation until you have properly done so.

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This thread contains PG13 material. Little children like you should go home and play and stay out of grown-up business.

In all seriousness, I see a reply made by a non-regular commenter, I expect comment on the fucking artwork. Please refrain from joining the conversation until you have properly done so.

PG13 my a--

Okay. ;-;

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Silly boy, there's shirtless men in this thread!

Anywhoo, it's Furet's birthday today.

So I drew him a picture.


Since it's a present to him I'm only posting a small image. With a watermark.


Props to whoever gets the reference in the pic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[spoiler=yet another WIP and HOLY SHIT NOT PHOTOSHOP WHAT]


So my fashion teacher told me I can do my project on the computer if I use Illustrator to do it since I'm already proven to proficient in Photoshop (having done my entire AP Studio concentration in it lololol) . Vectoring go~

Except, this is bridal design inspired by past time periods, and my design is a mix between, well, Victorian and Rococo and highly elaborate...

feck, I'm a masochist.

Also pre-victorian wedding dresses were blue. So~

And this is my second time using Illustrator. First time was the practice run that my Fashion teacher used to teach me it so I still suck at it in comparison to Photoshop but eh~

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