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I can't get Jill to Betray me in "Defending Talrega"

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I don't have a talk option, and if she battles her father, all I get is a battle quote... I don't get her turning red ._.

I want to bring her back with Mist, since I've been recording supports... I've also tried to go into battle with her with the boss with her support still as a "B", but she won't freakin betray the Crimeans >_>

Any help?

Could anything be preventing her from betraying Ike's team?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Err... I thought you could bring her BACK if she had an A support with someone ._.

That's what a few FAQs said on Gamefaqs ._.


"Okay, I've gotten a few e-mails saying various things, and

from what I can gather, if Jill has an 'B' support with

anyone, she'll be able to kill her dad personally without

defecting. She can get it with Lethe or Mist."

Edit: I erased the supports, and she STILL won't betray me :/

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I don't know if it helps, but I've heard a rumor that if Jill has the choice to get a support (I don't know the level) she can talk with her father and stay in your team.

I've also tried it quite a lot, but she ends up having a special conversation with her father (I guess only available for A support) and she stays in your team.

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That's what a few FAQs said on Gamefaqs ._.

Well, one of the GBA FE GameFAQs still gives Nino a nine and Zealot a zero, so they aren't exactly ... reliable.

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Well, one of the GBA FE GameFAQs still gives Nino a nine and Zealot a zero, so they aren't exactly ... reliable.

opinions on usefulness are different from game mechanics, though. Having weird opinions is to be expected from Gamefaqs members. Messing up the objective details would be just sad. Granted, it happens in lots of FAQs, but not nearly as often as strange ideas of the usefulness of characters.

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The game definitely checks for a Mist or Lethe support for the betrayal convo, and doesn't check for any other character's support.

However, Jill can't reach an A support with Lethe by that chapter, so logically a B support (the next best thing) should be OK to keep her from turncoating.

Edited by VincentASM
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I've not gotten Jill to betray me.

A support with Mist = no betrayal

B support with Lethe = no betrayal

No supports at all = NO BETRAYAL

I never get a Talk conversation. She just gets battle dialogue with her dad and that's it.

I'm beginning to think there are no conditions. It's just completely random whether it happens or not.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are you playing on Easy Mode? Jill will never betray Crimea in Easy. Not sure about Normal but I'm pretty sure that she'll betray you if she doesn't have the right supports.

Oh, and you don't bring her back. She simply won't defect by telling her father she found some higher values in life.

I've has Jill betray me in Ch20. IIRC she had B Lethe, but no Mist support.

Maybe Lethe has to be present on the map for her not to defect? Can't remember of anything else.

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There was a topic about this a while ago. Based on all I have read and my own experiences, I believe Jill won't betray you on easy or normal mode, and will betray you on hard mode unless she has an A support with Mist. If shadow is correct, than the two can't even talk outside of hard mode, but in hard mode, their talk conversation and its effect depends on whether she has that A support. If Cynthia is correct, a B support with Lethe will not save her. I think I will be able test out the easy/normal half of the theory soon.

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The video made a mistake. Due to the nature of the conversations, the one "Before Chapter 20" actually comes after and the one "After Chapter 20" takes place before.

Just to let you know.

Err no... I'm pretty sure those are right, and the ones on the mainsite are switched... I mean I DID record them correspondingly and I STILL have the saves to prove it ._.

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Might be a little late now, but I've never had Jill betray me, either. I've never played on EM, so all of my saves are on NM or higher. First time around, she had no supports and wouldn't betray me. Second time, she had a B support with Mist and didn't betray me. I don't know how it works.

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