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Fire Emblem - Fūin no Tsurugi (Remake)


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@ The Reaper I knew if you were going to ask anything it would be that, I'm not the maker of this remake but Karel was in both fire emblem 7 and 6, I would be shocked if Karel wasn't in this.

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yeah I remember getting Karel in fire emblem 6 and his first level and last level up was awesome... I was so sad he could only level up once, if he was say 5-6 levels lower he could become a god with growths like that. I hope he's in this one, and I know its a remake but they should make him at least level 17 instead of level 19.

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A few more teaser screens for you.

I've almost finished chapter 7 now, just a few more villages and recuitment events to do and I'll be done.

Ooooh, this looks nice. You're doing great! Keep up the great work!

Yay! Bors actually has a soul and speaks to someone!

What? Bors has a SOUL? Blasphemy!!!

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Hey, I just remembered something o.o

A few guys on feuniverse tried to touch up the fe6-characters. I think the thread is down, but someone could ask the spriters if they provide the sprites, or would be willing to sprite some more, if you don't want to just touch up the technical features of FE6 but to touch up the sprites as well^^

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I think Superluigi is pretty aware of all the sprites out there, and he'll probably use whatever ones he sees fit. :P Oh, I guess I shouldn't be talking on his behalf... XP

Noah's new palette = win.

Also, Superluigi, you are catching up to me on my special playthrough of FE6. At this rate you will finish remaking the game before I finish my playthrough of the original XD

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^ Lol

Yeah I've seen most of the revamps out their, I probably won't be using any unless they're simply shading fixes.

@Dancer A: Wendy will be a knight like she was in the original, simply so the triangle looks right, though I was going to make her into a Female cavalier.

Anyway Chapter 7 is complete. I will be spending a little time refining the previous chapters and creating the Pre-chapter WM events, before creating chapter 8. I plan to release another Patch after chapter 8x, so get your NUPS ready for patching.

[spoiler=Chapter 7 Screens]fesosscrns7.png

I will also be adding FE3 spells to this hack; namely Shaver 'shown in screens' and Dulam, that's a 1-2 range eclipse for those of you that don't know.

Edited by Superluigi
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I was actually thinking of

FE6 should I have the drive to do so, but I guess I don't need to worry about that now, lol.

But yeah, you're the best for doing this. I hope you keep up the good work, and good call on adding in Shaver and Dulam, by the way.

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Wooo, Shaver~

Also, I love how in the shot with Zealot speaking to Roy, they're both in half blink XD

Found that hilarious.

Bors always seems to be epic in your little showcases, SL.

Anyway, can't wait to get started on the hack, and the LP/Review I mean, I can wait, but I don't want to XD

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Actually, he speaks with Leygance back in the original.

I don't remember FE6 having any specific boss quotes ._.

Hell, I don't think it even had the functionality to have mugs on the other sides of each other during battle screen text ._.

Man, you're putting so much work in to this SL... I just wished that all the Dragon transformations weren't so hardcoded on ASM for intro and exit animations >_>

That would probably make this a perfect remake ._.

Oh gosh >_>

That reminds me, what about the obstacle called "Idoun"?

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You should see if you can get someone to make you an Idoun based on the FEDS Magic Dragon animations. Idoun IS a Magic Dragon. She might not have that big bad final boss feel though.

Edited by General Archibald
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Uh... I could have SWORN I worked on an Idoun animation that somebody else had made. I think that should do, except for the black background part--you are going to have to manipulate a tileset in order to make it load a special background during a battle, a background that is black. ._.

We could always try and hack the Fire Dragon animation though.

Also, FEDS sprites in GBAFE doesn't look good. ._.

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I didn't say "import" it, I meant a GBA-styled one based on its appearance in Shadow Dragon. I do recall an Idoun sprite already done, check the FEU Animation Directory.

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^Just checked, and yes there is, as well as a Fa transformation animation.

Anyway I started trying to do WM events, my brain has short circuited and I now need a cup of tea.


You can't even begin to understand with the amount of hate and frustration I put into the opening events.

Oh well only another 30 or so to go.

Edited by Superluigi
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^Just checked, and yes there is as well as a Fa transformation animation.

Anyway I started trying to do WM events, my brain has short circuited and I now need a cup of tea.

You can't even begin to understand with the amount of hate and frustration I put into the opening events.

Oh well only another 30 or so to go.

Get your tea! I'm going to see if I can do anything about this Fa animation thing, but it's probably gonna be a bit, and I can't make any promises.

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