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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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Lev: Heheheheh, well ten years on the run and then running into someone like Katie can sometimes have that effect on a man hahahaah! But yeah, probably not the best choice for an assistant. Well ... if you could come up with the money somehow I would do it. Right now I'm just a packmule for those with too much clothing.

Krinkov continued listening to their common speech. Unable to pick up anything all that useful for understanding them, he started drifting back into his assumptions. If the female was infertile then why would has master care about her? Perhaps his master had restored her fertility? Perhaps his master held such power that he could make all of these useless females viable. If that was the case, then he was truly blessed to have such a master. Even Ivanko didn't seem to possess such power. Perhaps this mating ritual was a type meant to last a long time. If that was the case then he need only wait for his master to come out triumphant.

OOC: Yeah wyverns are stupid-smart XD

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A letter. Jenny's (The queen shutup im running out of names) eyes lit up. Maybe some hope. Sayer read it.

Septemus does not negotiate with weak nations. We conquer them.

Jenny's heart skipped a beat. She couldnt stand up anymore. Sayer carried her back to the castle. She sat down. "I dont know anymore Sayer. I just cant continue on like this. We have to turn to Halton for help. Berthold had a son did he?" Sayer looked at his queen. "No milady you cant-." "Sayer i will be fine. Please go find him." Sayer lowered his head. "My queen, you had a brother. If he were here-" "Sayer that is enough. Go find Berthold's son." Sayer bowed. "Yes milady." Sayer exited the castle. He got on is horse and headed to Halton.

Sayer: Paladin

Stats: HP: 9 STR:5 SKL: 6 SPD: 6 LUCK: 4 DEF: 6 RES: 4

Dont worry. Stats are just for flavor.

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"Those clothes you're carrying are an excellent example of people not taking things seriously." Morgan said to Lev. "We are not on some sort of...party cruise." she said with disdain.

"At least you seem to be fairly focused, despite your reputation with the ladies." Morgan said, raising her eyebrow at him.

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Lev: Heh, if you can't separate work and pleasure you'll probably die, so I've learned to master it. (Cause I'll be damned if I die before growing old with my woman!) And you seem pretty friendly. Rumors had it that you were mean. Not sure what they meant :/

As Alferis approached, Lev's expression changed just a little bit. Barely noticeable.

Lev: (Of all the people to ask about something like that ...)


A mild breeze. It felt cool. Maybe she wont destroy this place. She was joking.

???: He's near by ...

She muttered to herself. A person blocked the building.

Man: Hey there baby, how about you come with me?

The man then revealed a sword, his intent quite clear. Ruby looked around. No one. Perfect. Her blade, The Miracle shone as she revealed it! Before the man had a chance, she beheaded him! She continued into the building where the shape shifter Shanice, and the maniacal wind demon Megae were waiting.

Ruby: Shanice. You chose this dump for a base?

Shanice: Oh look, do you see any crimson weapon wielders bursting in on us? I don't see any crimson weapon wielders bursting in on us. This place must not be all that bad a location <_<

Megae looked outside merely peeking. Ruby took a decent kill that she could have had if Shanice was nice enough to goad the man into attacking him. It wasn't fair. Just then, Ruby removed her hood revealing her scarlet red hair.

Ruby: I dont see why you are taking so long to kill them. They are just a bunch of children.

Shanice: Tch. If you haven't noticed, that group is strong. Not smart, but definitely strong, and we can't just take them head on. Megae already tried that.

Shanice quickly remembered something that had been bothering it. Helenos failed to defeat the group at the swamp only because the dead turned on her. That made less than no sense. Shanice quickly turned back to face Ruby.

Shanice: ... is the dragon in trouble?

Ruby: Why would you care? Last i remembered you two were sworn enemies. Regardless she went after the headmaster for the water tome. Such a fool. I havent received word from her after that. I doubt that she is dead though.

Shanice: I care because the fluffy gust maker took the tome to the crimson weapon wielders. They were at Bethold's manor the last time I checked. If she's after them, then why not let her take her shot? At worst they'll kill her and lose half their people in the process, at best she'll kill them and accidently destroy a few crimson weapons.

Ruby: You've been keeping tabs..... Impressive but worthless if you are going to stand around and do nothing. She is not the brightest, i doubt she will think of something like that. That is why i came up with a simple and easy plan and guess what, it involves you two.

Megae: Do I get to kill them?

Shanice: That's my part of the plan. Just keep in mind, Ruby, I don't like turning into big things. It weakens my mana. So what's your plan oh intelligent one?

Ruby: Simple. Launch an attack on them. I'll handle the rest. Feel free to do it anytime you want.

Shanice: Someone's keeping hush hush about it huh? Would telling us what we're launching an attack for really jeopardize the plan?

Ruby: Looks like i overestimated your intelligence. The Children of course. Or are you too afraid they will kill you?

Shanice: Don't try to insult me! That group can't be taken lightly anymore. If we're going to attack them this time, you better not screw up. Running away all the time isn't my style.

Ruby: Sure, sure whatever you say. I'll drop by when you are ready.

Shanice: Alright then ... Megae, get your blades ready. When they leave the mansion we'll follow them to a nice sweet spot. Somewhere shady where they'll get easily turned around. I've got a little surprise for them of my own heheh. There's a lot of them too so this should be fun.

Megae: A lot? New ones to cut?!

Shanice let a dark grin cross its face as it answered ...

Shanice: ... yeah, lots and lots of new ones for you, Megae >:)

Megae: Yes!

Ruby: I see you two are not as cowardly as I thought you were but you're late. They left the mansion. They are headed to the Dragon Graveyard.

Shanice: The graveyard? Hahahaaah! Perfect. That gives Megae and I plenty of cover.

Ruby: Have fun.....

OOC: *waits for Psychout to freak out* :hat:

EDIT: Had to change one part of Lev's reply a little bit.

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Tessa wasn't really in the mood for lectures at the moment, even if she had earned them, even if there was wisdom in them. Not lectures from Damian anyways. As he finished speaking, she realized he was no longer holding quite so tight, and pulled her arm away. Rubbing her wrist with her other hand, she stared back at him a bit longer. That last bit, where he'd told her she was a credit to the team, almost softened her up, but for some reason she didn't want to be won over. Not just yet. There was something cathartic about being angry, and she wasn't willing to give it up.

"...next thing you know, we'll be attacking unicorns. I'll be disregarding my own welfare then too, just you see." she grumbled, before turning away and stamping off to rejoin Trevor and the rest.

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"Possibly." said Morgan to Alferis. "He seems concerned about desecrating graves or some nonsense, so he may attempt to spy on us or prevent us from entering. He may have a juvenile demeanor, but he's still dangerous so we should be on our guard."

"Friendly?" Morgan seemed a little taken aback by Lev's comment. "I tell people what they need to hear, not what they wish to hear. Perhaps you just appreciate this more than most."

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"Lev is a oaf whom separates his work from his pleasure by discarding the pleasure." snapped Esphyr, finally free of the shock that had befallen her from the sudden transformation of the child. "He's not fit to serve as a slave, why do you think him focused? The only way he would focus on something would be if you drew a chest onto it."

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Lev: Morgan, I work for Ivanko. You haven't chucked a tomahawk at me while I was in the middle of conversation with a woman, or sicked a bull wyvern on me. That's pretty damn friendly in my book.

Just then Esphyr snapped at him yet again, hoping to dissuade Morgan this time it seemed.

Lev: Ah Esphyr, how are you doing? Say when are you and Irina going to kiss and make up? Unit cohesion is important you know ^_^

EDIT: Added Esphyr response

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Pary decided to go over and talk to Charlotte.

"Hello sister, are you okay? I still an't believe there are still living dragons like that one.



"All right Verry, you know the plan? Repeat it back to me!"

"Yes sis! We hid in the different mausoleums and jump out and hit them with our long range tomes when they're in the center. That'll set off the fire traps preventing them from escaping, and the skeletons will burst out. Then the archers climb the building to stop the big ugly wyverns!"

"Ugh. Ugh guh!"

"Right Marry! Let's get into position. They'll be here soon. I can sense it. Though I'm getting a nagging feeling I don't like one bit. The spiders can be warped in if they need to. Keep your tome out Verry, you don't want to be caught off gaurd."

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"Even when faced with a golden dragon, a being of the highest order, he is still more focused on women than work. Morgan. Did you pay attention to his words? He doesn't want us going near the graveyard, yet he himself is a child. What do you think that means?"

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"I notice Lev does not go around shaking children and turning them into hostile dragons." Morgan glared disapprovingly at Esphyr. "He may have some relations with women you find distasteful, but he's able to seperate this from his work most of the time, better than Damian at least."

She turned to Alferis. "We should get moving soon, but if you wish to coddle someone, choose Ms. Holier than Thou cleric over there or somesuch, I am much tougher than I appear to be."

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"For someone seeking to claim rational, the obvious has slipped by you with ease Morgan. He's a child. That means he has parents. They may be dead, but at some point he had them. If he had them, then that means that there can easily be more dragon kin than we previously expected. Where would dragons gather that is shielded from the eyes of man?"

OOC: No. The GY is a ruined city. However, Esphyr's eduction isn't stupid. Just mis-informed.

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Lev: Don't worry about Morgan. She's got magic, some cases to use for cover, and my axe for the time being. I'm sure she'll be fine <_<

And Esphyr what are you getting at? You think we'll run into a swarm of them there? I don't see real problem with that as long as they're friendly and the crazies in these group don't do anything stupid. Hell, more dragons might be better than dragon slaying weapons if the goal is to kill Helenos.

EDIT: Accent insertion.

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Morgan rolled her eyes at Alferis.

"His words seemed to indicate that most of his kin were dead, killed by humans was the impression that I received. Besides, the fact that it is known as a graveyard makes it unlikely that it harbors many living dragons. There may be more than just the child I admit, but we should continue with our quest, simply remain vigilant."

"He was...majestic wasn't he?" Charlotte responded to Pary. "But he seemed so sad...and only a child. I wish we could help him somehow."

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"Well Esphyr did talk about his father, so it seems he must have family. But even as a child he was huge. I believe it might have been something the bandit said that made him cry, but what?"

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OOC: Retconning.

Reika was watching the proceedings with boredom. They should've just killed the kid and moved on, but no, they had to act like big heroes and now they're organizing into comitees as usual.

"Oi! Let's get a move on huh?"

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"Here's the kicker. I know his father, as I mentioned when I confronted him. Though a minor lord, there has been no news of his death. Therefore, we know we need to keep a lookout for at least one more, much older dragon. A older dragon that may be annoyed at us for this confrontation." said Esphyr.

"I wonder if any of the other flights survived." asked the headmaster, striking a curious look. "Would be nice to meet a green again for sure."

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"I have an idea of why he might have been so sad." Charlotte piped up. "Esphyr remembers seeing his father, but not his mother. Perhaps she's gone? And he's just a child too..." her face grew sad. "If we visit the dragon graveyard, maybe we should try to pay our respects to her? It's the least we can do."

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"How can you be so heartless? We must still take the time to pay respects to all beings who have lost the gift of life. One does not take the pressure of death so seriously."

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