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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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"Oh this is just great," Chase groaned. He drew the Zephyrtwine, and with a cry of "I'll get this!" several of the skeletons had arrows sticking out of them... to little effect. "D-damn, that won't work..." he muttered.

Not very far away at all, Conrad muttered similar curses. "Brilliant... I can handle this, though. Why don't you guys go back to your graves!" he shouted, and swung the Earthshaker into the ground right in front of the skeletons.


The ground shook from the axe's swing, and Conrad followed up the attack by bashing a skeleton's skull in.

EDIT: This is plot. Also, you can't give out exp... and waaaayyy too manyyy duuuudesss.

Edited by Lightning
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"Flowers... that's a wonderfully thoughtful idea of you, Charlotte," Tessa held out her hand to take a few, while continuing to speak. "We won't even need to place them anywhere particular. The thought alone, and a prayer to The Lady should be enough. And since the whole city is ruined anyways... even if our thoughts were not to be guided to the proper place, surely the concern would find and comfort some departed soul."

She was still smiling faintly, when a sudden cacophony ensued, as fires broke out some distance behind the group, accompanied by the howls of wolves, and sudden unnatural strikes of lightning.

"What's happening? An ambush!?" she cried out, looking around, assessing the situation.

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Alferis saw Charlotte and Tessa falling behind and caught with surprise. Going back, he reached out to Charlotte, grabbing her hand.

"Get on!" he yelled, trying not to fall off. If he lived through this, he would try to learn how to ride a horse better.

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"Not so fast!"

The soliders stood with weapons drawn. None of them were moving, but they were poised for attack.

The group looked towards where the voice came from. Three girls in black cloaks stood upon the old church. It was the tallest building, and easy to see them on top.

"You stopped Helenos. But you won't be so lucky this time! The shadow mages! Berry!"



"Hand over the crimson tomes! We're here for the anima tomes and just them! The others can get out! Girls!"



Another tornado, meteor stood poised above the group. A bolt could been seen forming out of the air.

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Suddenly there seemed to be a lot less skeletons than before!

Sword Skeleton x10

HP: 9 Atk:3 Hit:4 Spd:1 Def:2 Res:0

Lance Skeleton x10

HP:9 Atk:4 Hit:3 Spd:1 Def:2 Res:0

Archer Skeleton x5

HP:9 Atk:4 Hit:4 Spd:2 Def:2 Res:0

1 Exp per hit, 3 for a kill.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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As the skeletons rose up, Esphyr was more than ready for their onslaught. That is to say, instead of simply staring in dumbstruck awe, she drew her sword with haste born of many mercenary fights. She didn't need any coaxing or establishment of what to do, her goal was clear. Hack through the enemies! Spotting one of the nearest soldiers, she decided that would be the perfect place to start. After all, a lance using skele would have an advantage upon her. With a battlecry on her lips, she brought her sword down in a mighty overhead cleave, severing one of the skeletons shoulders from it's body. However, the monster was not so easily felled by an otherwise mortal wound. It swung at Esphyr, catching her in the chest. The merc was saved from a major wound only by her leather armor, but the blow still cut through the skin. Not about to just take that, Esphyr punched at the skeleton, slamming it's head off and sending it knocking back wildly as the body collapsed into a heap.

OOC: Arcanium Active for Esphyr. Attacking Sword Skeleton 7.

Rolls: 5, 3, 6. Hit on RES! 7 damage dealt to Skeleton 7. Skeleton HP 2/9

Skeleton 7 counters! 2, 2, 1. Hit for 1 damage. Esphyr HP 5/9

Esphyr doubles!: 3, 2, 1. Hit for more than two damage. Skeleton 7 dead. Esphyr gains 3 EXP

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Reika jumped off the horse and aimed for the sword skeleton nearby.

"Calamity," she muttered, swiping at a skeleton twice, completely obliterating it with a two strong blows.

Reika (3,3,4) Hit! 3+3= 6-2= 4 Skeleton 5/9 Reika 8/9

Skeleton (1,4,1) Miss!

Reika (6,5,6) Hit! 5+3= 8-2= 6 Skeleton 0/9 Reika 7/9

Reika earns 3 exp.

Edited by Dark Sage
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As the skeleton masses appeared,Aiya readied Ulfhrahn.

"You ready boy?"

An enthusiastic roar,at which Aiya drew her Zweihander and rushed a sword-wielding Skeleton!She swung the blade wide over her head,and the skeleton was cut in half with a single blow!

As they descended,Damian readied his Silver lance,and struck out at a nearby skeleton,the force of the blow causing the mass of bones to shatter on impact!

Combat Phase start

Aiya(heavy strike activated,+3)(3,2,1) 4 Hit - 1 Avo,hit! 11 mt - 2 Def,9 damage!

Sword Skeleton is down!Roll

Damian(3,5,4) 7 hit - 1 Avo,hit! 11 Mt - 2 Def,9 damage!

Sword Skeleton is Down!Roll

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Lev: Three magi? What's these about? If they're after the anima tomes then Iso, Arrin, and Helios need to be protected.

Irina didn't waste any time and had Kiev launch at the nearest skeleton, even with Iso and Katie still on top! She landed a massive blow with her lance, but was countered! The attack injured Kiev's wing, but he stayed airborne and came around for another pass! Irina stabbed her lance into the skeleton's head this time and took it clean off!

Irina: Hahaaaah!

Lev: You've got precious cargo, Irina! Be careful.

Viveka quickly assaulted a skeleton and destroyed it after two hits but she took a hit herself somehow!

Viveka: Urgh! Well at least it won't leave a scar ... heh.

Lev: You too! You're ARE precious cargo!

Viveka: Shut up! Why don't you help?!

Lev: Don't you remember? I'm carrying all your stuff. Krin's in no condition to fight.

Viveka: ... drat ...

While flying along with Irina, iso spotted another skeleton with its guard down! He quickly threw a fireball at it, and the skeleton was destroyed on impact! He turned back to Katie with a smile!

Iso: Improving, no? :)

Irina rolls 6,3,5

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2600335/ (attacking sword skeleton)

HIT 9 vs Evade 1 = HIT

DMG 9 vs DEF 2 = -7 hp

Skeleton S rolls 5,6,4


HIT 9 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 9 vs DEF 5 = -4 hp

Irina rolls 5,5,4


HIT 8 vs Evade 1 = HIT

DMG 11 vs DEF 2 = -9 hp

Irina HP 8/12

Skeleton S #10 HP 0/9

Irina Exp: +3 (+5)


Viveka rolls 6,5,3


HIT 8 vs Evade 2 = HIT

DMG 7 vs DEF 2 = -5 hp


Viveka rolls 1,5,4


HIT 3 vs Evade 2 = HIT

DMG 7 vs DEF 2 = -5 hp

Viveka HP 12/12

Skeleton S HP 0/9

Viveka Exp: +3 (+5)

Iso rolls 4,4,2


HIT 8 vs Evade 2 = HIT

DMG 9 vs RES 0 = -9 hp

Iso HP 9/9

Skeleton S HP 0/9

Iso Exp: +3 (+5)

EDIT: Added Viveka's attack and Iso's attack

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Stats: Hp:3 Str:0 Mag:3 Skl:5 Spd:4 Lck:2 Def:1 Res:4

Simplified: Hp:9 Damage:3 Hit:5 Avo:5 Def:1 Res:4



Stats: Hp:3 Str:2 Mag:5 Skl:3 Spd:4 Lck:2 Def:1 Res:4

Simplified: Hp:9 Damage:5 Hit:3 Avo:5 Def:1 Res:4



Stats: Hp:3 Str:1 Mag:4 Skl:4 Spd:4 Lck:2 Def:1 Res:4

Simplified: Hp:9 Damage:4 Hit:4 Avo:5 Def:1 Res:4

"A wyvern! Get her Marry! Verry! Aim for that archer!"


Marry vs. Irina

Marry rolls 6,2,6.

Hit! Damage delt: 7. Irina 1/12


Verry vs. Chase

Verry rolls 4,6,2.

Hit! Damage delt: 10. Chase KO'd.


Berry vs. Tessa

Berry rolls 5,1,6.

Hit! Damage delt: 1.

Edited by psychout50
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Arrin held on tight to Tessa, not letting go until she did.

There was no time for discussion afterward, though: a legion of skeletons had risen up to fight. The horses spooked again, worse this time.

"What the--" Kelas demanded, bow already up. She aimed for one of the skeletal archers.

Kelas: (4,6,3) Hit! Kelas does 8 damage!

The skeleton returned fire.

Skeleton archer 1: (4,4,6) Hit! Skeleton does 5 damage!

Kelas finished it off with another shot, severing its spine.

Kelas: (6,4,2) Hit! Skeleton dies!

Arrin drew up close to Tessa again, determined to protect her. He aimed for one of the further-away sword-users.

Arrin: (2,3,2) Hit! Arrin does 9 damage! Skeleton Sword 1 dies! Arrin takes 1 damage!

Kelas 7/12 Arrin 8/9 Kelas 3 EXP Arrin 3 EXP

OOCedit: Ah damn, if my connection hadn't screwed up, I'dve seen Tessa get attacked and gone for that one instead. Ah well.

Edited in some catchup stuff.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Shrugging off the minor magical blow Tessa had been hit with, she headed swiftly toward Irina, who was badly wounded. "Fly lower!" She cried out, and as Kiev complied, she reached out with her staff and healed the wyvern rider.

(Irina 1/12-> 7/12)

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Alferis stood protectively in front of Charlotte, ready to defend her. He wondered how Reika was making out, there were so many skeletons. He saw one with a lance charge towards him.

"Ok monkey. Hope you don't mind a crushed skull." He swung, lodging his axe in the skull. Unfortunately, the skeleton stabbed him hard enough that he toppled over unconcious.

Alferis (4,3,1) Hit! 3+3= 6-2+1= 5 damage. Skeleton 4/9

Skeleton (5,5,5) Hit! Critical! 5+4= 9-2= 7x2= 14 damage.

Alferis saving throw failed.

Alferis falls.

OOC: Man, why am I always unlucky with criticals? :facepalm:

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The skeletons were advancing.Chase and Alferis had gone down already,and several others had taken hits.

"Everyone,be careful!" Damian called out,jumping off of Ulfhrahn's back,and down towards a skeleton!

With two quick jabs,the skeleton crumbled,and Damian readied a defensive stance.

After Damian leapt off,Aiya charged another skeleton!With a heavy swing,the demonic creature fell apart at first contact!

Combat phase start

Damian(5,4,5) 9 hit - 1 Avo,hit! 10 Mt - 2 def,8 Damage!

Skeleton(4,4,3) 7 hit - 7 Avo,miss!

Damian(2,4,2) 6 hit - 1 avo,Hit! 10 Mt - 2 def,8 Damage!

Sword Skeleton Down!

Aiya(2,4,5) 3 hit - 1 avo,hit! 13 mt - 2 def,11 damage!

Sword Skeleton down!

EDIT: Forgot to link rolls,sorry,XD

Aiya's roll

Damian's roll

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Cess rolled 5,4,1.

Hit! Lance Skeleton 8 KO'd.


Pary ran over to Tessa and raised his staff! Tessa 9/9 :awesome:


Marry vs. Aiya

Marry rolled 5,5,3.

Hit! Damage delt: 10. Aiya 5/15.


Berry vs. Aiya

Berry rolled 4,2,3.

Hit! Damage delt: 5. Aiya KO'd!


Verry vs Esphyr

Verry rolled 4,4,4.

Hit! Critical! Damage delt: 6 Esphyr 1/9

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Charlotte saw Alferis fall to lance wound, and it was charging towards her! She caleld upon the Goddess to smite it down.

(1,2,4)= 6 damage Skeleton dead. link

She then laned over with her staff, attempting to keep Alferis from dying.

Morgan attacked an archer skeleton with Midnight from atop Krinkov.

(6,2,6)= 9 damage. link It distentegrated, Morgan takes 1 damage.

OOC: Remaining skeletons= 11/25. 4 archers, 5 lancemen, 2 swordsmen I think

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"Alright! We're done fooling around!"

The girls melted from their spot, into the church. They appeared in front of the group fighting.

"Send in the spiders!" Three giant spiders, easily the size of a wyvern, climbed over the church. "Spiders attack them! Soldiers, form up!"

The soliders ignored the others, surrounding Iso, Helios, and Arrin. They moved foward to strike, but allowed them to head towards the mages.

"Grab that girl he's trying to protect too!" The archers made a move towards Katie.

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IC: Despite her wounding, Esphyr was far from ready to lay down and die. She was still in prime fighting form, and what's more, she knew full well where she had to target to harm the skele's now. Lifting her blade overhead, she brought it down upon another sword skeleton, the edge of the blade bashing through the skull of the monster with ease and sending it collapsing to the ground.


Katie gave a small gulp as she readied her tome. Though this time it was neither to bash or write, but instead to be raised as a shield in the event the archers decided to assault her.

OOC: Esphyr attacks! 6, 6, 6.


*goes to purify dice* Anyways, Sword Skele dead. Do I really need to crunch the numbers? Anyways, back.

Edit: Put in Katie bit.

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"Urghh..." Chase muttered as he fell to the ground. "I don't... feel very good..." he said weakly, and collapsed.

"These thing's won't stop coming, will they?!" Conrad shouted. "Grr, fine! You, take this!" he said, outraged at the turn of events, and swung his axe at one of the lance skeletons.

... Rolls coming soon. Conrad's stats for reference: http://www.feplanet.net/files/pages/sprites/tools/sheet7.php?id=6424b644f7016f9ca2c7764ee0625000 Yeah, I know it says Conroy as the title, ignore that.



Second one is for the skeleton.

Conrad smashed the Crimson Axe into the skeleton's side, greatly weakening it! The skeleton's counterattack glanced off his armor, and Conrad crushed the skeleton with a final blow!

5, 1, 3: Hit, Conrad deals 5 damage (7-2)! Conrad takes 1 recoil damage!
4, 1, 2: Hit, skeleton deals 0 damage (6-6)!
6, 2, 6: Hit, Conrad deals 6 damage (8-2)! Skeleton down, Conrad takes 1 recoil damage!

Conrad gets 8 exp (5 for existing, 3 for kill)

Edited by Lightning
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Tessa managed to heal Epshyr before the hordes of skeletons managed to surround Arrin, and her by proxy due to his refusal to be more than a handful of paces from her. She looked around, grimly determined, trying to look for a weak spot to tell him to blast for so they could break free.

(Esphyr 1/x -> 7/x)

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Reika saw Alferis on the ground bleeding with Charlotte protecting his body. Must've been a really bad wound. she thought, heading towards him. There were a couple of skeletons in that area. More stuff for her to kill.

She tumbled towards a skeleton with a bow in his hand. She cut it in half with just one blow.

Reika (3,4,4) Hit! Critical! 4+3= 7-2= 5x2= 10 damage. Skeleton 0/9 Reika 6/9

Reika gains 3 EXP.

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"Aiya!" Seeing her take two hits from the mages,Damian was concerned instantly.Ulfhrahn seemed to have the situation under control,however,and one of the lance wielding skeletons was too close for comfort.

"Aiya...these fuckers...are dead!"

With a shrill cry,Damian lunged at the nearby skeleton,ramming the Silver lance through it's head!The second blow was with the shaft,but the force alone crushed the bonework into a fine powder!

Combat phase start.

Damian(4,6,5) 8 hit - 1 Avo,hit! 10 Mt - 2 def,8 Damage!

Skeleton(1,1,2) 4 hit - 6 Avo,miss!

Damian(5,6,2) 9 hit - 1 avo,hit! 10 mt - 2 def,8 Damage!

Skeleton(Lance) is down!Roll

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