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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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OOC: Spawn. Iso. Now.

Helios flung Hellsety again. Then a surge of pain hit him. He couldnt stand up. Hellsety drained him. He couldnt use it anymore. He fell on his knees. "Crap he said looking up at Megae.

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Charlotte noticed the appearance of that purple thing again...and that stabbing woman. With so many wounded, she could easily go on a killing spree. Charlotte had to think fast...

"HEY BITCH!" she shouted over the chaos. "OVER HERE!" She took out her light tome and zapped Megae, not causing much damage, but probably getting her attention.

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Everyone ... even Shanice

With Helios drained by his own attack, Shanice threw his head back laughing and then grabbed him by the collar! He raised the wind mage up off the ground while his right hand glowed with the distinct aura of darkness! His hand quickly caught on fire! The azure flames wrapped around his hand as it approached to sever Helios from Hellsety!

Shanice: ... it usually doesn't hurt when I do this to people ... but I'll make and exception for you >:)

Up in the sky, Irina noticed the purple demon about to attack Helios and quickly swooped to intercept them!

Iso: Bring us in close! I'll hit him!

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"I'm alright," Arrin said shakily.

"Not RED!" a terribly familiar red-and-black figure shrilled, heading straight for Tessa, ignoring a bolt of lightning from Charlotte. Arrin flung himself in front of Tessa.

"Shit!" Megae stopped short, but not fast enough to keep her blade from biting into Arrin's side. Looking troubled, she headed towards Charlotte, both blades poised for a kill.

"ARRIN!" Kelas turned Amari to head for Arrin, but even as he collapsed against Tessa, he shook his head.

"Can't... hurt... me..." he choked. "Save... self."

"You idiot!" Kelas galloped through the fray, heading for Arrin.

OOC: Intercept whichever. Still trying to make sense of things.

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"GRRR! You're taking my treasure Shanice! It was all my hard work! I'll be sure to let Helenos know that! But fine! I'll help you! Girls! Finish off the Thunder mage! His ugly sister and girlfriend are going down! They're in the way! And my arm!"

"Right sis!"

"Ug! Ugh, guh!"

"Leave the wyven to his stab happy girlfrind, the skeletons aren't in shape to fight her off. We can come back for the fire mage later!"


Pary moved to help Kelas. She was near that swordmaster, and not in great shape.

Kelas +5 HP (I'm not sure of her current)

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A thin vein popped out on the headmasters forehead. Being about three living half-spirits of dark decent was not something of ease for her. She could feel her blood boiling, and... She had to... She had... She had to drive away the darkness!

"KEEEEYAAAAAA!" she screamed in a shrill voice loud enough to wake the dead as her six wings fanned out. With a burst of speed, she leapt down from her perch as she shot down towards the main group. Her body was covered from head to toe in green armor, as translucent as glass, but as tough as metal. In her left hand was a shield, formed entirely of hyper-thicked mana networking to the point where it seemed to be like a steel shield, only resistant to magic as well. In her right hand was a sword. Green was the metal it was forged from and green was the decorative tracings upon it like flowing script.

"DEATH TO THE SHADOWS!" she bellowed out as she landed firmly before Katie, facing the group. Her amber eyes seemed to be tainted red, filled with the power of her bloodlust.

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Shanice: What? This is my fire, idiot! What are you talking abo-

Iso: Hey, Shanice!!

The ice demon turned around just in time to see a flash of red! His eyesight was burned out as his head disappeared in the small explosion! Helios fell onto his feet as Shanice released him, and Irina took the opportunity to stab Shanice in the chest as Kiev flew by! They flew straight into a wall, where Shanice was pinned! The tip of Irina's killing lance was broken off, but Shanice was still impaled! Kiev bumped his head but was alright!


Irina: Nice shot.

Iso: You too. Hey, Helios! Are you alright?!

Shanice: K-k-kiiiill ... y-youuuu ... grrrrrr!!

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"Gahh! Erg! Maa!"

"Sis....what is that? I'm scared!"

"I don't like the looks of this. But even if Shanice gets the book, it's still because of us! And the group is weak, we can regroup and fight later. Protect Shanice! But warp out if she tries to attack us!"

The girls formed a wall around the demon. He was damaged, but he could be saved. The swordmaster was causing her own damage elsewhere.

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"Yeah im alright. He took out his dagger and edged towards Shanice. Then darkness. There was a circle on the ground. The darkness formed into a slender body. The robed figure took out a sword and impaled Helios. A circle appeared under Shanice's body and at Megae shoes. They warped away. Ruby stood there revealing her sword. "Go" she said to the mages.

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THe three girls fired a single spell all together at the wind mage. Berry made a move to make sure he was out could and to grab him, while Marry and Verry went to grab his hands.

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A pair of navy eyes,lustre gone.Painted a deep scarlet.

The body rose.Ulfhrahn was surprised,Damian should not be up so quickly.


The lance appeared out of nowhere,and suddenly,the air was heavy.

It was like a murderous smog,breathing was suddenly difficult.


Damian,no...the Gae-Borg was only using his body...sprung,attacking the demoness Megae!


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Reika tumbled out of the way of the demons. She was safe because of her weapon. Taking out her last vulnerary, she applied it all over her body.

Reika restored 5 hp. Now 6/9

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With a mighty lunge, the headmaster swung her blade at the girls. Despite seemingly being out of range, the sword she had formed suddenly issued forth a blade of air that shot forth, seeking to cut through the girls.

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As Arrin jumped right in the way of the oncoming blade dervish Tessa couldn't react fast enough. The effect was the same as the last time it had happened, however. The she-demon had come to a halt, apparently either unable or unwilling to hurt Arrin. From the gleeful cries of 'not red' whenever it had rushed at her, the reasoning behind this was rather abundantly clear.

As the whirling swords retreated, seeking other prey for now, Arrin collapsed up against her, and she realized that, no, something was not the same as the last time this had happened. She'd been unable to see it from where she'd been standing, but the demon's blade had bit into her friend's side, and he was trying to tell her to just save herself.

"You fool! You expect me to be able to run away when someone is wounded, maybe even dying right in front of me? Especially someone I care about! You know me better than that," she chastised, perhaps more harshly than intended, due to how frightened and concerned she was for his well-being.

"Just, here, hold on," she said, wrapping his arms around her shoulder. The battlefield still was nowhere near safe enough where she could lay him down and get him proper treatment, so she had to improvise. This fresh wound coming so quickly on the heels of the one she'd just cared for was troublesome, bodies were only meant to handle so much abuse. Firmly pressing her hand against the wound, she continued to pray to The Lady for aid, while trying to keep an eye on the situation around them.

"Stick with me here, I'm not going anywhere without you, and you're going to be OK. Nothing else will hurt you. Not now, not anymore, at least" she promised Arrin. She wasn't sure how well she could manage, but she'd do her damnedest to keep him out of danger.

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OOC: No Kai. My posts are making sense, and following the rules. Did not happen.

"Grr! Stupid mage! How can you still stand!" Berry kicked him twice in the gut, before warping into the shadows. Her sisters followed the kick and retreat as well.


Pary could see people dropping everywhere, but even with the three healers there were too many. The troubadou was helping the mage, but his wounds were too large.

He ran over to take a look, kneeling, and aiming the staff directly on the wound.

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Morgan surveyed the scene. For one of the few times in her life, she was unsure of what to do. Demons working for Helenos, demons working for the Lord of Azure Flame, it was a mess.

In the chaos Morgan noticed Damian getting up again...without the aid of healer. Good thing I read those research notes

She proceeded to blast Damian with nonlethal force, knocking him to the ground.

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A blast of magical force.

The red in his eyes faded instantly,collapsing to the ground,blood now flowing from his mouth,and down his face,pooling beneath him,eyes now a dull blue...no shine,no spark...the way one would imagine the eyes of one who had lost their very soul...

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Morgan lept off of Krinkov to check on Damian. His eyes are a normal color at least, but I won't know for certain until he wakes up

Charlotte began to tend to the grievously wounded, Aiya being her first recipient as she had been out the longest.

Edit: That was unintentional!

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With the abscess of the three shadow spirits, the bloodlust started to slowly ebb away from the Headmasters eyes, returning them to their calmer amber coloring. The green armor, shield, and sword which she had wielded slowly started to fade away, returning to their translucent state before outright vanishing. Exhausted, the headmaster took one weary glance about the world... then toppled forwards to fall flat on her face!


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A large rocky figure moved towards the dragon graveyard. The earth shook BOOM BOOM, much like the Crimson Axe falling to the ground.

Suddenly, 3 familiar figures appeared before him.

"So, by your exit I assume you got the weapons yes?" Petros asked Ruby, Megae, and Shanice in a low, gravelly voice. "I was coming you know, you three just move too fast for me to keep up <_< "

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Shanice: Two seconds ... I was two seconds from swiping the wind tome! Dammit!

He then looked down at the gaping hole in his chest ...

Shanice: ... one sec ...

Shanice put his hands over his chest and began shifting his chest back to its previous form effectively healing the injury, though not his bruised pride.


When the headmaster collapsed, Katie was quickly on the scene(cause ... I don't know ... seems right to me ... feel free to retcon, Snowy). Iso, and Irina weren't far behind. A lot of people were injured though and the healers had much work to do. Iso and Katie bent down over the headmaster.

Iso: Is she okay?

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