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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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OOC: Alferis just said the same thing that Pary did last page. Ololol.

"Well..." Morgan started hesitantly, unsure of whether the entire group should be privy to this information. "Damian experienced some negative effects due to falling unconscious in the last battle. Like most of the Crimson Weapons, Gae-Borg is fairly unstable. Though Damian manages to control the weapon's bloodlust most of the time, it was able to take advantage of him in his weakened state. I managed to knock him out, but whether he will wake up himself is unknown."

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"Shutup Shanice, your incompetence is what forced me to retreat anyways. Had you not been injured i wouldnt have to warp away. I doubt in your state you would have been able to turn into any of your forms." Turning to Petro's she spoke. "One more time She begged him. I will bring all of their heads, this time i wont mess up." Then she noticed the mages. "Where is the wind mage?"

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"Look girly! Back away from him! He's mine! ♥ We couldn't grab him, since Shanice let him go when we were trying to protect him from that stupid headmaster. Now Shanice, come explain to Helenos why we lost them all, when you had one in your hands AND YOU WERE ALREADY TAKING THE WEAPON HONEY! ♥ "


Pary looked around. The most critical people seemed to be taken care of. He walked toward the General. He didn't seem to have taken any hits during battle thanks to his armor, but his weapon might have drained him.

"General, do you have any wounds?"


Cess moved through the church. The hallways were dusty, and covered in webs. He headed for the main sanctuary. Inside, the pews had rotted through, and large pictures could be seen on the walls. The pictures had rotted, and all that could be seen were the frames.

He walked up to the mantle, and examined it. There seemed to be a draft in the room, and it was coming from behind it. He pushed it aside, and a large staircase down appeared in the doorway. He ran back to Morgan.

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Ruby's grip on her blade got tighter to the point her hand started bleeding. "You..... let..... him..... go..... even after i warped Shanice away?"

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OOC: Shan is still kinda holler shouty.


Shanice: Grrrrr-don't call me honey, shadow! Helenos is a traitor! We're on different sides here! If you don't want to incur the Lord's wrath you'll get on board with us and ditch the drakess quickly :angry:

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"The Headmaster tried to attack us after he left! We could do both! And honey, sweetie, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT SHANICE! I'll see you later sugar! And when I do, you won't like it! ♥ "

The girl burst back into shadows and dissapeared off the trees. The demons stood on the ground talking amongst themselves.

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"Traitors." he said simply with disdain" as they warped away. "We should just crush them in the future, they will only hinder our efforts to gain the Crimson Weapons in the future."

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"No, we can use for them in the future. They managed to defeat a couple of them. They will serve well as a distraction."

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"Have they wronged us?" Megae asked quietly, sweetly. The followup question, "Can I kill them," was merely implied.

??? (look at me now I'm doing that)

Someone was causing a ruckus, more than she'd heard for ages. The ancient one stirred, sat up.

Sniffs of the air, eyes adjusting to the light: the world had changed while she slept, it seemed. And faint, carried on the air... yes. Helenos. Oh no, not again, she thought, stretching limbs long unused. She'd have to get up...

Well, perhaps five more years to sleep, perhaps...

Moving into a sunny spot, she curled up to sleep again, ignoring the scurryings of the humans nearby.

OOC: Don't worry, she doesn't bite, and she's Snowy-approved. The group's not quite near her yet, but they'll stumble across her soon enough. You really want to know who she is beforehand... well, go have a look at my CC post/profile.

Meanwhile... ~waits to see if anyone does anything with Kelas/Arrin~

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Shanice: Honey-honey-honey ... honey this!!

Shanice quickly sprouted the tail of a dragon and his body doubled in size as he spun around to slash down the tree the girls had vanished from! He reverted back to normal in a split second! The tree fell over and hit the ground with a very loud crash!

Shanice: Grrrrr ... Helenos already has enough allies. Those three have to go ... :angry:

Shanice then turned to Megae who was a little quiet.

Shanice: If they show up again trying to act all cute, slice'em in half! If they're going to fight for the traitor then they're going to die right along with'er!

EDIT: Added Megae reply.

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Everyone not under the horrible effects of battlefield attrition

Iso stood up while Katie tended to the headmaster and walked the short distance to Kelas with his hand over his chest. The wound was healed, and the pain was gone, but he'd never had an injury quite like that before.

Iso: Kelas, thanks for watching my back out there. I could've been hurt ... well worse than I was, and so could Katie if you hadn't helped us out. You're not too banged up yourself are you?

OOC: IsoxKelas is so a C, man XD

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OOC: Since Esphyr was only knocked down and not out, I am still capable of posting with her!

IC: Pain. That was the only way to describe what Esphyr felt. Not just physical pain, but pain as she watched as the group was pushed to it's limits, almost to the breaking point; only to watch as Damian's lance overtook his mind. As he stood up, it felt as if she was being pierced; but she could do little. She was bloodied. She wasn't a idiot. If she so much as raised her voice to resist, it could result in her demise. No point at all in speaking, or anything else. All she could do is simply wait until she was healed.

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OOC: I see and opening!


While Kiev followed Iso around, Irina started walking. She quickly spotted Esphyr who looked ... like she'd seen hell itself. She came closer and lowered herself, balancing on her toes with her knees out in front of her(gargoyle stance?).

Irina: Are you alright?

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Alferis looked over around for more of the wounded. He was concerned for the wounded, and come to think of it, he hadn't noticed Esphyr.

He saw her lying on the ground, unconcious but she appeared to be dying. He jumped from the horse and ran to her.

"Esphyr!" He picked her up and carried her on his back. "Don't worry Esphyr, you're going to be ok. I'm taking you to Tessa. Don't say a thing."

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A soft groan came from Esphyr as she was lifted up. She didn't dare risk speaking, due to her cracked ribs. If she spoke, she knew she risked rupturing her lungs. Still, she tried ever so feebily to give a 'thumbs up' response to Irina.

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He walked carefully to make sure she didn't fall off. He was interested in her and she won his respect ever since the Travis incident. He saw Charlotte leaning over, but she was the closest. He had to ask her.

"Charlotte, I know you're tired, but Esphyr. She's..."

OOC: Not romantic interest.

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Morgan was still watching Damian like a hawk.

"Morgan! I found something. In the church! A staircase!" He panted, and paused to catch his breath.


Pary saw the bandit go over towards Charlotte. She had been healing a lot more people more rapidly than him, she had to be tired. He walked over to them and stood in front of her. The bandit laid Esphyr on the ground, and he held his staff over her body.

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"'m all right," Kelas replied tiredly. "It just me, or was that attack worse than any of the others we've dealt with so far? Or just stranger?" She glanced up. "You sure you're all-- wait, what the hell happened to you after I shot that thing off you?!"

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As Pary stood with his staff raised over Esphyr, the woman had no choice but to accept. She needed healing, and he was offering it. Yet as white light shot forth from his staff to cover her body, she found an odd sense of bliss. Her wounds were mended, and thankfully, the bones set and healed.

"I'm okay..." she at last managed to croak out in a weak, winded voice. "Thanks Aiya, Alf."

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Iso: That attack was absolutely over the top. They didn't let up on us, and then Shanice showed up again ... he seemed ... neutral.

Kelas then asked him about what happened after she saved him.

Iso: I uh ... took a bad hit that would probably have killed Irina or Katie. I had to burn the wound shut to keep myself alive, and I nearly passed out a few times. I'm alright now.

As Esphyr thanked them, she seemed to have called out the wrong name.

Irina: I'm not Aiya ... I'm Irina :/

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