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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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A sharp intake came from Esphyr's mouth at the sight of the wound. "Alf, I've taken a few bad ones in my time, trust me when I say that that wound needs some attending too. Irina, you want to help?"

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OOC: Iso: Yeah I'm fine now. Just need to find Katie's lap and rest my head there. Have you seen it anywhere?

Everyone that isn't Shanice

Iso: Yeah, I'm fine now. Don't worry so much ... though I can't blame you really. So what should we do while Morgan and the others go exploring?

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The innermost workings of the psyche.A difficult place to understand,or traverse,in any human.

The Gae-Borg turned in into a living hell.Chaos and malice,burning like an inferno,enraged at it's own failure.

'Gah!So close!I was so close to tasting sweet blood!'

The demonic energy had made a break for it when it had gotten a chance,but had quickly been dispatched by the shamaness.

'I didn't even get my fun...huh?'

A light.The light of the goddess.

'No!I can't be sealed...not again...not when the bonds are finally broken!'

The light took the form of the silhouette of it's wielder...a young girl,about the age of 16.

'Hehehahahaha!Perfect!She is weak,I can kill her and claim this body as my own!She doesn't even know I'm here!'

A lunge.


The hands of malice,so eager to spill the blood of the girl,were stopped cold.

The body whom they were within clenched his fist in anger,despite being thought unable to move.

'You!No...no.No!' The chaos was forced back into it's confinement,with a weakening cry.

An impact.Life suddenly returned to the navy blue eyes,allowing sight once again.Atop him was Tessa,exhausted and sweating.

"T-tessa...?" he let out weakly,catching her attention.

"Thank you." he finished,using what little strength he had to pull her into a light hug.

EDIT: Red is Gae-Borg,in case y'all were wondering.

Edited by Ether
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"Huh. He's up now. You should rest Damian. The fight took a lot out of you," he suggested while waiting for some help for his wound since only bandages wouldn't do the trick.

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Iso: Who? The demon that attacked you? It's called Shanice. The bastard's been chasing me for years, but it ends here. The next time he shows his face, he dies.

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"I am inclined to sit here, not get shot at, and possibly find out who's been sabotaging the horse tack," Kelas replied. She'd noticed the tampered-with bridles when she'd run around calming horses, and it wasn't the first such incident of tampering. "Either we've got a traitor or a complete idiot about."


Francis seemed to be fine, though someone had removed his bridle. He grazed among the ruins. Arrin left him and headed back, just in time to see Tessa fall. He ran up. "What happened?" he asked frantically.

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"Damian isn't the only one who needs some bandaging." commented Esphyr. "I do have some basic first aid training. I can probably wrap and treat your wound. At least enough so it might not scar."

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Tessa felt more than heard Damian's voice at first, as it was soft and weak, but present. About to try to raise herself to take a look, to confirm with her own eyes, she let him gently hug her first as his arms had wrapped around her.

"It worked then..." she breathed in relief, and as he dropped the embrace she rolled back off of him, still breathing hard from the exertion of the new magic on top of all the other healing she'd been doing in the past half hour. Reaching under herself and tossing aside a sharp rock that had made her current position uncomfortable, she saw Arrin running up. "What happened?" the mage had exclaimed.

"Nothing, nothing. Just... a bit spent, is all," Tessa replied between deep breaths. "And are you really fit to be running around like that?"

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Iso: Looks like we should just wait around then ... but keep your guard up just the same.

He then turned back to Helios.

Iso: Helios, I'm not really sure we have all the details on what's wrong with Damian. Morgan was with him awhile ago.

Kiev made his way over to Katie and stopped right in front of her.

OOC: Wyvern logic episode incoming.

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Katie gave an odd look at Keiv, not quite sure what the wyvern wanted, but also not quite sure what she should do in return. She wished she could speak out some oral command, but couldn't.


"Heh... I like you Alf. I might just buy you a beer once this is all over. Which of you should I tend too first? Damian or you?"

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"...Tessa...thank you...and I'm sorry..." Damian said,allowing his arms to fall back to his sides.As her light frame moved off of him,he used his arms to attempt to sit up,but could barely manage it.

"You were right to get mad at me the other day,I had no right to pull you out like that...I just couldn't stand to see you in a position where you could be hurt so easily...but it was your choice to make,and it wasn't mine to stop you." he said,guiltily.

"Would you be willing to forgive an injured soldier?"

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"Yeah... and be ready when the next enemy appears," Kelas muttered.


"And are you really fit to be running around like that?"

"...Probably not," Arrin admitted, offering Tessa a hand up. "But..."

OOC: Is anyone actually going down those stairs?

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"Alright. Hey there you lovers... Room for one more?" asked Esphyr teasingly as she bent down by him. "Let's remove your armor first so I can get to the wound. Aiya, want to help?"

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Morgan followed Cess to the staircase of the church and led the way down. The staircase was creaky and dusty, it had probably not been used for a logn while. Morgan pondered why dragons would even build a staircase in the first place. She illuminated the necklace given to her by Katie, lighting the dark stairwell.

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"The Lady grants forgiveness to those that ask it. For my part, I try to follow her example," she replied back a little candidly. This confession of Damian's came as quite the surprise, she'd rather expected him to continue to insist that he'd made the right call, but she had no intention of maintaining feuds longer than they needed to. If he was moving past it, she would take his lead.

Realizing she should also be making concessions, she continued, "You... probably weren't all wrong either. Sis, she already said some similar things, and well... I think everybody involved probably could have handled themselves better, so... no hard feelings at all."

Arrin had offered her a hand up, but honestly, she was tired and content to just lay here a moment. Though... with a twinkle of mischief in her eye, she reached her hand up as well, planning to pull him down to the ground. He also should just be resting at this point.

Edit: Clarification, changed pronoun to proper noun.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Kiev stared at Katie and she stared right back. He was wondering if Iso had been taking care of her as a proper male should be. She may not have been his anymore, but he still wanted to make certain she was alright. Meanwhile Krinkov was glaring at him from a short distance. Why the hell was his brother eying a human? Humans mated with humans, and wyverns mated with wyverns. He could tell the little bastard had feelings for the human, he was bleeding off pheromones. It was useless anyway since that wouldn't effect her. He was about ready to pulverize his insane little brother. If only their father was here, he'd straighten'em out.

OOC: These are so friggin fun to write :P

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