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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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Morgan walked carefully through the darkness, but she missed the mottled green and brown form that had blended in with the darkness. She began to fall forward, over the dragon' tail...

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Seeing Morgan in the middle of a fall, Levski rushed forward to catch her, but he tripped as well! Making sure he would get the worst of the fall, he grabbed Morgan and positioned himself in front as they fell! His armor sounded off loudly as they hit the floor but he wasn't injured and Morgan's fall was softened though the landing was still jarring!

Lev: Urgh ... what did we just fall over?

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Tripped over! The indignity! In order to speak, she shifted into her smaller form. "Who...are...you?" she asked in a voice long unused.


As Tessa took his hand, Arrin found himself pitching forward, landing on the grass next to her. "Oof! What was that for?"

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"... Ugh..." Chase moaned. "That... hurt... what happened?" he siad weakly, and looked around. His wounds had been healed, that's one good thing that'd happened... but he had a massive headache. "Meh..."

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"I'm glad...I think I've been subconsciously treating you like a younger sister I never had...but Morgan already has that priviledge,right?" He said,glad she was no longer angry.

When Aiya heard Esphyr,she responded quickly; "I'm not good at this sort of thing,but I'll do all I can!"

Moving to help Esphyr,she began to undo his belt the straps on his armour.

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"Earth dragon." said Morgan simply, getting herself off of Lev.

"We are adventurers looking for any sort of dragon slaying relic here. Do not be alarmed, we do not intend to slay you, and I doubt our target is a friend of yours." she responded to the now humanoid form in the darkness.

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As Aiya started to undo his armor, Esphyr was on the task at hand right away. Quickly taking to the wounds she quickly cleaned up any extra crusting as well as any dirt that had gotten into the wounds, ignoring any cries of pain that could have come from Damian. "Hold him still." she said as she started to bind him up.

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Traveling along with the rest of the group to the dragon graveyard, Heinz had purposely fallen behind the rest of the travelers, stopping behind a dense thicket of trees to take the books out from underneath his cloak and hide them properly. There.... now I can finally move around again, he thought as he hid the books carefully in the saddlebags, tossing his cloak inside as well to mask the shape of its contents.

Mounting his horse again, Heinz drove the horse into a quick trot, managing to catch up with the group in time only to see a barrier of flame appear, blocking him and a few others out. He frowned. Looks like I'm stuck outside the fighting, and I probably won't be paid for this either. At least there were others who were also left out here. Shrugging his shoulders, Heinz attempted to ride around the barrier but it was a useless endeavor, as far as he could see, the barrier went around the entirety of the graveyard.

After several minutes, the blaze of flame disappeared and Heinz rode in. Scanning the ground, he could see the majority of the party was close to death. Just how bad were these enemies anyway? From what he was hearing, it seemed like a person or multiple people had been after the mages, and Heinz glanced around quickly. All of the mages seemed to be present, and Morgan was calling for people to go investigate some sort of staircase.

Looks like the healers have already helped everyone, I might as well come along to this staircase if I'm uninjured. With any luck, no one will realize I wasn't fighting with them earlier. Hurrying to catch up with the others, he arrived just in time to hear a loud clang and a voice questioning who they were. Blinking his eyes to adjust to the darkness, Heinz kept quiet, waiting for the dragon to react to Morgan's response.

OOC: Will add a bit more reaction to the fire barrier later, right now I just want to finish catching up. Also, Heinz missed out on the Gerald kid turning into a dragon.

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"Okay, what's going on here? And why can't I move... oh, hi...?" he said, only now noticing Lucille holding him.

EDIT: Retconned.

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OOC: Sorry for missing. Writing while raiding.

IC: Katie gave the wyvern a weird look. She sure as hell was not into bestiality, so the look that he was giving her was completely forgien."

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OOC: @ Lightning Only Morgan/Lev/Cess/Heinz heard the earth dragon bit. They're in a church basement or something


Lev: ... well this is new.

Lev quickly stood up and brushed himself off. Meanwhile Jasmine grabbed Chase and pulled him back down into her arms!

Jasmine: Don't move around too much! You got hurt, remember?!

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"Damian... I'm pretty sure older brothers, and older sisters provide entirely different roles. I don't actually know, but it only seems to make sense. I don't think you have to stop just because of that. But go on, get yourself taken care of now, and don't worry over me until you're better."

Having finished her conversation with the soldier, she felt Arrin's hand clasp her own. Victory! Pulling him down beside her, she was greeted by a slightly annoyed protestation, "What was that for?"

Laughing a bit, she shot back, "Just for fun silly, and since you said you probably shouldn't be up and running around, I decided to take you down with me." Squeezing his hand, she hoped he wasn't actually upset with her.

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OOC: Maybe Chase went down with us? I left it ambiguous.

"Earth dragons are generally non-hostile and are known for their rather lackadaisical natures. Besides if he or she, I can't quite tell, my dragon identification skills are a little rusty, wished to fight us they would not have changed into humanoid form." said Morgan authoritatively.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Heh... You expecting me to act all romantic like? Sorry Damian. Not right now." she said, wrapping the bandage around. "You don't look like you could do anything anyways." she said, kissing him on the forehead as she wrapped the bandage around one last time. "That should do it. Gonna take a bit though, but should stop any further damage from happening."

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"That's the thing,Tessa.An older brother always makes sure his little sister is okay,no matter what happens to him." Damian said,turning back towards her.

"They also beat up any punks trying to get in their sister's pants,so watch your step,Arrin." He continued,jokingly,before a jolt of pain killed his chuckle.

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OOC: This is funnier :D

People who are not dead

Jasmine: Wait, you were healed?

She quickly dropped him from her grasp to the ground and stood up making sure to brush the dust of the ground from her outfit.

Jasmine: Hey, General? Why is Chase always getting into trouble?

Meanwhile down in the dungeon of the dragon ...

Lev: (Lady knows her dragons ... :/ ) So it's not hostile. Well that's a start. I'll let you negotiate.

He then turned to Cess and Heinz.

Lev: Cess, don't even think about attacking these thing. Heinz ... you do what you always do.

EDIT: Various stuff

Edited by Phoenix
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"Because he's an idiot a lot." Conrad answered. "I think I've settled this, anyways. I'm going to be the official representative of Eliyisma here to make sure you guys don't screw up because, from what I can gather, you're on a genuine quest to save the world. And nobody can afford to let the world end for... pretty obvious reasons."

"Owww! You didn't have to do that!" Chase whined.

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"Don't worry I won't. You can just sleep with it."

"How is something living here? This place has to have been abandon for hundreds of years. But if it's a live dragon it might know something about defeating other dragons like Helenos."

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Lev hit Cess with his elbow. A quick almost harmless hit. His only intention, to let the shaman know he wasn't in the mood for bullsh*t.

Jasmine: I don't like being on the ground, but you're too heavy to carry. My boots are dirty now because I was down there with you. Not cool. you're an archer. Why don't you fight from a safe distance so nobody knocks you out?

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Siblings? Family? I don't get it. Why is this so exclusive to siblings? This bond? To want to protect someone? These questions stirred in Alferis's mind as he continued to listen with great interest.

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"Not an 'it'," she remarked mildly, stepping into the light. "Tanair." Green eyes blinked; pointed ears swiveled to catch the sounds of the world. Perhaps the world was wonderful awake, as well... she had forgotten... "Weapons? Back there," she said, pointing into the dark, throwing brindled hair over her shoulder. "Who, incidentally?"


"It's okay," Arrin assured Tessa, squeezing her hand back.

At Damian's joking accusation, Arrin replied, startled and confused, "...What?! I don't know what you're talking about...

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