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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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Do what I always do? How would you know what I've been doing if you only recently ran into this group in the first place? Heinz questioned mentally, somewhere between irritated and amused by Lev's instructions. Still, I suppose that's why Ivanko's mercenaries are known as the best.

"Understood," he replied, his eyes widening as the dragon in human form stepped forward. It towered above all of them and Heinz tensed slightly by instinct, forcing himself to keep his hands relaxed at his side. He ignored Cess's comment and replied to the dragon's inquiry. "Some other members of our group," he said vaguely, gesturing torwards the direction from which they had come.

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Lucille: Maybe you could ... run to a safe distance?

Jasmine: I know! What did Viveka call it? Meat shield! You need a meat shield! ... General? Where do we get one of those?

Lucille: :facepalm:

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"Anyone else need to be patched up?" Derek asked, pulling up his gauntlets.

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"Thanks." Morgan said idly to Tanair as she wandered over to the weapons shelf. She examined the weapons...most were garbage. One sword scabbard however held the inscription plagam mortiferam infligere draconis

"This looks like a weapon we could use to defeat Helenos." she said, grabbing it. Her knees buckled a little, the sword was surprisingly heavily.

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Hearing Derek ask for new patients, Viveka giggled.

Viveka: Okay so that's four healers. Say I'm a little bored. Why don't you come over here and get back to explaining why not all mercenaries ... Ivanko being the one exception are lousy untrustworthy brutes?

Meanwhile in the place that will not be named ...

Morgan's grip on the weapon was firm but it looked like she was having a bit of trouble. He decided to comment on it, but kept a sarcastic smile on his face so she wouldn't get the wrong idea.

Lev: So will this group's soon to be leader be slaying our demon dragon friend with that thing herself?

OOC: Who's Alf talking to?

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"Guess that works as well," Derek said. "Though, you do realize that there is almost half a dozen in earshot, right? Anyways, remind me where I was at when we got interrupted, please? That way, I don't have to drone any more than necessary."

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"Oh yes an earth dragon and a rot dragon would be diametrically opposed. I'll suppose you'll want to be fixing that." Morgan said.

"I am merely carrying it for another to use, I am not very skilled with a blade." Morgan said, ignoring Lev's sarcasm for the moment.

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Viveka: What do I care if they can hear me? I'll just tune them out if I have to. Now let's see ... hm? Wow ... everything"s a little fuzzy from before Lucille landed on me. All I can remember is that you're apparently one of the decent ones? So far that seems true, but at the same time I'm not entirely convinced you're even a mercenary to begin with ... you've ... got a military aura about you.

Down in the dungeon of growing green sh*t ... (OOC: I am too silly right now)

Lev: Well if you can carry the thing for now that's fine. As long as we get the job done ...

Krinkov continued glaring at his brother. Kiev slowly moved his face closer to Katie's as if he was about to make contact with her face. That was that last straw! Krinkov lunged to stop his brother! Just as his body lifted off the ground, it came back down flat! ... ... ... the luggage ... was just too damn heavy for flying. Krinkov immediately swung his head back and began gnawing at the ropes tying down the cases! He had to get them off! If his brother tried to mate with a human, who knew what could happen?! She might explode, or the whole world might explode! Maybe they would have a half human half wyvern monstrosity of a child! He couldn't allow it! The family had enough problems without something like that happening!

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He was a child again.

He was on the mountaintops, looking down at the mountain goats roaming. The boy was small, malnourished, with messy blonde hair and circles under his eyes. He was covered with bruises and had cuts on his arm. A Tomahawk hung from his back.

He loved the mountains. He loved the air, he loved climbing and he loved this spot most of all.

It was a beautiful day today and one that filled the boy with pleasure. He needed solitude. The few other boys were stronger than him and beat him up and his own father was worse. He could still feel the sting of the hand on his face.

And then he was falling. Suddenly he fell into a red swirling hole. He saw faces. Faces of a leering man. Hotello. Bandits. Men he killed. But he was a boy. He only hit them a little. He wasn't a murderer, he wasn't...

"Nnnnnggg. I didn't kill you. Please don't hurt me." Alferis groaned, unaware he was asleep.

Reika stared at him with interest.

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Tanair landed on her toes on the top step. Sunlight! And... oh, but this ground... the land of the fallen should be a fertile place... Spinning around to walk about the area, she caught sight of the larger group of humans, and their horses. And... no, the small blond one wasn't Helenos, but carried her taint. Ignoring their dumbstruck looks she danced over and squatted down next to the girl, looking at her upside-down face. "Have you met Helenos?" she asked Tessa, head tilted quizzically.

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"You'll care once they try to kill you in rage, should they be so inclined," Derek noted. "Anyways, yes, I was employed as a soldier by the Elysimian military, if you recall the fire bandit hunt. But, otherwise, I'm just a merc. I've been one for well over a year now. Speaking of that falling incident," he continued, remembering it, "You were lucky that your cases didn't hit the ground, otherwise, your things would have flown everywhere."

Edit: Grammar.

Edited by Snike
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OOC: Viv hasn't noticed dragon lady just yet <.<

Everyone except Levski

Viveka: Oooh, so you've only been doing this mercenary thing for a year. You didn't seem like much of a veteran merc. And "fire bandits" I'm kind of the reason this group got the name. People just kept tossing up names and I settled for that one because we were short on time and we'd been at it for an hour already. (Elyisimian soldiers have no creativity...).

When Derek brought up the falling cases, she flinched and her fists cringed a bit at the thought.

Viveka: H-h-h-h-h ... thank you for catching those ... I've got stuff in there I would be so embarrassed to have flying out. Don't ask me why I would bring anything I'm too embarrassed to show anybody >_>

Meanwhile, while Kiev licked Katie's face, an unsual thing for a wyvern to do, Krinkov desperately chewed off one rope after another! This ... was ... unacceptable!

When Tanair appeared, Iso tapped Kelas on the shoulder to get her attention!

Iso: Company ...

EDIT: Added Iso segment.

Edited by Phoenix
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Charlotte bit her lip as she was picking flowers. Something had been troubling her. "Eric, do...do you know what happened to my parents' bodies?" She gave him a questioning look.

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"I'm not going to ask what you meant by 'not seeming like a veteran'," Derek replied, crossing his arms. "But anyways, don't worry about me asking. Everyone's got a few things they like to keep private," he said, as a tall lady walked by. "... So, apparently someone lives here after all."


"... Truly, milady, I do not know. I would hope that the Septimians at least bury their opponents, but, I have not been to the capital," Eric said, hanging his head. "I am truly sorry."

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As Keiv licked Katie's face, an unearthly shudder went through the magi as a cold tremble swept across her body. She looked about ready to scream, more out of disgust than in terror. After all, being licked by a huge and scaly beast is something enough to stop most people in their tracks. Katie stumbled backwards, falling flat on her rear before she tried to peddle away.

"Unngggg..." The soft moan of a passing headache soon filled the air as the Headmaster's eyes finally cracked open, signaling her consciousness to the world. With a hand held to her throbbing forehead, the half-spirit rose upright. "Shadow's gone..." she moaned out weakly.

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OOC: Daneka might know what happened to Charlotte's parents >_>

Everyone but especially Viveka

Viveka: You don't have to ask me, I'll just tell you straight up. You don't seem like you've been living as a mercenary half your life. You look more like you were in the military from the get-go. But that's just specu-

She stopped when she finally noticed the tall woman walking in the group's general direction.

Viveka: ... (That dress is so worn out and tacky ... ugh.) ... who's she? (And when was the last time she changed into something else?)

Krinkov had gnawed through most of the ropes and one of the cases fell from his back! Kiev was still giving Katie lots of affection apparently! He had to hurry, before she assumed a mating position! While Krinkov desperately tried to free himself, Kiev took it upon himself to clean Katie's face. She didn't seem to be enjoying it, but he didn't like the bone dust and dirt that had gotten on her from the battle. This was Isotov's job but he was ignoring Katie in favor of the tan one. Slightly annoyed, he took pride in his cleaning.

OOC: I laugh as I write.

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"I see" Charlotte said, her face falling. "I...just wished I could have at least said goodbye." Her face welled up in tears. Not here, not now. "Sorry." she apologized, trying to wipe them away.

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Kelas already had an arrow up, but hadn't taken aim yet. "Who... or what... is that?" she said quietly as the tall woman dropped down next to Tessa. "She looks harmless... which means she probably isn't." Her eyes widened as she spotted something: "Her feet," she murmured, incredulous. "The ground..."

As Tanair sat, grass grew up around her feet; a thinner trail of grass marked where she'd walked.

Kelas lowered her bow, eyes wide with awe.

OOC: I think the animals will probably react to Tanair, btw. Not badly, necessarily, but...

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Damian's final comment was was a bit bizarre, Tessa couldn't really remember Arrin ever showing an interest in her pants at all. This was quickly confirmed when the lad expressed his confusion as well, though, so she decided it wasn't worth bothering over.

Closing her eyes for the moment she was content just to lay here, and bask in the sunlight for a moment while she recovered her strength. With a good friend nearby, the situation was even more pleasant. Everyone either had been, or was in the finishing stages of being taken care of, and she could put those worries to rest, and just savor a small piece of relaxation.

It wasn't long―one minute or two?―before a shadow blocked out the warm rays of the sun, and she opened her eyes to look upwards and figure out just what the cause was. She found herself staring up into a face, the wrong side up. A woman was crouching down and peering over at her from above. Her skin was a deep brown and her green eyes seemed to Tessa as if they were trying to bore right through her.

"Have you met Helenos?" the woman's smooth and flowing voice asked her.

Blinking a bit, Tessa found herself squeezing Arrin's hand tightly, before she made her reply.

"W-who are you? As for Helenos... we all met her. A bad run-in, and it nearly spelled our end. Why?"

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"Hey... Just who the heck are you?" asked the headmaster, still stumbling her way about as her head throbbed from the recovery of her exposure to the shadows. "Like being freaking drunk" she groaned under her breath as she looked at the dark-skinned woman. "And what's up with your skin? Why isn't it, you know, naturally colored?"

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"Nooooo. Please, I didn't kill you..."

The abyss continued to swallow him up, swirling faces of and a medley of colors surrounding him.

"Look upon us and see the blood on your hands," said a soldier.

"You killllled me," said a headless bandit."

"Leave....please." He began to thrash a bit, the nightmare enveloping him until...

He was awake. Reika was staring at him, her eyebrows raised. He was surprised. He had another nightmare, but he didn't remember falling asleep. Maybe he just dropped off for a bit.

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