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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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OOC: @ Kiryn fire the arrow ... it'll be more epic that way <.<

Everyone ... that also includes the sadistic son crushing animal with the red eyes

The nomad looked determined, and Ivanko hadn't shown up yet. It wasn't too late to get at least one kill. Victor stood up and lifted his head above his shoulders before letting out another roar! Then his eyes caught glimpse of a small bone lying to his side. His eye quickly looked up at Kelas, then back down at the bone. The time in-between spotting the bone and deciding to send it flying at the nomad was a split second! With a quick flick of his tail, the bone fragment left the ground and came flying at Kelas at the speed of an arrow!

OOC: Too bad Berry isn't anywhere around. It'd be funny if she was cause then-BOOM HEADSHOT

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Kelas loosed the arrow half a second before the fragment buried itself between her ribs, falling as her arrow sped towards the wyvern's eye. "...Dammit," she coughed, kept from saying more by blood in her throat. Scaly bastard, I think that was a lung... she thought, struggling to breathe.

OOC: "Don't kill Kelas," yer always telling me. Nice one.

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Keiv's shoulder was better than before. He'd need more healing from the others as well, and he'd be unable to fly as well for a while, but as long as the bigger wyvern left him alone, he should be fine. Then he saw it.

Blood spurted from Kelas's mouth, and her chest was pierced as well. Not her lung! Pary walked over to her. The wyvern was still eyeing her, and it seemed to be staring at him too. He knelt down to her chest.

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OOC: Ouch ...


Victor tilted his head slightly and the arrow bounced harmlessly off of his forehead! He'd hit his target! Now he could have the satisfaction of- BANG!!!

His head shook violently from the resonating force of a blunt strike! His helmet rang so loudly that he let out a pained moan and came lower to the ground! He'd been struck on the dome of his helmet by a tomahawk! He quickly shook himself off and with his head still ringing, he turned to the direction the blow came from. Off in the distance, was his rider ... and mortal enemy Ivanko. The mercenary leader was dragging Ivan's unconscious body along with one of the shields. Behind him, a mountain wyvern was following, carrying the other three carefully balanced on his back!

Meanwhile Iso made sure Kelas didn't keel over and die!

Iso: Hey! We need one of you healers here NOW!! Kelas is hit!!

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"I'm coming! I'm coming! I can't take care of Kiev and Kelas at the same time, where's Tessa and Charlotte?"

He focused his staff over her wound. The light seeped down, slowing the bloodloss. The bones could be heard moving back into place, her lung re-inflating.

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OOC: I'm sure Snike won't mind >_>'


Up in the sky, the tomahawk was tumbling through the air! It's spin had been converted to a tumble by its violent impact, and it fell down right on top of Eric's head, knocking him out instantly! Victor slowly backed up a few meters, and once Ivanko reached the group, he dropped Ivan's collar, and the wyvern rider flattened out on his back. Ivanko looked straight at Irina and Aiya.

Ivanko: Good to see ya ...

Iso tried to support Kelas while Pary treated her wounds.

Iso: The next thing on our to-do list is getting you some armor. Note it.

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Iso: Well Ivanko's here now ... so everything should be alright ... I hope.

Irina wasn't saying anything to her uncle, she kept her head down looking away from him and down at Kiev, who was still unconscious. It was obvious to Ivanko that Victor had taken out some aggression on her wyvern and she didn't want to talk about it. After all, it was his wyvern that injured hers, and though she was used to seeing such things, having her own wyvern attacked really hit home. He started wondering how much she disliked Victor now. Maybe she even hated him. He wasn't sure yet.

OOC: *need Ether here* -_-'

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Just as Eric had opened his moutn to reply to Charlotte's query about what to do, something flew out of the air and struck him in the head.

Charlotte instictively put her staff to the wound, so that Eric would survive yet another random calamity befalling him. She sighed The Goddess seems to have it in for Eric for some reason, at least I'm here to help.

Morgan frowned at Ivanko's arrival "It would be prudent in the future to keep your mount better under control, it is quite dangerous you know." she said, crossing her arms.

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Hearing a familiar voice, Ivanko turned to see Morgan, and standing next to her was Lev, holding a wyrmslayer.

Ivanko: This old bastard usually doesn't get around to killing people before I show up, but Ivan needed someone to haul his unconscious hide out of there ...

Ivanko looked over at Victor ... he usually didn't attack unless provoked.

Ivanko: ... something's wrong with this picture. Mind explaining exactly what Victor did when he found you people?

A short distance away, Victor lied back down with his head across the ground. The nomad didn't die, but at least she bled for challenging him. That would have to be enough. He knew the others were talking about him. The name Ivanko gave him kept popping up in places, concern bled from their voices. That in itself was also very satisfying. Good for ensuring first impressions.

OOC: Just wait til Ivan wakes up :P

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"Something with the other wyverns I presume. I was off obtaining this." Morgan jerked her head towards the Wyrmslayer Lev was holding.

"Irina, what happened here?" she asked the rider, not really paying attention to her concern at the moment.

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Ivanko: The wyverns ...?

Irina: ... Kiev was over by Katie. Krinkov attacked him, and then Victor attacked him. That's all I saw ... what do I care why he did it, he's a monster and you should have never spared him after what happened the first time!

Ivanko: Quiet! ... so Kiev was jumped by one ... then the other. As I thought. They think he's doing something he shouldn't be doing.

Irina: It doesn't matter what Kiev did ... Victor was too cruel ... as usual ...

Ivanko: I won't tell you again, Irina ...

Irina: ... ... ....

Ivanko: *sigh* ... you'll have to excuse Victor. He's usually on a shorter leash. Whatever. What's done is done. Now to focus on the current situation. Speaking of which ...

Ivanko quickly delivered a precise kick to the top of Ivan's head jarring him awak!

Ivan: OW!!!

Ivanko: Get up.

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Morgan shrugged "Subordinates have to be kept in line, Kiev was acting inappropriately apparently. I suggest Katie not ride Kiev, at least for a while, until the wyverns resolve their business."

"Victor was out of line too however. Do not let him harm any more of my group members, or I will be forced to teach him that leasson myself." she said, staring Ivanko down.

"Onto business then, we have received a weapon to fight Helenos, but no more protection against her than we did in the swamp. Is that where you come in?" she said, raising an eyebrow at Ivanko.

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Ivanko: (Victor's always out of line ... that's what he does ...)Don't mind Victor. He won't so much as snort at any of your people while I'm here. As for the piggyback rides, I'll leave that to you to settle.(Katie? That Katie? Riding Kiev? Not important right now.

Ivan quickly rose to his feet and saw Morgan! His heart skipped a beat!

Ivan: Ah! Lady Morgan! It is so good to see you again! Our meeting must be fa-gyai!

Ivan's head was pushed aside but Ivanko's arm, leaving him alone in center screen again.

Ivanko: On to business ... there was enough in Aiya's letter for me to get the gist of it. A Rot dragon, some mesh, an ice demon, and possibly other various creatures to deal with. I did bring some experimental equipment with me ... courtesy of Ixion. You won't be charged for those since they need to be tested in the field. As for all these demons that need killing, I may or may not be able to help. It all depends on when you try to take her on ... ... ... and Levski ... why the hell are you still here?

Lev: I'm ... teaching Morgan how to ... be more like you >_>

Ivanko: Has she knocked you on your ass yet?

Lev: Haven't gotten to that part yet >_>' (And never will if I have anything to say about it.)

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"Experimental equipment?" Morgan raised an eyebrow. "I suppose we can try it out, it is free at least."

"As for defeating the dragon herself, that may take some time. Considering we do not even know exactly where she is at the moment, I doubt we will be attempting to slay her soon. Not to mention we are still not as prepared as I would like."

"I have not needed to use physical force on Lev yet, there are far more deserving candidates of physical punishment in this group." Morgan's gaze intentionally fell upon Isotov.

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OOC: ♫ What is love? ♫ <--- IsoxMorgan theme


Ivanko: Right ... first off those shields over their are absolutely flawless for deflecting arrows. They're also imbued with magic. Even high level attacks bounce off of them like water off a ducks back. Don't use them for regular attacks though, only magic and arrows.

Ivan quickly stood up and tapped Levski on the shoulder while Ivanko continued.

Ivan: Why are you standing so close to Lady Morgan >_>

Lev: And here we ... go

Ivan: I told you that I have feelings for her.

Lev: ... poor Stephanie ... isn't your wedding like in a month or so?

Ivan: I do not want to marry her. She is mean to me.

Lev: (And Morgan would treat you like a king? Yeah right.) Shouldn't the lady be with someone who can put up with her?

Ivan: I can put up with anything Lady Morgan throws at me.

Lev: ... Stephanie throws kitchen-ware ... Morgan throws flesh disintegrating dark magic >_>

After explaining all the ins, outs, pros, and cons of the shields, he went back to the issue of Helenos.

Ivanko: Like you said, your group isn't ready for Helenos just yet, and I'm not sure exactly how prepared I'll need to be to assist with her either. For now, I'll consider this a friendly meeting, no charge for the shields as I said, and no charge for the travel as a favor for ignoring Victor's little outburst. When you do decide to take down Helenos, if you want my help, send word, if not ... try not to die.

OOC: And I'm off ... Cynthia has outlasted me yet again -_-

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Stirring, Eric came to, with a throbbing on the side of his head. Getting up, he saw a Tomahawk lying beside him, and Charlotte sitting beside him.

"That's what hit hit me," he said to her, not as a question. Picking the axe up, he shouted over to the group, "Anyone lose this?"

Derek and Dani

"So, these would be best for fliers and generals, right?" Derek said, eyeing the giant drake nervously. "Interesting."

"Just curious, but who made them? They must be on the level of a 7th circle, if what you say is true," Dani said.

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OOC: Sorry for delay. Envy's true form is really creepy o_O'

Everyone and their grandmother

Ivanko: Yeah! That's one of my weapons. By the way ... those shields were forged by Ixion.

Lev: Ugggg ... Ixion tech ... very suspicious >_>'

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Cess walked over to the group. There was a big, macho, meatheaded, mercenary talking to everyone, the giant wyvern from before, and some man was trying to grope Morgan.

"Ixion? Who's that? You must be.....Ivanko? Right?"

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"You should lie back down Sir Eric." said Charlotte, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You were just knocked unconscious."

Morgan noticed Lev and Ivan disccusing something behind her, but she was more interested in examining the shields for the moment.

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To Charlotte, the swordsman smiled. "I HAVE been injured worse than this, milady. No need to worry yourself," he said, gently taking her hand off of his shoulder, before walking over to Ivanko. "Here you go," Eric finished, handing over the axe.


"Ixion? Who's he?" Dani wondered. "Might he be a druid?"

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After receiving back his weapon of mass destruction, Ivanko held it to his side, and the weapon attached to his armor as if magnetically drawn there. He played it off like it was nothing. Ivan's wyvern steadily approached and lowered himself so the shields could be easily looked over.

Ivanko: Ixion is my personal assistant. He's loyal enough, and he is a Dark Druid. Not clear on what the difference is, but apparently Druid is too light a term for him.

Meanwhile Ivan and Levski continued their chat ... just a little too close to Morgan ...

Ivan: You have not answered the question, Levski. Why are you standing by Lady Morgan?

Lev: Because ... I kinda felt like it. What are you jealous? It's not like that, and if it was, I'd be kicking you up and down these graveyard right now for pestering me about it.

Ivan: Someone like you should not be in any sort of relationship with someone like Lady Morgan.

Lev: Enough with the Lady Morgan. Sheesh.

Ivan: She is a precious flower.

Lev: Ah not these sh*t again. You saw her for ... for like two days.

Ivan: I don't care, Levski. She deserve better than you.

Lev: (Good thing I'm upgrading ...) And Stephanie deserve better than you. All you do is whine about how badly you dislike her, meanwhile she goes all the way to Ilyphina to get decor for your new home together. Tsk tsk tsk. For shame.

Ivan: It is not like that! If you care about her so much, why don't you marry her?!

Lev: ... she uh ... wanted a virgin groom ... so I'm in the clear ^_^

Ivan: I hate you >_>'

OOC: ^This is hilarious XD

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