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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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Lev: Don't worry about the bags. I've actually got room for one more person up here. Good thing I brought some rope though this was for tying up you "fire bandits" not securing the kicking kitty and her new friend's luggage :/

Irina: You're using Lev as a cargo hauler?! You ... bitch >_<

Viveka: What did you say? I couldn't hear that.

Irina: (BIIIIITCH!!!) ... nothing -_-

EDIT: Gr4mm4r

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Tessa had gone off for a ride on Trevor,and Esphyr was talking about a renegotiation.

"New terms,well,let's see.Do you have anything you would like included in our contract,specifically?" Damian asked her.The others seemed to be rushing to be ready to move on,but Damian and Aiya's belongings were already loaded onto Ulfhrahn.

"Oh!By the way.I picked this up in the armoury,earlier." He said,pulling out a new leg guard for Esphyr.

"It looks to be about your size,why don't you try it on?"


The argument had whizzed by around her,and Aiya had just continued to sit there,tears streaming down her face.

'What's wrong with me?Why can't I get up...?'

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"Mmmm... Initially the deal was good." said Esphyr, thinking over the terms of her contract. "Namely, I work for you, and in return you help me break free of my sword as well as paying me ten gold coins a month. However, I believe it suffusive to say that we have undergone a relational change since then. So a better question is, is there any terms you want to add?" she asked, turning to him for a moment.

Then he offered the leg guard. Esphyr's eyes lit up happily as he presented the piece of armor to her. Quickly taking it from his hand, she bent down and removed Damian's old guard and strapped on the new one. The fit was a bit on the tighter side, as evidenced by the skin on Esphyr's leg stretching slightly as she tied it on, but the plate was well within acceptable range. "Thank you Damian." she said happily as she stood up. Then, she took a step forwards, a blush upon her cheek as she bent forwards to deliver a light kiss upon his cheek.


"I swear, you people need some decisiveness. Go or don't go! Don't putz around for a hour debating if you will or won't. I will give you five minutes, then I will start beating up people who either refuse to go, or are trying to go, which ever way the party is swinging. KATIE!"

The wing mage suddenly snapped to attention, abandoning her idea to go and lie down as the headmaster called.

"Get ready to leave. Now."

The mage woman gave a nod, then suddenly darted off, gathering several small objects together before returning in less than a moment. She was ready to go. "See?"

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"Hmm...new criteria...?" Damian thought for a minute,wondering if there was anything to add.

'I don't really want to force her into anything...but what if she is expecting me to add something...?'

"Well,I have one,but it is more of a suggestion than an order,due to the nature of it...Esphyr,I want you to think more of yourself.You always say that your opinions aren't wanted,because you were hired,That's not true,you have no reason to look at yourself as less than someone else,no matter who they are." he said,turning to her.

"Can you do that for me?"


Aiya was still rooted to the spot.The headmaster was barking out orders now,clearly annoyed.Aiya tried to get up,but her body gave nothing but a reluctant shudder,and her muscles refused to listen to her.

'It looks like the shock from that Bolting,as well as the flare of my mana-network,didn't combine too well with a rush of rage and adrenaline.My arms and legs are worn out...I won't be able to get up without a boost from one of the mages...but I can't even call out like this...'

OOC:It is likely getting odd that Aiya isn't moving,so people are likely to go see what's wrong with her.The problems in her Mana Network could be easily seen by the headmaster if she were take a decent look at her,and fixing it up to the level where she could do something is about as simple as a quick magical boost,like Jumper cables on a car.

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A displeased frown came over Esphyr's face at the request. "Damian, that... I can't do something like that. It's not a matter of self-worth, like you seem to think. Even if it were, you don't gain worth by assigning it to yourself. Think of the people who do that. Arrogant asses. Besides, I don't have a problem with my self-worth; it's simply proper employee manners."


"Something wrong miss?" asked HM, coming over to the floored Aiya. With a gentle motion, she kneeled down beside her. "Your mana too messed up to stand? Here... Let me see what I can do." she said with a smile. She extended her hand towards Aiya, a green aura surrounding it like a glove as she gently grasped at the air; calmly untangling the strands of mana with a gentle and guided hand. "So messed up." she mused before suddenly stopping for a second. "Oh! What's this? A second network? Are you... you know... Pregnant?"

OOC: I know she's not. HM is teasing.

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"If you are sure that's what it is,Esphyr..." Damian said,still unsure.However,it seemed the request had offended her,so he felt no need to push it further.

"If I offended you,then I apologize."


Aiya felt the tension holding her muscles in place release as the Headmaster reworked her mana network.In fact,she felt stronger than ever!Her muscles were completely refreshed,and her body fell into a perfect calm.

"Thank you,Miss Headmaster."

"Oh! What's this? A second network? Are you... you know... Pregnant?"

Aiya's face contorted in surprise and horror.

"W-w-w-what?!T-th-that's not p-possible!I...we used c-contraception,those tablets are certified by T-TISME!" she managed to sputter out,looking at the headmaster,now completely panicked.

'I can't be pregnant!If I am,Damian will leave me behind,I'll be nothing but a hindrance...I want to have a child with him someday,but not now,not when he needs me!'

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"You didn't Damian. It's just something that can't be done." said Esphyr, her voice void of annoyance. "Besides, if I acted like that, I wouldn't be me."


A thin smile broke over the headmasters face as Aiya started to freak out. "You know I'm teasing you, right? You're not pregnant... But... Just for future reference, TISME doesn't dabble in contraceptives. You got sold snake oil." she said, giving Aiya a light shove. "You looked so funny when worried though!"

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Reika walked down with her pack on her back. She traveled light, necessary if you wanted to be a good thief. She saw Aiya on the floor, crying her eyes out. The Headmaster was talking to her, she couldn't quite make out everything, she was too far away, but...

"Are you pregnant."

Reika burst into laughter, clutching her stomach. "With how many women Damian's with, I'm surprised he hasn't knocked at least one of you up."

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"I guess.I just worry about you sometimes,Esphyr.You never seem to give any credit to your own thoughts and feelings."


"I-I-I..." Aiya couldn't even manage to speak.She was glad that the headmaster had been joking,but couldn't believe that she had gone there of all places.A pregnancy was a near death sentence to a female fighter!

After hearing that the tablet had been a fake,Aiya's mood worsened even further.

"Y-you mean...that you...?"

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"You don't have a dagger hanging over your head Damian. Either way, I do give credit to them, just... differently than you do. I'll make you a deal though. Find some way to sever this weapon from me, and I will show as much emotion and joy as you desire." she said with a small giggle in her tone.


"That you were basically unprotected? Yes. Don't overstress it though. From the sounds I heard, it was close to my first time as well, so I assume that you aren't sleeping around. Unless you become a whore, you could likely spend the night with him every night for six months to a year and not be with child. Biology doesn't work like it does in the tails. Just because it was unprotected in no way guarantees pregnancy. I was married for five years before I came with child, though that may be different. Or did you mean something different?"

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Lev: Okay, the luggage is loaded. I'm going to see if anyone needs ride for these trip.

Iso: Irina, you should go get Kiev, I'll-

Iso felt a nudge against his side that felt like a massive snout! He turned around to see Kiev staring at him.

Iso: Oh ... okay I'll be right back then.

Irina: Going to pick up the infamous third passenger?

Iso: Yep.

With that, Iso quickly headed inside the mansion again. When he reached her, she was scrabbling to pack things and then stopped. She'd packed pretty fast, and the headmaster seemed pleased.

Iso: ... wow.

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"Really now?I guess I have even more of a reason to make sure I figure it out now." Damian said,smiling at Esphyr,glad that the tension was gone.


"So...it's alright then?" Aiya let out a relieved sigh.

"You sound like you know a lot about this...is there any way for me to help prevent it,or at least lower the risks,if contracpetion doesn't work?" She asked,hoping the headmaster would have an answer.

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Cess trotted back to the main gate. A few people were standing there chatting.

"Morgan, I showed you the map right? The headmaster and I couldn't tell which was right, but this one seemed the best." He withdrew the map from his pack.


Pary stood and watched as his employer took a look at the map. He went over to Cess's horse and fed him one of the carrots he still had in his pack.

He liked horses, but he never had enough money to buy one.

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"I thought you were sure of the location?" Morgan looked at the map skeptically. "I would think this is the correct way as well, though it is important that we do not become lost."

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Everyone except Iso

Lev: Hey, Morgan. Exactly how long is these trip going to take?

By the way, if you need a ride I have space left ... (Better than one of the guys bothering me the whole way.)

Irina climbed on top of Kiev after attaching her bags and slumped forward over the back of Kiev's neck just waiting.

Irina: *sigh*

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"Well none of the maps could agree on this one area." Cess pointed towards the grave marker.

"Some had swamps, lakes, villages, you name it. That might be weird on it's own, but this has a grave marker surrounded by flowers in that area. It seems the oldest out of Damian's collection too. We can't just go ask someone to take us there. The Headmaster's never even been there."

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"Hmm, I suppose we will just have to hope that this is correct." said Morgan. "It should take us about two days to travel there, going by my estimations on this map."

"I am no runner, so sharing a mount would be appreciated. Much appreciated Lev." she said, giving the man a nod.

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"Don't do it. Best contraceptive ever." said HM, a smile on her face. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get my disguise back together. Can't have word getting around that I'm a woman."


"Alright then; I think it's time for us to head back."

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Everyone except Katie's taste tester

Lev: Huh?

Alferis wanted a ride too apparently.

Lev: I would normally have enough room for three other people, but these cases are taking up too much space. I wouldn't have offered this small spot to Morgan if I thought there wasn't any room.

Viveka: Well Chase has a horse now ... for some reason, so I can give you a lift ... just promise you won't have another conniption in between now and the when we reach our destination.

Irina: (Morgan's riding with Lev? Well he'll be gone sooner than I expected. Then it's just me, Iso, and Katie ... and Aiya when Damian isn't around too I guess.)

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No Isotov here, just others

Viveka: Going once ... going twice ... and it looks like I can ride alone ^_^

Lev: :/

Viveka: What? I was just offering because it seemed like the right thing to do. I might be able to get some reading done on the way without being grabbed from behind.

Lev: What could you possibly read?

Viveka: War novels, strategy manuals, Ilyphina weekly though this is an older issue I keep around for road trips ...

Lev: :/

Taste Tester

Iso: Katie, are you ready to go?

Noticing the headmaster was gathering up her things too, he inquired.

Iso: You're coming with us ... aren't you?

EDIT: Added Iso segment

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"For now at least. No point in not coming. I have a tome to protect after all."

Yes Iso, I'm ready to go. I've been ready since the headmaster told me to get ready.

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Iso: (Well, I doubt the rest of the day will be this interesting.) Okay, well though she's not particularly enjoying it, Irina's waiting for us outside.

It's good to have you with us, headmaster, just please don't do anything like this morning with the bench pressing wyverns and seducing women thing. That was weird.

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' <_< ...Well,so much for her help,then.' Aiya thought,standing up and going to pick up her blade.

"I guess we are leaving,then...if we are going to be fighting Helenos soon,then..." Aiya headed towards the upper levels of the manor,and reaching her destination,she tapped the shoulder of a FalcoKnight.

"Oh,Lady Aiya...what can I do for you?"

"I would like you to deliver a message for me.The message is that I want this person to meet us here,and that I have a job for him."

"Alright then.Who is this message for?" The woman asked.She was the quickest FalcoKnight here,and,unhindered,could get a message anywhere in the country at a speed she was proud of.


Upon hearing the name,the woman gasped.

"I-Ivanko?...If that is what you want,Aiya..."


"Yeah.We should try to get there quickly."

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