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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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[spoiler=Crazy response]I've heard speculation that Akaneia's world was actually the world on the other side of Elibe's Dragon's Gate.

Based on that, and the fact that we know nothing about the Tactician's origins; it is possible that the son of the MyUnit could have crossed over, got magically sex changed based on the player's preference and got lost in Elibe's world when (s)he was found by Lyn.

Didn't they talk about killing off all the humans there in FE7?

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Poor Kent, middling in last place. He's one of the ones I actually had a tale idea for too!

Anyways, it looks like Zephiel has surpassed the tactician with the latest wave of votes. Still, I might have to start drafting a "Tactician's Tale" :P:.

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Dammit, the tactician is actually winning. Abort mission! Abort mission!

You have created a monster, Archie. You must placate the Tactician lovers now. :p

This topic also inspired me to make a sprite of Mark from Awakening with the color and clothings of the Tactician from FE7. xD

Edited by Nayr
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Zephiel is winning?!?!?! That means we might get to know what Arch thinks ACTUALLY happened to Zephiel! Might be good. Also it would give him backstory, something FE6 lacked.

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I have a problem with the game... I have cleared Eliwood's, Hector's, Lyn's, Merlinus's, Raven's, Pent's, and Karel's tales in that order. However, when I clear Zealot's, the game moves on to Lyn Mode's chapter 10. How does one get around this?

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So I've been playing through the newest patch(the Virgilian Nights version), and on Hector's tale, I noticed something...interesting. The Valkyrie that becomes an other unit from the Laus units, seems to ALWAYS heal Serra, even when she's at full hp. She never attacks or does anything else. All she does is heal Serra. Anyone else have this happen to them? I wanna know if this is a glitch in the programming, or if the AI is really just that stupid.

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So I've been playing through the newest patch(the Virgilian Nights version), and on Hector's tale, I noticed something...interesting. The Valkyrie that becomes an other unit from the Laus units, seems to ALWAYS heal Serra, even when she's at full hp. She never attacks or does anything else. All she does is heal Serra. Anyone else have this happen to them? I wanna know if this is a glitch in the programming, or if the AI is really just that stupid.

The Zephiel replacement in FE404 does the same thing.

"Heal Units" AI is really just that way.

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yeah that also happened when she finally didn't have any heals left or if I rescued Serra with somebody she just wanted to suicide it was weird like she was in love with Serra... Oh god what did I just say?!

also the tactician's in the lead again now on the poll :D

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The Zephiel replacement in FE404 does the same thing.

"Heal Units" AI is really just that way.

I noticed that in FE404. Also, thanks for the info. Sometimes, you just gotta laugh at AI. It makes life fun...and ragey when the AI decides to be stupid/smart and ruin your ENTIRE gameplan.

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