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its stormin out. And I dont drink. Its part of my set of morals.

Edited by Erk
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This always seems to happen, and my brother is always pressuring me to drink <_< But i don't... I just stay there and see them be drunk laughing by myself

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I hope you've tried it at least once before you decided to go straightedge (that's what I'm assuming anyway.)

Edited by janice
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There's nothing moral about refusing to drink. It's your body, you have to deal with the consequences, not anybody else, so why should they be able to say what you can and can't do with it?

In any case, if this is a regular occurence, I suggest investing in a good pair of headphones and drowning them out with music. Perhaps a good book would be useful as well.

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Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)

Put that baby spell on me

Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)

Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)

Put that magic jump on me

Slap that baby, make him free

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