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At the end of Chapter 19 Boa gives you a Thoron and Physic.

A Sorcerer near Hardin has a Dark magic tome, Gurauaa. Not sure what it's supposed to mean, even though it's in katakana. It's a B-rank tome, 10 power, 90 accuracy.

It's just occurred to me, My Unit can use C rank axes, and now has the Light Orb. I also have a number of Hammers lying around...

Is Hardin's battle animation impressive?

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I don't know if this has been said but you can get Cecil's hairstyle for a chapter after you beat P-7 (Say yes to Katarina's question)

I assume it's girl only, I'm playing as a female archer.

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I don't know if this has been said but you can get Cecil's hairstyle for a chapter after you beat P-7 (Say yes to Katarina's question)

I assume it's girl only, I'm playing as a female archer.

I think it can to males too. I wonder if females can be shaved by Wrys?

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Small theory, with all the melee units being able to gain mag and res and the like, it leads me to believe that the negative growths in each class were taken out. I'll have to soft reset for a mag or res growth on Marth to be sure, but maybe that weird 2% growth is gone now.

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Come on, I only just got to Ch20 and this takes ages. Seriously, calm down. I wanted to check the Hammer theory, so I warped him over straight away, unfortunately it doesn't work.


He moves a bit like the Generals from FE10.

EDIT: My Unit actually has a conversation with him, too.

Edited by CO_Fimbulvetr
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Come on, I only just got to Ch20 and this takes ages. Seriously, calm down. I wanted to check the Hammer theory, so I warped him over straight away, unfortunately it doesn't work.


He moves a bit like the Generals from FE10.

Wow I'm really grateful you took the picture to so early, thank you! Still they nerfed him pretty bad, he wasn't updated for the new stat caps, is this the easy difficulty?

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Good god, he is stupidly powerful.

Oh, and how's his battle music?

As for your speak of the dark mage's tome Gurauaa, I'm going to guess it's Glower. Since in the old game it used to be Drain, which basically formed eyes in the air that show lasers at you and took you to 1 HP.

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It's on Normal, yes. Not casual though.

Two things about Midea: First, I think she could survive a turn. And for some reason the two Generals next to her have boss music.

EDIT: It had an eye in the spell effect, so I guess that means that damn spell is out? Either that or that put Eclipse in instead.

EDIT2: His stats are the same as in the bridge chapter. If it was anyone other than My Unit, or maybe Marth, Sheeda or Malice, he would own them, seriously. Also remember that only one unit can attack him because they need the Light Orb.

EDIT3: Forgot the music. It's very similar, except the base line is an electric guitar like the other boss themes.

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Good god, he is stupidly powerful.

Oh, and how's his battle music?

As for your speak of the dark mage's tome Gurauaa, I'm going to guess it's Glower. Since in the old game it used to be Drain, which basically formed eyes in the air that show lasers at you and took you to 1 HP.

He was way more powerful in the Snes version believe it or not. His stat caps were all 20 and that was the highest a unit could reach, his hp was 50 in a game where the stat caps was 52!

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How good did Sirius grow over time? Was he all that balanced or did he get many good lvl ups at all?

He grew quite nicely for me. My Sirius is pretty much destined to max Strength, and get high stats elsewhere. 20 Str, 18 Skl, 18 Spd, 16 Def, and 9 Res at level 11. The HP was kind of on the low side though (35).

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There's a Brave Sword and a Brave Lance in Akaneia's castle, in the central room. And a Brave Axe in the prison cell in the north.

Also, while most Dragons only have one range, the Earth Dragons still have two. And they're weak to the Divine Dragonstone of course.

EDIT: On the topic of weapons, by this late in the game everything has Silver weapons, or something like a Tomahawk or Knight Killer.

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Also, just got the Shield of Seals: It keeps the effect of the Star Orb, the +2 in every stat. I wonder which others it will keep.

EDIT: I killed Hardin before he got to attack with Sheeda and a Brave Lance.

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It's the same as the new one, except without the EVIL eyes, and I think his skin changes colour a bit too.

EDIT: The Brave bow is in the bottom right corner of the map. The area is unlocked when you approach Hardin.

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It's the same as the new one, except without the EVIL eyes, and I think his skin changes colour a bit too.

EDIT: The Brave bow is in the bottom right corner of the map. The area is unlocked when you approach Hardin.

Thats kind out of hard to imagine. Is his expression different?

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Do the stars mean anything for the base conversations? Or do the stars function differently than PoR/RD? I've had several 3-star conversations and I've gotten nothing. Do the stars signify plot importance? Help is much appreciated!

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I think the stars indicate importance to the story or tactics, not items. You always get items from the 1 star convos marked with a character name and a number from 1-4. Tends to be for characters you use. Most 2 star convos are Jagen, marked with the chapter number for some reason.

Reached the final gaiden chapter... Dear god another FoW chapter. And this one's a lot bigger than the others. Still a really low unit count, only 7 are allowed in.

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