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The first set of katakana, or the ai ai part? If you mean the katakana part, he's saying Ore, which is simply a mainly way to say I, or in a more primitive sense, me (ie. Me not like hot things).

He is basically saying here: Ai Ai, My turn now, ukiki!

He certainly has the makings of a caveman, making random noises and speaking rather simply.

Edited by Etzel's Hips
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That is an interesting concept. A tribe called the Roro, having many members being manipulated by a higher up into attack Marth's army. It would explain the clones, and the above mentioned speech.

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Another convo thingy, in Sirius first base conversation he stabs... something (it's got the sound effect used for a finishing blow). Not a person, since the only person there is My Unit.

I'm going out on a limb and guessing it's just showing how much more skill he has compared to My Unit after My Unit begs to spare with the mysterious badass. Sort of the "You don't want to fight me, you'll just embaress yourself. See? Look what just happened". Because it's been established that the man who is Sirius can be kind of an ass.

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Also, since you can read, Japanese, could you have a look a this? It's Roro's description in the character chart.


I doubt the theory he's multiple people, since Gharnef is involved and the multiple Roro's behave like the Gharnef clones.

EDIT: About the WTA, it's the same weird system that was in Shadow Dragon.

Edited by CO_Fimbulvetr
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Also, since you can read, Japanese, could you have a look a this? It's Roro's description in the character chart.


I doubt the theory he's multiple people, since Gharnef is involved and the multiple Roro's behave like the Gharnef clones.

EDIT: About the WTA, it's the same weird system that was in Shadow Dragon.

Okay, attempted translation time!

"A man from an assassination organization. Wears a strange mask on his head. His will cannot be derived from his speech."

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Also, since you can read, Japanese, could you have a look a this? It's Roro's description in the character chart.


I doubt the theory he's multiple people, since Gharnef is involved and the multiple Roro's behave like the Gharnef clones.

EDIT: About the WTA, it's the same weird system that was in Shadow Dragon.

Heh! Says he is a man of the dark tribe in the first line!

He is a member of the Dark Tribe. He wears an eerie mask. I'm not entirely sure what the last sentence says, but I think it's along the lines of "his mind is not all there". I recognize the kanji for flight and sound being next to eachother, but I'm not sure what term that means, as it could also mean he makes noise or his thoughts. What confuses me about it is that it has No between kanji which I think would signify ownership, then the phrase Nai is just thrown in the center of it, which implies a negative. Maybe it's saying "His mind is not his own", which would signify he's posessed by something, be it primal rage or Gharnef's influence.

EDIT: Elipse's translation of the final line sounds better than mine.

In fact, his translation of assassin is also probably more accurate, because I just noticed that the box outlining his group has the same set of kani I mistook for Dark Tribe (I made a hasty assumption because the first kanji in the set means Dark). So, either all of them are from the Dark Tribe, or they're all assassins. Judging the difference between Roro and the rest? The assumption is obvious.

...Though I still can say he's a dark tribe guy. He just seems like the muscle the group was given, because him being an ACTUAL assassin seems laughable.

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Another convo thingy, in Sirius first base conversation he stabs... something (it's got the sound effect used for a finishing blow). Not a person, since the only person there is My Unit.

Just for reference... the My Unit is often training. Don't be surprised if he does the same.

And I believe Eclipse's translate is accurate enough.

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is there a complete/composite character relation chart out there somewhere? Im guessing as there are loads of characters it will be hellishly hard to put one together.

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Recruitment guide basically complete. 1 thing on mind to test is if Michalis can recruit Maria.

Prologue choices:

Athena or Gordin

Draug or Ogma

Cain or Est.

Main game recruitment:

Luke, Rody, Cecil, Alan, Gordin, Ryan, Draug: Chapter 1 automatically

Malliesia: Chapter 1, visit the village.

Catria: Automatically in chapter 2.

Warren: Talk with Catria. Chapter 2.

Cord: Visit the village. Chapter 2.

Linde: Automatically in chapter 3.

Paola: Automatically in chapter 3.

Bord: Visit the western village. Chapter 3.

Julian: Visit the northeastern village. Chapter 3.

Matthis: Speak with Julian. Chapter 3.

Wrys: Automatically in chapter 3x.

Ogma: Automatically in chapter 4

Yumina and Yubello: Automatically in chapter 4.

Sirius: Speak with Ogma. Chapter 4.

Castor: Visit the northeastern village. Chapter 4.

Shiida: Automatically in chapter 5.

Barst: Speak with Ogma. Chapter 5.

Rickard: Speak with Julian. Chaopter 5.

Frey: Automatically at the end of turn 2. Chapter 6.

Norne: Automatically at the end of turn 2. Chapter 6.

Samto: Speak with Ogma or Shiida. Chapter 6.

Wendell: Automatically in chapter 6x or 7.

Caesar and Radd: Automatically in chapter 7 if survived 6x.

Navarre and Feena: Automatically in chapter 7.

Cain: Automatically in chapter 8.

Bantu: Visit the village in chapter 8.

Roger: Speak with Shiida. Chapter 8.

Jeorge: Speak with Gordin. Chapter 8.

Minerva: Visit the village. Chapter 9.

Etzel: Speak with Marth. Chapter 9.

Merric: Automatically in chapter 10.

Ellerean: Speak with Wendell. Chapter 10.

Dice and Maris: Automatically in chapter 10x's prep screen.

Horace: Automatically in chapter 10x.

Jake: Speak with Shiida. Chapter 11.

Daross: Speak with Marth. Chapter 12.

Robert Belf and Leiden: Automatically in chapter 13's prep screen.

Beck: Speak with Marth. Chapter 13.

Athena: Automatically in Chapter 13x.

Xane: Automatically in chapter 14.

Tiki: Speak with Marth in chapter 14.

Est: Automatically in chapter 15.

Dolph: Automatically in chapter 15.

Abel: Speak with Marth or Est. Chapter 15.

Macellan: Automatically in chapter 16.

Astram: Speak with Jeorge. Chapter 16.

Katarina: Speak with My Unit 3 times. Chapter 16x.

Tomas: Visit the Northeastern village. Chapter 17.

Sheema: Speak with Marth if no Gra soldiers were killed. Chapter 17.

Samsom: Speak with Sheema. Chapter 17.

Frost: Automatically in chapter 18's prep screen.

Roshea: Visit the village. Chapter 19.

Vyland: Speak with Roshea. Chapter 19.

Sedgar: Speak with Vyland. Chapter 19.

Wolf: Speak with Sedgar. Chapter 19.

Midia: Automatically in chapter 20.

Ymir: Automatically in chapter 21.

Michalis: Joins in chapter 22's prep screen if Minerva waited 1 turn

in the village and spoke with Michalis before visiting the village

with Marth.

Nagi: Automatically in chapter 22.

Lena: Speak with Julian. Chapter 24.

Nyna: Speak with Sirius. Chapter 24.

Maria: Speak with Minerva. Chapter 24.

Elice: Speak with Marich. Chapter 24.

BSFE map recruitment:

Frost: Speak with Minerva.

Maris/Malice: Speak with Rickard after getting 600G

Dice: Speak with Maris/Malice.

Edited by Sirius
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Weird enough I got what I think is the Aum staff from a base conversation in chapter 10. It has 1 use, and theres only 1 staff that does that. A lot of weird stuff has been happening from the base conversations actually.

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Awesome. :)

I really like My Unit's supports too. *coughLukecough*

"Let's decide the leadership with a battle between men!"

"But I'm a woman..."

"With a battle between man and woman, then!"

Weird enough I got what I think is the Aum staff from a base conversation in chapter 10. It has 1 use, and theres only 1 staff that does that. A lot of weird stuff has been happening from the base conversations actually.

There are two kinds of conversations.

The top one (kaiwa - conversation/dialogue) are proper convos, FE9/10-style.

The one below it (minna no yousu - everyone's conditions) provides varied bonuses. From the little I've played, they included extra experience, items, +support bonuses and temporary stat boosts. It seems to "charge" based on the DS' clock (daily or something).

Oh, and I'd like to confirm (if that hasn't been done yet) that the "<charname> and <charname> <number>" conversations seem to be support convos indeed. After getting a support level up from Rody in the minna no yousu option, the respective conversation (My Unit and Rody I) appeared in the kaiwa option.

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Any clue how much these convos can boost support points by? Is it just 1 or different numbers?

I haven't tried playing it yet, but it seems the second downloadable chapter lets you play as Kleine, Eremiya and Gharnef. The latter two probably join later on. Makes me wonder who they're fighting against...


Oh yeah, you get to use Roro and 4 clones of him o__o

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I haven't tried playing it yet, but it seems the second downloadable chapter lets you play as Kleine, Eremiya and Gharnef. The latter two probably join later on. Makes me wonder who they're fighting against...


Oh yeah, you get to use Roro and 4 clones of him o__o


Oh lawd, THIS I gotta see. XD

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I assume they're using flashcarts and downloading them, but I don't know. I doubt it's possible with emulators like DeSmuME or No$GBA, but I have heard that the new DeSmuME supports Wi-Fi now, so I guess it's possible.

Wow, this post didn't help at all.

Edit: Oh, hey, I was vaguely right.

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