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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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The pegasus knight seemed to be breathing less and was not moving. Pary quickly gave a few chest compressions and tried using his light magic to purge the electrical surges.

Pary held his staff over her chest again, and healed her one last time. She coughed up a little blood, then opened her eyes and sat up.

OOC: ;_; You can restart a heart.

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"That's... actually a really good idea," Kelas said, watching the fireball. "Arrin, send up sparks, maybe the other mages will follow suit?" She paused: Amari was standing behind her, obviously miserable from the fog. "Amari, go find Tessa, hey?" she said. Amari galloped off, operating mostly on scent and hearing to find her target. "You all right?" Kelas repeated to Isotov.

Arrin dutifully sent up sparks. "Will the others get the message, do you think?" he asked.

"Well, if they're not total idiots..."

Edit: added second half

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Iso: Yeah, Kelas. I'm alright. ... I can't believe that Shanice can turn into something like that. He could have killed us all.

Irina and Levski

With the fog clearing up, Lev could finally see Irina and Kiev.

Lev: What the f*ck? Kiev, how the hell did you get your head stuck "through" the tree? I thought that was just a myth!

Irina: Lev!! I'm gonna faaaaall!!

Lev: Oi >_>'



Levski walked over and caught Irina before she hit the ground, then sat her on her feet.

Lev: Alright ... now let's figure out what to do about Kiev.

OOC: Will post peggie stuff soon.

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OOC: Luci died. Mmkay?


"Father, she's dead," Derek said, face emotionless. Not again... As the fireball rose in the air, the fog began to be eaten away, allowing Derek to spot the other two riders clearly. Seeing one near a tree that had a chance, he said, "Father, heal that one. She's still alive," he said, before riding over to the third rider. Picking her up, he quickly rode in the direction of the rest of the group, hoping the beat the clock.


"I'M OK!" Dani shouted, seeing the first fireball go up. Upon seeing the fog clear up, the mage realized her brother's intent. The next fireball came up, and she shot a Bolting spell at it. Fire and Thunder collided, before expanding into a sphere of light! The fog was blasted to oblivion, and, after a few seconds, day returned to the area.


Eric waved, bandaging his arm.

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OOC: Derek does not exist.....>_>

Pary: Having restarted the women's heart, he hurried over to the other rider, mending her wounds as well. She opened her eyes, and breathed.

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Hearing a huge explosion, Heinz looked up to see a huge fireball dissipating the clouds, followed by a shower of sparks. Recognizing the sparks as Arrin's handiwork, Heinz walked towards them and the sound of Kelas's voice.

So Kelas, Arrin, Isotov, and Katie are all here, Heinz noted. "I'm here," he said as he emerged from the fog.

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"I haven't seen anyone dead yet, but it looked like most of the group was attacked," replied Heinz. Seeing the worry in Arrin's eyes, Heinz could do no more than shrug apologetically. "Sorry Arrin, I haven't seen Tessa since last night when we were eating."

Heinz heard Pary's comment and paused for a second, walking over to the shamaness. Still unconscious, though she looks normal enough. "I'll go look for the others for now," he said before walking back into the fading fog.

OOC: Where exactly is Morgan anyway? If she's not nearby the group Heinz'll go looking for her as well.

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"...That was strange," Kelas muttered as Heinz vanished. "Right, so the four of us are all right and-- Arrin, sit down before you faint and stop trying to tell me that you didn't wear yourself out with that damn tome of yours," she ordered. She glanced at Isotov. "You actually better off than he is, or are you just better at bluffing?" she asked.

Arrin sat down, but resumed protesting: "Really, I'm all right. Just a little winded."

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Iso: I didn't use a lot of energy, but I took a bad hit when I freed myself. I'm not looking forward to when Morgan wakes up and realizes that her weapon is gone.

Viveka and Jasmine

Still barely conscious, Viveka held onto Derek tightly. She had no idea where or when she was, and he was the closest thing to protection she had. She didn't say a word though, because it could have very well been a dream that she'd wake up from.

Meanwhile Jasmine slowly rose from the tree and stumbled around. She looked over to see all three pegasi unconscious! Susann was waking up though. She then turned to see Pary standing over Lucille! She rushed over to her hoping to wake her up!

OOC: Don't feel like posting hysterical hysterics right now, so I'll save that for next post.

EDIT: Added Iso

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"She's disarmed? Wait, she-- her Crimson tome's gone?" Kelas stared for a second. "They can do that?!"

"It's entirely possible," Arrin chimed in, still sitting on the ground. "My teacher's research..." He trailed off. Now was not the time.

"Well, we should be able to get to healers... soon..." Kelas mused. "Neither of you look like you need immediate attention, so that's a mercy."

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Derek and Eric

"I have one confirmed death. One of the pegasus riders," Derek said, riding up to Kelas and Co. Feeling the rider he was carrying holding on to him, he gently lifted her off of his horse, and, taking his coat off, wrapped it around her. Now, his armor was fully visible to the group, and a green cape was hanging from off of his shoulders. "Miss Morgan is unconscious, which is rather unfortunate. General Jackson, Colonel Kleine, Eric, make sure nothing attacks the rest of the group, and start to patch up the wounded while you wait for the healers. I'm going to look for the rest of us, and run the injured back here."

Without waiting for a response, the mercenary rode off towards the dead rider and her friend.

Stepping up to the tents, Eric quickly went through them all, looking for any kind of threat.

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"...We lost one..." Kelas was struck with the realization that it could have been Arrin, or any of her friends.

Arrin was worse shaken. He scrambled to his feet. "I'm going to go find Tessa," he declared, running stumblingly off into the fog.

"Arrin, wait, I already sent Amari--" She moved to pursue, then stopped. The fog was thinning, but she could still hardly see ten feet in front of her. "...Dammit. That idiot! We're... we're not even sure they're all gone..."

oocedit: Anyone can bash into Arrin.

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OOC: Viveka is not suffering from amnesia. She's gone through a serious case of oxygen deprivation, and it's got her severely confused.

Isotov and Viveka

Conrad: One my units?

Viveka: Pegasus ...? Wha-a-at? What's that soldier talking about?

Iso: (Whoa, what happened to Viveka? She doesn't seem quite right ...)

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"Hnnn?" Alferis moaned as he opened his eyes. His back really hurt, but there seemed to be no serious injuries. He saw Esphyr sitting over him, tending to his wound. She and Reika appeared to be arguing.

"Ahh. I'm fine. I just need to be bandaged up a bit, and then I'll be ready to move."

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OOC: Taking the cue mainly from 1142353[/snapback] on this one. There was significant ambiguity as to which tent got arrowed (as in 1142276[/snapback] the peg knights had scattered and could conceivably have been anywhere) so I made it Tessa's.

Shortly after she'd asked Charlotte if there were anyone the cleric was interested in, Tessa heard the sound of a commotion break out outside the tent. Deciding it wasn't worth waiting for the answer, and that perhaps the girl would rather not speak of it anyway, and since she still needed to go and wash up, the sudden activity served as an excuse to break off the conversation. Turning and heading towards the tent entrance she was only about halfway across when the arrows hit. Three of them passing straight through the door of the tent, and lodging themselves in her chest and shoulders in a 'V' shape.

Staggering backward in pain, Tessa accidentally knocked over the central support of the tent, causing the whole thing to come down around their ears, and the folds of canvas piled up, covering both her and Charlotte. In a way, this was fortunate, as the sword-demon Megae had been running around and slashing the other tents, looking for victims, but one collapsed tent looked much the same as any others, so the two girls were likely spared from a bloody death at her hands.

In another way though, it was most certainly unfortunate, as concealed first by the collapsed tent and then later by the thick fog, nobody else knew where they were.

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Still securing the area, Eric came upon a tent that looked less severely damaged than the others. Lifting the fabric, he was horrified to discover Tessa and Charlotte, lying on the ground, motionless.

"No..," he muttered, checking for pulses. Luckily, he felt two pulses, albeit weak ones. Picking Tessa up with his right hand, and Charlotte with his, he struggled to sling them on his shoulders. Ignoring the pain on his left arm, the swordsman moved back over to the rest of the group.

"Where's Pary? As of right now, he's our only healer," he said, placing the two girls down. "At least, until they wake up."

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Damian got up and looked around for Esphyr. "She was just here! Dammit where did she go!" Then he heard a familiar voice above him. "Damian!" Yelled Aiya on Unfran- something. "Hurry up and get on! Morgan has been severed!" Damians eye widened (Think of those Anime characters when they realized something). He was about to get on Un- Bull wyvern when he looked back and saw Helios slumped over. Helios returned the glance. "Go." Helios said. Damian nodded as he mounted on to the bull wyvern and headed toward where everyone was.


After Damian left Helios let out a sigh. He took out a stone that was lodged in the right side of his stomach. There was a deep cut in his forehead and he couldnt find the strength to get up. "Maybe i should have taken his offer...." He put all his strength into his arm and got up only to find himself falling back down again. He leaned on a wall and started to walk back to the middle of camp. Each step was more painful then the last. His wound was getting worse. It started to open up again. However Helios kept walking. That is when he saw his horse grazing on some leaves.

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With a quick application of the final bit of her vial, Esphyr finished her healing work on Alf. "There. You should probably invest in armor or something seeing as I've now healed you the most of anyone here."

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"Hey, horse. Help your master out a little?" The horse complied. If his master were to fall then they group will abandon him. He will have to become a stray in order to live. Helios mounted on the horse. Though stilled pained he managed to head back near group. The first person he saw was Esphyr. He fell off his horse to their surprise got up. His breath was getting heavier and he was getting a little dizzy but he couldnt let such thing get in the way. "Is it true? Morgan's tome was severed." He asked Esphyr.

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"Wait... What? Morgan got her tome severed?!" asked Esphyr, bolting upright as her entire attention shifted from healing Alf to the recent comment. She quickly reached up, grabbing his arm. "HOW?!" she practically screamed in his face.

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"I dont know." He muttered under his breath. He headed deeper into the group. He was ready to faint but pressed on. Then he remembered. Fire. Isotov must know. "Was Morgan severed?" He asked Isotov

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