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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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'Roleplay?May as well see how this goes...'

A slight sniffle.

"Why are you always so mean?You never let me do anything,you just force me in the kitchen all of the time...I thought you said I was special to you?!Then why do you treat me like a slave...?" Changing his voice to a higher pitch,and cracking it slightly,Damian tried to imitate a distressed and unhappy teenage girl,nervously playing with his hair as he spoke,acting intimidated.

Esphyr was barely able to hold in her laughter,Damian could tell,and was ready to finish this.

'...and go...tantrum!'

"Y-you're just an ungrateful pig!I-I hate you!" he rushed at her.While the weak teenager would whack her fists against the father or abusive husband's body,usually in a futile effort,Damian used his superior size and Esphyr's distraction to quickly tackle her,which led to both on the ground,with Damian on top.

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Cess could see Damian and Esphyr from the river bank. He couldn't catch the fish bare handed, he didn't want to get wet. He walked over to the two. "Damian, can I borrow one of your lances? I was going to catch some fish for breakfast.....Oh, I didn't realize I was interupting..."



Kelas had appearently abandoned him, so he went to find fire wood by himself. He returned with some sticks in his arm, and set the water to boil. When the coffee was done, he set to prepare some rice and eggs for the group.

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Iso quickly stopped, and started jogging in place bouncing Katie up and down all the while! He had stopped running forward so he could wave over to Kelas!

Iso: Hey, no problem! By the way, I was really hungry yesterday so I ate some of your rations. Uh ... I'll help you restock later if you want ... heheh!

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"Eeee! Help! Help! My wife is killing me! My wife is killin-Oh! Beer..." said Esphyr, drawing out the final sound as she 'gave' in to her 'wife' and took a slack-jawed appearal, like a drunk. "I still love you hunny, no matter how shut-in and crazy you are."


Katie gave a soft smile as she was lifted up by her 'slave'. If only she had a riding-crop! Either way, she was happy being carried by Iso.

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"Shut-in and crazy,eh?" Damian said,looking down at her with a smirk.Coming down,he gave her a quick kiss on the lips,before hearing Cess speak up from the sideline.

"Huh?Oh,Cess.There's a javelin over there." he said,pointing to the lance that was now leaning against the tree.

"Now then,ever been ravaged by your weak,defenseless,'wife',hunny?"

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Cess quickly grabbed the javelin. "Um, I'll just...yeah, over here...." He tried to slip out as inconsipuously as possible.

Walking back to the bank, he took his shoes off, and rolled up his pants. He waded in, and stood still for a few minutes, waiting. The fish swam up, and he pounced.

Repeating the method several times, he walked back into camp, shoes in one hand, a javelin with about a dozen fish in the other. "Anybody want breakfast?"

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"Thanks a lot," Tessa smiled with relieve, reaching for the offered bag. Quickly locating a brush she started to work out a snarl, while Charlotte had continued to speak.

After the other girl had concluded, Tessa responded with sincerity, "Your care does show through, you know. You are always looking well. While it was chance that you were in the tent with me, I was glad it was you."

Following the honest compliment though, she wasn't quite sure where to go with that last comment. It had certainly seemed as if the cleric were hinting toward something she couldn't quite grasp. "Trying to impress? Well... I'd like to impress almost everyone here, you know. Try to fit in. But that's more about actions that appearances isn't it? That said, it's hard to be at your best if you haven't properly taken care of yourself, so maybe they do go hand in hand..."

Trailing off she gazed thoughtfully into space, before moving the brush around to work on another tangle, having cleared up the first.

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While the priest walked off to call for more of the group to come eat, Heinz continued drinking the stew, grabbing a few biscuits as well. Soon Damian and Aiya arrived, and as Charlotte and Damian began engaging in conversation, Heinz grew more and more suspicious about the healer's origins. She thinks the Septimians skewer people? What type of idiot would purposely attract attention to themselves like that? I suppose Jace might..... but there's a reason they call him a brute. After attempting and failing to change the subject when an injured Helios was brought towards her, the healer quickly disappeared back into one of the tents.

I'd bet 20 gold that she's the Jerdonian princess herself, Heinz thought as he finished eating and stuffed a few biscuits into an empty pocket of the saddlebags. She isn't very good at hiding her noble origins though, and pretending to be a cleric is the oldest trick in the book. Even with that swordsman and his friends here to protect her, last time I checked they raised the bounty on the princess of Jerdon again. Heinz smirked. That colonel may be an idiot, but there's a nice large lump sum of money for anyone who catches her, all paid up front...

Just then, Heinz was interrupted from his deliberations by a loud cry coming from the direction of the same tree as before. Squinting at the note in Morgan's hand, he raised his eyes at the threat. Looks like Jace has gotten even stronger since the last time I went back to Septimus. Though he wasn't particularly inclined to protect Esphyr, getting rid of the pickpocketing thief appealed to him, and selling the Halton books in a country other than Halton would probably net him more gold.

Choosing an empty tent at random, Heinz closed the flaps and ripped out the more important chapters of the books with one of his knives. Tucking the papers into his cloak, Heinz slept comfortably until morning, when he replaced the saddlebags back onto his horse and went in search of Kelas to ask about the missing bit.

OOC: Heinz noticed Kiev's injury, but he doesn't consider it particularly important.

Edit again: Grammar.

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"Oh, why thank you." Charlotte said to Tessa's compliment.

At Tessa's reply, Charlotte put her hand on her chin Lucky for these two that I'm here, they just can't seem to realize anything on their own. "Hmm, I was more talking about impressing some of the gentlemen here. I think there might be one in particular who fancies you a great deal, perhaps you fancy him as well? A certain young, thunder wielding gentleman?" Charlotte saw her own smirk in her hand mirror as she wiped her face.

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Helios fell asleep on the grass. He was that dead tired. As the sun came up in the horizon, he still didnt show any signs up waking up. The horse came over and started hitting his master in an attempt to wake up. Helios groaned as he got up. He dusted himself off. The horse looked at Helios with eager eyes. "You beat me up and then expect me to reward?" The horse's look didnt phase out. Helios sighed. He took out an apple from his pocket and fed it to the horse. "I should give you a name... A good one, one that will strike fear into the enemies heart! Damn thats hard." He started pacing back and forth. Then he heard something that struck fear into his heart. "Ohhhh~ Ooo~". He looked around and saw Damian, Esphyr and Aiya outside. Perhaps Isotov and Katie. But that wasnt their tent. He gazed inside to see the headmaster stroking her wing. "Headmaster?" :blink:


Ruby gave Petros a desperate look. "Please tell me you can warp yourself."

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"No I haven't." replied Esphyr, her arms splayed out wide to her sides, leaving her exposed for Damian. "I feel like I am about to become the woman of this relationship though."


"What is it Lee... Is little Ellen awake yet? Can't you get a bottle for her?" muttered the headmaster as Helios spoke.

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"Well maybe it wouldn't come to this if you actually touched me every once in a while,instead of ramming your tiny little cock inside of me every chance you get,then just falling asleep after!"

Damian replied,increasing the pitch of his voice again,and giving a disapproving glare.

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"But... But... Aiya says it's huge and that it fills her up every night! You're so damned difficult to please though!"


"Nyuggg..." groaned the headmaster, rolling over towards Helios in her sleep. One of her wings whipped about to come to rest upon his lap.

Edit: Changed Esphyr's response.

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Suddenly it became of a test of courage. Helios sighed as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He pushed away her wing from his lap and yelled. "HEADMASTER WAKE UP!"

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Charlotte's allusion was pretty direct, and it was easy to tell just who the cleric was referring to.

"Oh, Arrin?" Tessa confirmed, "Hmmm, now that you mention it, it does seem that he cares a great deal about me. Almost too much even maybe. Though, it can be kind of cute at times... But yeah, I don't know that I really need to even do anything to impress him. I mean, I don't even remember just when we started getting along. It almost seems like we always have, ever since we met in Elysima."

Finished with all the difficult patches, she turned the brush around and offered it back to Charlotte. She was still interested in the conversation, though, so she didn't leave to take care of the rest of her routine just yet.

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OoC: C'mon,I was making this any generic couple,don't make such a low blow T-T...

A personal shot.Damian looked down at Esphyr,annoyance plastered on his face.

"Aiya's the only one you ever touch...I-I just don't know what to do...why won't you touch me?" He said,placing his hands against his chest and pouting.

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Charlotte accepted the brush from Tessa and began to brush her own hair.

"So you have noticed...good. Now, Arrin definitely likes you, he told me so himself more or less, so you don't need to do anything there. The thing is that Arrin's a bit on the shy side, and doesn't seem to know what to do with himself. So you might want to take matters into your own hands. Nothing too bold mind you, you don't need to be as scandalous as some of the other women in this group." Charlotte made a small clicking sound with her tongue to indicate her disapproval of such things. "But anyway, try to let him know you're interested, since I don't think Arrin will make the first move on his own...pretty much ever." Charlotte giggled.

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"Because... Because I... I don't know!" exclaimed Esphyr, throwing her arms up around Damian. "There! I'm touching you! You happy?"

OOC: If his hands are across his chest, yet she's pinned under him, is he sitting on her, or about to fall on her?


"GAH! BANDITS!" screamed the headmaster, leaping up before she whirled about to deliver a swift roundhouse kick in Helios's direction.

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OoC:He's balancing himself with his legs,but not quite sitting on her.

As Esphyr came up,Damian allowed her weight to pull him down.

"Fine...you can have one chance...prove to me you can do more than just fuck mindlessly."

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"Oh, that was you?" Kelas replied. "Ah, all right then... and that'd explain why so much was gone, you're too damn tall," she joked.


"Hm?" Megae said, looking up from a handstand. "Oh, we're going? All right, I'll help," she told Ruby, jumping onto Petros' shoulders. "Tell me when to go."

OOC: The actual quantity of food can be determined by either rule of funny (Isotov eats a lot) or serious (Kelas is used to too-small portions).

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"What... What would you have me do?" asked Esphyr, the tone of her voice normal as she looked up at Damian.


"Helios... Please let my leg go." asked the headmaster, suddenly very thankful she was wearing pants instead of a skirt.

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