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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"Now would not be a good time," muttered Alf loud enough that Damian could hear.

"You're just banging your head on a brick wall," said Reika. "They'll find an excuse to screw each other faster than you can take a step. You might as well just let them do their 'business' until little miss swordswoman finds her stomach larger than usual."

"Yeah...I know Morgan's wounded but are there any others? Well, besides him," said Alf pointing to Helios. He began to treat the wounds.

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Lev: (Heheh. He's not so good at carrying women around. Oh well. Better in time I suppose.)

Levski noticed that Morgan was apparently trying to do something, but he wasn't sure exactly what it was. Nevertheless, he decided to answer her question.

Lev: Yeah, the demons took off. You can relax now, I think.

Once Damian blurted out what was really going on, everything clicked into place!

Lev: Her tome is gone? (Holy wyvern ... that's ridiculous.)

Viveka and Jasmine

Viveka: Urgh ... I can't believe this ... we were doing just fine ... then ... then that damn slope again! Dammit!

Jasmine: I don't understand ... what happened?

OOC: Notice: When Jasmine finds out ... there will be hysterical hysterics. Final warning.

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Esphyr turned about, burying her head part-way into Damian's chest, her other eye glancing out at Alf. "No." she said, her voice muffled by his armor. "I'm fine. I... I'm not wounded. I can fight."


Katie, meanwhile, had somehow found her way over to the body. A solum look was upon the mages face as she looked down at the dead body. "Did she have family?"

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"This'll take a while," Kelas replied to Derek, turning away from Pary; it was apparent that the healer was currently unreachable, and Charlotte had gotten Tessa out of danger. "Where are we even going from here, other than somewhere with supplies?" She was still reeling from the attack, and from her failure; her motions now were merely automatic.

OOC: Added last sentence.

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"Hence the patrol. We make sure nothing is coming near us, and make sure it stays that way. As for where to next... Well, honestly, I don't know the area. Maybe Colonel Kleine could tell you where the next decent-sized town is," the mercenary said over his shoulder, riding away.

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"Tome gone?" said Morgan, sitting up. "That explains it. Midnight was severed by the ice demon then, as it attempted to do to Helios in the graveyard. Unfortunate, though there is little they can do with only one weapon. There is little we can do withut all of them either, so that leaves us at a bit of a standstill. Since they want all the weapons presumably, I doubt we have seen the last of them."

"As for our next location, we will be heading for Septimus. Naelia will steal items from us until we talk to Jace, and our next encounter with demons will go worse if we are undereuipped." She got up, refusing to cringe at the pain, and surveyed the scene.

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"You think I'm trying to screw her?!At a time like this!" Damian said angrily at Alferis,Esphyr's distress the only thing stopping Damian from lunging at the man.

"I don't know what kind of heartless bastard you think I am,but don't dare talk like you have any idea what's going on!You don't know shit all about what just happened!"

Realizing he was yelling,he turned his head away from Alferis and began to speak to Esphyr.

"You've already done enough...just relax,and vent...get it all out of your system..."

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"Damian, don't yell." said Esphyr, her voice weary and exhausted. "Please. Alf, if you want to know, go ask... her." she said before she turned her head fully about, slumping into Damian fully as she slid down his body. Her arms draped themselves over his shoulder and waist as Esphyr was now looking up at Damian, almost begging to be picked up and carried over to Aiya's steed.

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Meanwhile, Xenia and Travis were traveling through the sky on Svetlana!

Travis: So Xenia you're a wyvern riding mercenary. That would make you part of Ivanko's mercenaries, yes?

Svetlana hissed at hearing the name Ivanko. Mistress did not enjoy it, so neither did she. Well this only applied to words of course. Mistress was not very fond of fish, but Svetlana was. The sea wyvern's thoughts drifted to fish as she floated through the air.

Xenia: Wrong. I also don't enjoy casual conversation or your idiotic rhymes, as I've pointed out everal times over the last few days.

Travis: Ah come on toots, lighten up a little. Bad falling out with your old employer, eh? Deserter?

Xenia snorted. "Very astute of you dimwit. Yes I got tired of being pushed around by a self-righteous hypocrite and his loyal band of morons. What business is it of yours?"

"I like to get to know the people I work with beautiful" said Travis. "Had a deserter in the ranks recently myself, but he'll be getting what's coming to him. Oi, it's Caw!"

A large black raven appeared, creaking excitedly.

"Says the group were looking for is a few miles off, looking hurt." said Travis.

"Excellent." said Xenia. "Let us watch them for a while...see what we catch."

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"Yeah...I'm sorry,Esphyr." Damian said,lifting her up and holding her off the ground,allowing her to rest in his arms.

"Let's go,then.Whatever you need to do,okay?"

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"We're going to Septimus, then... let's go when we can," Chase agreed. "... Which direction is it in again? Just so I know for later."

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"If it'll make you guys feel better....fine. You can't exactly blame me with your history of women known."

"And if it makes you feel better, it's nothing personal. Most soldiers tend to be ruthless sons of bitches and I have no doubt that if it was any soldier, then I'd be right," he remarked, finishing tending Helios's wounds.

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"Thank you, Alferis" Helios said as he got up. He started flexing his arm back and forth. Morgan was awake. He would have gone and apologized but it was just one tome. Besides if his plan worked then they will pay back the demons with double pain. Helios heard Chase comment about Septemus. "Why are we going there?"

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"Do you realize that I just explained that!?" Morgan snapped at Helios. "Every day Esphyr doesn't talk to Jace, Naelia will steal an item from us. We have no way of ensuring that she will not steal valuable items and we cannot be left defenseless, so we're going."

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Helios was surprised by her reaction. She was the same without her tome. Helios snickered. "I was out cold. Wind mages are weak compared to shamans" He said sarcastically.

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Eric & Dani

"... If that's the case, I'll be going on my way, then," Eric said, sheathing his sword. "I'm not exactly a fan of the country. And I'm sure as hell NOT going to meet with that man."

"Jace killed my dad. Do you expect me to go meet with him?" Dani asked. "I'm out, too!"

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Having been healed by combined efforts of the group, Tessa's nerves slowly stopped sending the messages to her brain telling it there's too much pain, it would be better off not to be awake right now. Perhaps three, perhaps five minutes had passed since the last time she had opened her eyes, but when she opened them once again, things were actually in focus this time, and she wasn't having trouble breathing anymore.

Well, that wasn't exactly true. She was being hugged tightly, but for all intents and purposes the uncomfortable sensation of pressure in her chest had been completely dealt with. Squirming a little, Tessa managed to get a look at who was embracing her. It was Arrin, and she could see tear tracks down his cheeks. Deciding it wasn't worth mentioning, she just asked, "What happened?" before quickly ceasing any further struggle, and returning the hug. Lightly at least, backing off when hit with some lingering residual pain.

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"Yes I do expect you two to go." said the headmaster, coming up behind both Dani and Eric. Her hands slid up and over their shoulders, gripping them firmly in a vice. "The reasoning is simple enough. We just got attacked by a demonic force which we were barely able to defeat. If they choose to assault us again, we need every person here to stave them off. Now, you can leave if you want, but the next time they attack, I doubt they are going to care to divide up their forces to match ours. Look at our group. Look at the state we're in. We need our power. I don't care what petty squabble you have with Septimus, but you will not leave the group or you all risk dying. Understand?"

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"Septimus?" All color drained from Alferis's face.

"No. Not Septimus. We're not going there. That would be very bad for all of us. We're not going. We're going to find some other way."

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