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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"... Alright. Anyone who has a mount, saddle up," Derek directed, wiping the blood off of his arms and replacing his gauntlets. "Anyone who doesn't, find someone else to ride with. We'll probably be able to make the border by nightfall, if we leave now."

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As the headmaster took off into the sky, Morgan suggested that the group leave. Meanwhile, both Kiev and Krinkov eyed the dead pegasus. The two were licking their mouths and constantly looking back to see if no one would mind. Of course Levski noticed.

Lev: ... you two are just terrible >_>'

Irina: Gah! They want to eat her pegasus?! o_O'

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"... Yeah, I don't feel like seeing the horse become wyvern lunch, myself," the mercenary said, getting off of his horse. Walking over to the dead animal, he helped Helios lift it, and place it into the hole Morgan made. Caving the sides of it in to bury the horse, he mounted up again, and asked, "Are we all ready, now?"

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With the help of the Mercenary Helios lifted the Pegasus and headed towards the hole Morgan created. He dropped the Pegasus in and then buried it. Helios looked back at Krinkov and Kiev who looked a little disappointed. "That should be enough, we depart for Septemus now." Helios said mounting on his horse.

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Morgan nodded and got on the back of Chase's horse. As they rode along, she began to feel dizzy. I don't recall being hit in the head...were my injuries that severe?

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"Okay, let's get going, uh... that way!" Chase exclaimed, and headed off towards the capital.

OOC: Captain, we're ready for timeskip.

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The group, still tired and weary from the demon attack pressed on until they reached a town gate. It towered over them. Two Cavaliers were stationed outside the gates. One was polishing his sword while the other who looked a little more inexperienced looked around hastily. As the group came closer the inexperienced knight panicked. "Oh no, i see soldiers. What should we do?" The other knight was breathing on his blade. He wiped it off. It let off a luminescent shine as he rose it over his head, his back to the group. He checked his reflection in it. He saw a bunch of soldiers and mages alike in it. There was two Wyverns as well. "Are you guys some sort of traveling circus?" He asked.

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Somewhere in Halton

As the headmaster of TISME made her way through the skies back to Elyisima, a dark object steadily approached! Directly in front of her, a dark mass of energy intercepted her, and blocked her path! The basket ball sized sphere of dark energy violently pulsated in front of her! The caster was far below looking up.

Ixion: There you are ...

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With a flare of the wing and a twist of her body, the headmaster came to a dead stop before the shadowed sphere. Already, one of her hands had come off of Lucy's body and was rubbing her forehead in pain as the sphere of dark magic flowed before her.

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Charlotte nodded. "We will probably need substantial military aid to retake Jerdon, Elyisima has taken a neutral stance, so I thought I might try to convince Halton to intervene on our behalf. I do not know how much success I will have, but I can try."

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After a few moments, the sphere quickly took the shape of a siege arrow(the kinds ballista fire), and its head pointed straight downward!

OOC: Not much else to add. She's likely a thousand feet or higher so dialogue is pointless til she comes down.

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Pary walked over to Derek."Do you mind if I ride with you? I don't have a horse."



Cess looked around. It felt different with the others gone. He mounted Morrey, and rode over to the others, ready to go.


??? (Rita)

She walked down the street, swords at her side. The town had tons of shops and she could buy anything she wanted. The weapons were excellent quality, and there was hundreds of foods anyone could ever want. "Woah! Look!" She ran over to the glass window of the shop. "Look at all these magic tomes! I wonder..."

She headed into the shop to see what they had.

(OOC: It's day time for her. When she meets up with the others, it'll be night though.)

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"I didn't really think about that." said Charlotte, frowning. "Perhaps if we go to TISME the mages there can locate the headmaster and send us to her."

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"At least Elysimia sheltered you, milady," Eric said, thoughtfully. "But, yes, we sort of need some force, if we are to reclaim Jerdon. If the emperor is anything like Colonel Kleine, we may have great success. As for reuniting with the group, we simply march to Septimus. Not too difficult, is it?"


"Does it matter?" Derek asked them. "We're just travelers, looking for a town to restock at."

Edit: Assume Pary rode with Derek.

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"Yes it does. After Darien's destruction the capital appointed us to inspect everyone that comes in. Just more work for the poor guards to do." The guard sighed.

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As the headmaster flew to within earshot, Ixion began taking a few steps forward.

Ixion: I see you've temporarily parted from the crimson weapon wielders. That woman you're holding. She was the one struck down by Shanice, correct?

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Ixion: Hmph ... only one person was slain. It must be her. Good enough. I'm aware you had other plans, Headmaster, however, I have plans of my own. Hand over the body.

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