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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"Yes I wasn't attacked because I didn't make myself target practice, or in case that slipped over your head, used something called battle strategy. Since you're so busy trying to get into his pants, you weren't thinking and nearly got yourself killed. Though then again, I'm assuming you can think."

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Iso: !!!

Uh ... yeah ... >_>'

Irina and Levski

Irina: Strategy? Bullsh*t! You were probably hiding like you always do!

Lev: Umm ... okay. Reika said a thing ... then Irina said a thing ... and here we are >_>'


Viveka: Yeah, just a moment. I'll be back in a flash!

She quickly rushed up the stairs and retrieved a sturdy enough pair of slippers for the short walk. She also put the jacket on in place of the silk gown, and then came back downstairs with it buttoned up. She stopped at the door and started modeling a bit.

Viveka: How do I look? Pretty badass, huh?

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Esphyr's comment was a bit perplexing. She outright confirmed that it wasn't Pary, but she didn't say it that it had been Charlotte, and was acting like it could have been someone else. Snaking the hand she wasn't holding onto Kelas with inside the front of her shirt, Tessa felt her chest, where the arrows had pierced her. No, this is right, just like I had thought. They're properly closed up, and healed far more than should be possible with just a simple vulnerary... Confusion plainly played its way across her face, as she tried to decipher what could be going on.

If she knows Pary didn't heal me, she must have seen who did... but then again she mentions 'suspecting', not 'knowing'. Hmm, wait! Maybe she was with the priest at the time, and they were somewhere else entirely? But, again... how would she have suspicions, then... These thoughts, and another chain of similar ones quickly ran through her head, before she shook it, deciding it was too much effort at the moment, and asking was simpler.

Kelas had gotten kind of sheepish after their exchange, and Tessa was wondering whether it really had been the best idea to bring it up. But, what was done was done... Looking up at the female archer she asked, "Who... exactly found me anyway? I vaguely remember something about Damian, and then I was waking up in Arrin's arms, and... it's all kind of a blur."

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OOC: Snowy said Minor Group's TS was okay. So....yeah. (And they didn't attack Reika because she has like OMGWTF avoid)


Rita had paid for the group's rooms, and proceided to take the group to the buffet. There were dozens of dishes, and the group heftily filled their bellies. Eventually, the sun had set, and the group retired to their rooms. Alf and Eric in one, Dani and Charlotte in another, and Rita in the last one.

Morning soon came, and the group well rested and full set out. The sun was above head, and Rita was already outside with Dani. "So where are you guys heading anyway?"


Berry stood with her sisters inside the room. "Our disguises are perfect. We look nothing like ourselves. They're coming soon. You'll come wait with me outside Verry, Marry, prepare the traps."

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"Oh look, here pops up Mr. I'm So Retarded I get Beaten Up By A Horse. If you listened and used your eyes, you'd find that I was fighting and managed to avoid the notice of the mage girls. Then again, you don't seem to have a brain, so I shouldn't be too hard on you."

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"Hey, that horse was rigged. Damian probably gave it a command to beat me up. Why cant you just admit you ran away like a coward. I didnt see you fighting in the last battle either."

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Iso: (I don't think I've ever been in a situation this awkward before.) Okay, she was a good teacher ... most of what I know about anything I learned from her, plus a few other things. I wasn't her only student, but I'm pretty sure I was the favorite >_>'

Irina and Levski

Irina: Avoided detection? They were after the mages, you dolt!! You know why they didn't attack you?! Because you don't freaking matter!!

Lev: Oi ...

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"Really. If I don't matter, then you certainly didn't matter and you almost got killed by them anyway. And you call me a moron here.

And as for you dolt, we were completely outmatched and nearly all of us were killed, including you. Retreat would have been the best option, since fighting them nearly killed us."

Edited by Dark Sage
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"Im starting to wonder if you have a brain or not. SHE was kidnapped by Shanice and used as a hostage. Of course she doesnt matter. Your only reason here is because you have the crimson knife."

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Chase knocked on the inn door, and walked inside slowly, holding something in his hand. "... Hey, Viveka? Can I talk to you for a second?"


Conrad sighed, and put down his belongings. In his backpack, he had a vulnerary, a pouch of gold, smelling salts, several days worth of emergency rations, a throwing axe, and several other small objects. He opened up a small box, in which there was a pin showing four stars, and nodded. "Good, that's not missing... it'd be disastrous if it was. I'll have to keep it somewhere safe..."

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"I could say the same about the Crimson Wind tome. You have no reason at all to be here either, so what makes you think different?

Having a Crimson weapon is still a much better reason to be here then why she's there anyway. And she seems to be filled with self importance, considering how she thinks whatever reason she's here somehow makes her matter more than me."

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"Having a Crimson weapon here still matters more than protecting her brother, although she seems to be doing a lousy job so far. Speaking of protection, you think she means something else as well huh? And why are you getting involved with this anyway? Shouldn't you be coming up with new ways to get yourself killed?"

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Iso: Well, her other student was my friend, Adrian. She usually used him for target practice. I on the other hand ... well ... ... uh ... I certainly wasn't target practice >_>'

Irina and Levski

Irina: You're nuts! They went after me specifically to keep me and Kiev from protecting Iso. You on the other hand are always playing lone wolf and don't seem to contribute anything but a couple of daggers that might end up stolen right along with the dark tome! Don't say I don't matter! I actually help people, while you run around poking your nose in other people's business, and spouting your worthless opinions!!

Lev: (She's been pretty angsty lately.)


OOC: Viv is by the inn entrance modeling in Derek's jacket just for reference >_>'

While still modeling, Chase approached.

Chase: Hey, Viveka, can I talk to you for a second?

Viveka: Whoa!

She quickly stopped turning and strutting her body and stood normally!

Viveka: ... I want to see what Derek is up to. Why don't you walk with us? (In private next time ... >_>' )

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"Worthless opinions? Warning you all about causing trouble with the authorities is worthless? I'm surprised your group has survived for this long then. And if you weren't so dumb, you'd realize I just accused you of sleeping with your brother."

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Iso: ... *sigh* ... yeah ... several times (So to speak.) ... >_>'

Irina and The Levanater

Irina: So what? You're wrong! And I'm not talking about your so called warnings! I'm talking about you labeling everyone in the group as an idiot! Lo and behold, you're in the group too, bitch! I guess that makes you an idiot too! Welcome to the freaking club!!

Lev: *snickers* Okay I think that's enough heheh :lol:


Viveka: It's not a date or anything. You can come too. Aren't you running out of arrows anyway?

EDIT: Added Iso.

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