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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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Ixion: (It seems I'll have to take my chances with her ...) You're backing away a little too slowly I'm afraid.

Ixion's completion near his eyes darkened ever so slightly as his powers surfaced! He quickly held up one hand and a hideous black orb appeared in his palm! With a quick chant, the orb exploded out directly above him streaming into dozens upon dozens of shadowy rods! Each came crashing down around them forming a dark cage exactly three hundred feet in radius!

Ixion: I suppose we should hope that this body is worth all the trouble ...

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??? (Rita):

As she walked out of the shop, purchases in hand, she headed towards the West side of town. She saw a tiny theater troupe in the park, and walked over.

"Come one! Come all! Here about the magical Crimson group! The Crimson bandits! The play is starting! Just 2 gold each! A night of laughs! Of pain! Of love!"

Hmm...She walked over and paid the admission, and sat down. She had nothing to do till dinner, then she might as well hit the road.

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"Indeed. A hundred yard cage... Impressive Ixion. But you forgot one thing. FLYING BRICK ATTACK!" screamed the headmaster as, with a strong throwing arm, she hurtled the brick through the bars of the cage, aiming it right for Ixion's head.

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Xenia and Travis stopped in a small town, traveling northwest in the direction of Septimus.

The gate guards stopped them. "Halt! Are you bandits?"

Ï'm Captain Travis, a hero! And this my mercenary subordinate!" Travis boasted.

"Sub-" Xenia's angry retort was cut off as the guards let them in.

"So, do you have a plan for finding this princess, or are you just going to try searching every corner of Septimus?" asked Travis, smirking.

"Don't be a fool." said Xenia. "I have a contact in Septimus, some former Jerdonian pegasus rider. We'll see if she knows anything."

Svetlana sniffed the air. There was fish here! She looked around and spotted a local fisherman's stand. She ran towards it and eagerly gobbled up everything, tearing the stand to bits.

"My...my fish. You're paying for this!" said the fisherman, pointing his finger at Xenia.

"Don't think so." said Xenia. She and Travis mounted Svetlana and flew the rest of the day towards Septimus.

*Hours later*

As she entered the town, Morgan saw an irate man with a fisherman's hat trying to fix a broken stand.

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"...Ow" Chase winced, not noticing that the gate was closed and falling off his horse. "I'm okay... I think..." he muttered, and got back on his horse. He sat silently for a moment, then blurted out, "This just occurred to me, but ... I'm working for free, and I have no other way to make money because... well, I can't really steal stuff anymore."

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Ixion: Urgh-!!!

As the speeding brick closed in, Ixion rolled out of the way with just barely a split second to spare!

Ixion: I wonder how many of those you have left.

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"Very much so, and I would like to get back to deali-FLYING STONE ASSAULT!"

With a sudden motion, the headmaster picked up a large stone that had been resting upon the ground beside her and flung it at Ixion. But she didn't stop there. As soon as the stone left her hand, she bolted upright and sprung forwards, punching at the man. Though he was out of range, it didn't matter, for as soon as she finished the punch, a second fist, formed of magic, shot forwards towards his chest.

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Charlotte and company arrived at the gates to Altia at dusk.

"Well, we'll probably need to get a room at an inn so that we can change into something presentable tomorrow. I doubt the emperor takes many visitors at night. Hopefully he will see us tomorrow morning without an appointment..."

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Ixion: (Urgh! Not again!)

To buy himself precious nanoseconds, Ixion dashed backward and held out his hand! His signature singularity formed, and the rock was absorbed by it! He didn't have enough time to dodge the wind punches though, and quickly spread out the singularity into the shape of a large plate! The punches shattered the dark energy and forced Ixion back another fifteen feet, but he wasn't injured thanks to his last ditch effort!

(^Total time elapsed: 00:02:00)

Quickly standing tall again, he brushed himself off.

Ixion: ... I'm not in the mood for your little games today, Headmaster. If you don't give me that woman, then you'll be needlessly setting us back. I don't care that you don't trust me. I will succeed. Delaying that is pointless.

Edited by Phoenix
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"Ixion, I'm stronger than you and getting irritated by your entrapment. I can last longer than you in here, even if only because I can eat the corpse. Eventually, you will need to eat, sleep, use the restroom, and won't be able to maintain this cage. You will lower it now and I won't kick your ass into the ground. Understand?"

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"Same here. If you really need a job, I can probably find a way to get you one, depending on how Charlotte fairs in Altia," Derek said.


"... Alferis, do you know where one of these inns are?" Eric asked, looking around.


Meanwhile, Dani wandered off, taking in the city.

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"Wait! I'm your sister! I'm a vicious nomad, and I eat wolves whole! You're one of us!"

"Fire, fire, fire, fire, fire. Oooooh, cute little disabled girl!"

"Wyvern, wyvern, wyvern, wyvern."

"Helloooooo ladies, check out my huge lance! I'm a captain!"

"*Southern Belle accent* Damian! Come help me! The bull wyvern's so vicious! Oh my!"

"I hate you all. Darkness is my only friend."


"Ouch. A tree fell on me."

"I am a cleric! You can not expect me to sleep in the dirt! You filthy nomads!"

"I love you Damian, but you have Aiya. I need to survive! No one truely loves me!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Sorry, Viveka where are you?"

"*Valley girl accent* Like, I'm so ready to kill stuff! OMG, this shirt totally clashes with my hair. My legs are awesome!"

"I-I just want to help! Arrin, are you okay? Let me heal you."

"Thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder. Brother, brother, brother."

"Stabby, stabby, stabby, stabby, stabby. I'll let the bandit live."

"Um, uh, Morgan? I, uh, um, sorry. Never mind."

"Girls, girls, girls, girls, girls. Save Irina, sexy pegasus knight, Ivanko."

"Blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm a virgin, and an idiot!"


*Curtain closes*

:lol: :lol: "Bwahahahaha! That group is so stupid! If I ever run into them, they'll need my help. Aw, it's too dark to leave already. I might as well get a room for tonight."

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OOC: Viveka doesn't have a valley girl accent >_>


Ixion: Eat ... the corpse ...? :huh:

*sigh* ... I find you incredibly difficult to understand. We have a common enemy, one that I wish to fully understand, and you'll prevent me from making use of that body over sentimentalism? Don't be shortsighted. Until Shanice attacks your little group again, I can't capture it. In the meantime, I need to craft a distinct advantage against the creature. What do you gain by stopping me?

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"A corpse. It's not what I gain from stopping you Ixion. It's what I retain that is more valuable. Seventeen years ago, TISME too valued results more than method. The atrocities committed within their dungeons beyond that of imagining, all in the name of demonslaying. I became the headmaster to stop that, to reform it into what it is now. No knowledge is worth the desiccation of a body, worth potentially making her a vengeful soul bound to this world, seeking revenge. She didn't die for you to defile her corpse, and I will honor that wish; both as a headmaster, and as a Spirit. As the daughter of Zephyr."

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As she walked back towards the inn, she saw a girl with green hair walking the street. She seemed lost, and confused, so she went over.

"Excuse me, are you looking for something? Maybe I can help you?"

OOC: Dani

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"No, just looking around," Dani said to the blue-haired girl. "Actually, my companions and I are looking for an inn. Do you know where one would be?"

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Ixion: So that's where your stubborn attitude stems from. There is still time, and I've no interest in fighting you. Perhaps a compromise, then?

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Companions? Maybe one uses a sword...

"Yes, actually. I was headed there right now. I was going to hit the road, but I saw the most hilarious play about some weird group with Crimson weapons, and time got away. It's this way, follow me!"

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As Helios lead the group into the town he came upon an inn. "Cheap rates, Vacant... I think we can crash here for now." he said. "There should be a stable around here." He said as he dismounted.

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"What is it then?" asked the Headmaster.


At last, upon arriving at the town of which Esphyr didn't even know the name, the woman could feel the energy starting to flow back into her body. The staff-healing of Tessa had taken a lot out of her, but at last she was back. Springing upright and onto the ground and out of Damian's arms, she gave a huge yawn.

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