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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"I didn't say all. Morgan may be a fool, but she's not dumb. And Alf seems to be more sane and more intelligent than you guys. You guys don't even think I'm a true member of the group, although the sooner I get away from you the better, your stupidity is catching. Now go back to sleeping with your brother."

OOC: This is not made to make Alf look special, this has been part of Reika's opinion even during the Kanami days. Believe me, I don't want to make Alf be perfect or completely liked by everyone.

Edited by Dark Sage
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'Why does this always happen?' Yet again,a member of the group had decided it would be a good idea to beat up the town guard. Damian figured he would have to try talking to the man,Derek,a bit later.He seemed sensible enough most of the time,so it likely wouldn't be too much of an issue.

Aside from the rather rough start,the stay in town was going well,so far.No one had died,nothing had exploded.Yes,despite some arguments,it was a very calm day.

'So,Esphyr's birthday is the day after tomorrow...I'll need to find time to get ready,then.But I can't do it now,well,I suppose I'll see what the others are doing...' Damian decided,hoping to run into somebody to talk to.


Aiya sat down at a table in the inn.

'What to do?I already sent Ulfhrahn to go hunt,put all of my stuff together...'

It seemed an argument was occuring in the hallway.Moving towards the entrance,it seemed Reika was at the center of it...not surprising.

She decided she would see what was happening,for now.

OOC:Anyone can run into Damian if they want to.

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"Umm..." Chase murmured, then turned around and looked at his quiver. "... See you guys later? I need to find an armory..." With that, he turned to the left and started looking around for an armory, and after several minutes of searching, entered. About a minute later, he exited the store with a full quiver and slightly less money, and headed back to the inn.

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"Courage is overrated. It tends to get you killed in situations like the demon attack. You almost died because you stayed and fought. If we retreated, there would've been a better chance of that bitch keeping her Crimson tome. Now I wish I put you out of your misery."

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Helios thought for a moment. "I could care less what the others think. Im just here to defeat the demon king. Then you can come and kill me but until then i'll fight on..."

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"You fight on, you get knocked down and out, and I slit your throat. Someone more suitable gets the weapon, you're out of our haif, but especially mine, everyone's happy."

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As the conversation went on, Iso's face grew redder and redder. He couldn't believe they were even ... going there. He stopped thinking about it so hard as the questions continued coming.

(OOC: The thoughts and spoken words are coinciding.)

Iso: (Yep ... several times ... Me? A stud? ... heh ... well ... huh? How was she? Deliciou-Whoa!! I can't believe I almost said that out loud!!)

How was she? Deliciou-Urk! Uh ... it was ... very pleasurable.

OOC: Women=Food/Food=Women jokes incoming >_>'

Irina and Levski

Seeing that Helios was now Reika's target, Irina started to calm down. Just then she noticed Aiya not far away. She was the perfect chance to escape the dead-end argument!

Irina: Aiya! What's up?!

Lev: Well look who it is ...

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"... Well, that was abrupt," Derek said, as Chase quickly walked off. "So, answering your question, yes, you do look badass." And smoking hot, but you're like that in everything. "Well, the weapon store's over there." Stepping out of the way of the entrance. he entered the weapon store and placed his Steel Blade, sheathed, on the counter. "Could I swap this, for a Steel Sword?" he asked the weaponsmith.

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"Haruuuuum" The weapon smith appeared. He looked kinda like General Armstrong. "You wish to exchange this for a steel sword? Blades are better then swords. A little heavy but that doesnt seem to phase many. What are you anyways? A Mercenary?"

Edited by Kai
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"No, just a traveler," Derek lied, looking at the weaponry. "I'm aware that they are stronger, but they aren't as effective from horseback. So, will you trade?"

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Iso: N-no, not like that! I meant ... ... shoot ... what's it called?

Irina and Levski

Irina: (I hate her-I hate her-I hate-her ...)


Viveka: I thought so! I don't know ... something about overcoats .... Anyway, lead the way.

Once they were inside the armory, Viv split off to look at some javelins. She didn't need a new one yet, but javelins were javelins and you could never have too many ... just like clothes.

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"Hm" He said checking the blade. He swung it a few times. I can make a pretty penny with this. But this is used. "This plus 20 gold and the sword is yours." he said taking out a steel sword and putting it on the counter.

OOC: You can feel free and spawn the gold if you want.

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"That's a bit expensive," Derek noted, placing one of the diamonds Cess gave to him on the counter. "Throw in a shield, and we'll trade. Deal?"

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Reika was...being a bitch.

'Not surprising...Irina seems annoyed though...'

"C'mon Irina.Let's go.No one cares what this bitch thinks anyway.She's nothing but a psychotic killer who is only being kept around for her daggers." Aiya said bluntly,and turned away from the hall.

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