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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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Iso: Alright, alright. Once we started ... becoming more intimate, she started adding on new lessons ... mastering oral sex was one of them, and I have no idea what that was about >_>'

Irina and Levski

Irina: Enough, you stupid bitch!! Is that all you know how to do?!! Insult after insult!! Who the hell do you think you are?!!

Lev: Oi ...


Viveka made sure to peek back over by Derek to listen for any signs of trouble. The armory track record wasn't good enough to warrant lax behavior just yet. Since neither Conrad, nor Levski were around, spotting a fake would be a bit harder. Nonetheless the javelins were beautiful.

OOC: Irina's talking to REIKA. The post order just seemed odd to me so I wanted to point that out.

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"Sure sure, you're being kept around so the men around here have something to fondle, and in her case, the women.

Maybe if you acted smart for once, you wouldn't hear all this. Instead of just ignoring the sane approach and being able to complete your mission with little difficulty, you choose to do the opposite and then you whine and complain when I tell you that you were all behaving stupidly."

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The weapon smith examined the diamond. Then he remembered he was going to propose. "Why would you want a steel sword when you can have this beauty?" He said putting away the steel sword and pulling out a silver sword. "Made from the finest silver. Test it out if you will." He said handing the sword to Derek


I really admire her patience. Seriously i do. "Your not enjoying then are you Lev?" <_< "Whine? All you do is bitch around. You say that i try to find ways to get myself killed. Hell you would be dead now if you werent a CW Wielder."

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Iso: Me on her ... she was a little greedy (Where in the hell is this conversation going?) >_>'

Irina and Levski

Lev: Meh ... not all that enjoyable really.

Irina decided to follow Aiya down the hall. Levski would be alright, and she needed to calm down.

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Unsheathing the weapon, Derek examined it for a second. Then, all of a sudden, he slammed it into the wall, creating a sharp clang. The sword, however, was unscathed.

"...Seems it is," he said, lifting the weapon. "Do I get this and the shield? If not, I'll take the steel sword & shield, thank you very much."

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"I'm sorry that you think having a lover makes me a whore.Although a frigid bitch like you could never convince an honest man to feel anything for you,so I guess anyone who is actually in a relationship would seem bad to you,spiteful bitch as always,eh Reika?" Aiya replied,not even turning around.

"As for why I'm kept around,if you would notice,I actually attack our enemies and make myself useful,unlike yourself,who is never around when an actual battle is going on,and would likely kill any of us while we were weakened."

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"Oh yes." He said taking a bronze shield and handing it to Derek.


"Then why are you always making those weird noises." Helios asked with a tone of annoyance in his voice. Then he heard Aiya talking to Reika. "That bitch is going to die at this rate." Helios sighed.

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"Says the women who fondles women for kicks. And I have my own ace in the whole," said Reika grabbing the key and going up the stairs.

"Oh, speaking of which, you forgot...your knife." With a swift movement, Reika tossed her dagger, aiming at Aiya's face.

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Iso: Yeah. Not so fun recently though. She's dead, I'm surrounded be people I hardly know, and keep failing to protect you (Among other things.). It's starting to get on my nerves >_>'

Irina and Levski

Lev: Don't wander too far.

Irina: Yes, siiiir.

As soon as Reika tossed the knife, Levski's hand caught it right out of the air. He then gave her a disapproving look.

Irina: (Holy wyvern, that was fast!)

Lev: Don't do that again.

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The knife was flying fast.Aiya's arm flew up to guard her head instinctively.


The knife hit Aiya's guantlet,and flew downward.


The blade buried itself into her stomach.Blood poured on the floor both from her wound,and flowed up her throat and out her mouth.She fell to her knees,clutching her stomach.

'I...I still need to keep my guard up...'She held up her other arm to attempt to guard a follow-up attack.

Edit:Potential Retcon.

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Chase noticed the whole scene when he was walking back to the inn, and recklessly fired an arrow towards the inn entrance, embedding it next to the door. "Damn... just when I thought there was a good reason to get rid of her."

EDIT: Also potential retcon.

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Reika glared them at them all in hatred.

"Ok fine. Spend all your time fondling each other. Attack authority figures for little reason. Cause trouble in inns. See if I care. But don't whine and complain if you get in big trouble with the authorities ok? Because it's your own damn fault! I may be a coward, but at least I'm smart. Got it?" she said, gritting her teeth. She would get her dagger back and if she had to, she'd kill Lev as well.

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Helios grabbed the dagger out of Lev's hand and passed it to Reika. She caught it. That look in her eye. Just right now..... I shouldnt concern myself. "Go." Helios said.

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Calm down. If you kill him now, it'll be suicide, and you'll fall to their level.

"If you were smart, you wouldn't have given back someone who was going to kill you their weapon," she said, spitting at him. "Nevertheless, I'll let you live for now." She walked up the stairs, clenching and unclenching her fist while she put the dagger back in her pocket.

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Reika slammed the door to her room and stabbed the wall. She kept doing it over and over until her anger was spent. She slumped on the bed.

Why should I care about them? I was prepared to kill them if necessary already, why am I trying to keep them alive? This is crazy. Maybe it's starting to rub off on me.

Maybe some rest will do me some good. thought Reika. She grabbed her dagger and placed it under the pillow, ready to kill anybody who moved towards her.

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Iso: No I don't think you're weak, though we really should get to work on that "casting without words" thing. I'm still keeping my end of the bargain.

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"Thanks," Derek said, as he sheathed the Silver Sword and rapped the shield, to see that it was solid. Taking it, and attaching the sheathed sword to his belt, the mercenary walked out of the weapon shop, and waited for Viveka to join him.

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The next time she looked up, she saw that Derek was ready to leave, so she followed him out of the armory. She quickly noticed the new gear as well.

Viveka: From a mercenary to a cavalier? Did I talk you out of being a mercenary somehow?

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"...No. I've fought mounted for most of my life," Derek replied. "I was bound to return to it, someday. Though, you may have had a hand in influencing me to do so earlier. Anyways, time to find a horse trader," he said, beginning to wander around town.

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