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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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Tessa tilted her head in surprise when the man acknowledged that he had once lived in similar squalor to the conditions she'd just witnessed. "Huh... I guess I was more blessed than I knew to have grown up how I did, then..." she pondered.

Tessa also found herself trying to gauge the kind of person he was: whether he was really rather open and didn't mind talking about his past, like seemed to be the case with Arrin, or whether he would mention it in passing, but prefer to try to run from it, like Kelas seemed to be doing.

Her contemplation was diverted, though, when Arrin set up a dome of sparks around the group. The air was filled with twinkling and crackling, and one could almost taste the charge now present in the air. He quickly explained that it was mostly harmless, and put on for show to keep them from being disturbed, but that didn't diminish the effect in her eyes.

"That's rather an impressive feat, Arrin," she complimented him. "I'd never considered non-lethal applications of anima magic before. I mean, I guess fire has some obvious uses, and so does wind now that I think of it, so I guess it makes sense that thunder would too..."

Heinz popped in with an admonition to remember to properly look after the bite, to keep a small injury from turning worse down the road. It made sense, and it was something Tessa would ordinarily take care to do, and would certainly pay careful attention if it were someone else. "I'll make the time to look after it as soon as I can," she promised him.

The trio had soon made it to within earshot of the camp, and noted the various hustle and bustle of preparations of one sort or another. Chase seemed to be raising a fuss about something, some people were off gathering supplies, and others were discussing who would take which watch. It was pretty much business as usual as far as Tessa could see.

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Katie's shove dislodged Kelas' already precarious balance, and she slid from the saddle, landing with a thud. "Nnngh..." Hovering between unconscious and true sleep, she simply lay there, beginning to shiver a bit from the night's chill.


As they neared the group, Arrin dropped the shield. "It's just a useful trick... my teacher taught it to me. I remember she could keep the sparks up for an entire trip if need be..." Arrin trailed off.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Somewhere in Halton

It was well passed midnight, and in a poorly lit chamber, small sparks of violet energy pulsed from wall to wall. A thick fog covered the floor and gave off a feint aura. At the center of the chamber was a massive symbol on the ground, and at the center of this symbol was a dark figure. A woman lying on the ground, seemingly unconscious. Soon, a man came out from the shadows and stepped into the symbol. He stood over the woman for a few moments, then his face was revealed by the sudden flash of lightning that ran along the walls! It was Ixion, and the woman he was standing over wasn't human, nor was she alive.

Ixion: ... again ... it fails. Every single time I attempt to create one, it fails. It isn't a lack of power, it's a lack of understanding.

He used his foot to roll the woman's corpse over. She wasn't human, but it appeared that she may have been once. Her hands had the claws of an animal, and her hairlines were sharp as knives. No one but Ixion knew what was under the cloak she wore.

Ixion: What a mess ... I have to try again ... but not until I have more information. I need to understand the human body in its entirety ... even the intricacies of the mind, or this will never work ... ... I've no more use for you ....

He held out his hand and a single black spark appeared under his palm! It quickly grew into a singularity and fell upon the woman's body! Within seconds her body was broken down into pebble sized bits and absorbed by the black hole before disappearing.

Ixion: I can't keep killing people until I get it right. I must acquire the true knowledge of human composition. I must acquire the knowledge of a shapeshifter ....

Everyone (Earlier that same evening)

Iso: Yikes ... Katie, could you be a little gentler?

He knelt down next to her and gently nudged Kelas hoping to wake her up, but not as rudely.

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OOC: The following is an example of my new dialoguing technique(not that new really). If you see a second line of text that wasn't forced due to space, that's a second statement that was delayed(wasn't said immediately afterward). Most of you separate these from each other with sentences, but here's how I do it. Just pointing that out.

Iso and Company

Iso: No one wants to wake up with a stinging cheek, Katie >_>'

Hmm ... maybe we should just take her to a bed?

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"<Stop poking me, I'm asleep,>" Kelas muttered, and rolled over. Amari snorted, eyeing the blankets conspicuously strapped to the back of the saddle. Apparently this one wasn't so observant after all... nor did either of them understand that Kelas was not going to wake up yet.

OOC: The line breaks are awkward, I'd just use ellipsis...

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Arrin summoned a shield of sparks and Heinz blinked for a second. He can manipulate thunder magic to that degree? Not bad, considering his age. He must have had a good teacher. As they arrived at camp, the sparks disappeared and Arrin stopped speaking about his former teacher. Perhaps his teacher's dead or missing? Last time I asked him about his past, he didn't say much either. Wonder if I can figure out more this time? Heinz mused.

Heinz dismounted from his horse and inclined his head towards the two. "See you in a bit," he said politely, throwing his hand over his shoulder in a wave. Leading his horse towards where the others were, Heinz removed the saddlebags and checked over the horse's tack carefully. It had been shaking its head strangely for the whole day, and Heinz frowned when he noticed the bit was missing. Odd, who would steal part of the tack? Making a note to ask the nomad about the missing tack later, Heinz decided to take the saddlebags along with him as he headed back towards the fire.

Looks like I can't sell those books in a town as rundown as this, so I'll have to keep 'em with me for now. No one'll be stupid enough to try to steal it if I sleep on top of the bags, Heinz reasoned.

OOC: Going to assume Heinz didn't hear what Tessa said, however she can bring up his background later if she wants to. He also wasn't paying attention to the whole commotion earlier about the missing bits.

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OOC: I already use ellipsis. But those are for minor pauses. I skip down a line for indicating a pause long enough for a full response from someone else ... or anything else of that nature ... around five seconds ... ish?


Iso: ... the bedrolls I guess. Did Amari just snort at us?

Not far away, Viveka, Lucille, and Jasmine were putting up a tent ... a huge tent. It was massive enough to function as half a barracks. The three of them working alone was making the effort difficult, but once they were finished, they stood before their tent, proud of their efforts.

Jasmine: See, I knew packing this thing into one of the cases would be a good idea.

Viveka: Whew ... I wonder if the General would want to share this with us ...

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kidding she wrote before taking one of Kelas's arms and lifting it up to drag her. Then she deposited it back down again. Though you could cuddle up to her if you want.

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Isotov Mr. Cuddler

Iso: Hmm ...

He took a quick look up at Amari who seemed to be a little annoyed with him ... nothing new but he then notice the extras on the saddle, including Kelas' bedroll.

Iso: Alright then. You get the bedroll out, I'll carry Kelas over to one of the tents, we'll set up her bed, lay her down, and then ... <.< >.> ... cuddle up. (I must be out of my mind ... A Hero's daughter ... ... heh ... I'd better learn to defend against swordmasters REALLY soon.)

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Everyone Isotov

Before he helped move Kelas, he started waving his hands in front of Amari, hoping to somehow clarify his message. Even he knew how stupid the hand gestures were.

Iso: Okay, Amari. We're NOT going to HURT KELAS ... we're JUST MOOOVING her ... to a place close by .... >_>' (This is idiotic ... talking to a blasted horse ....)

He then gently took Kelas' other arm and he and Katie began moving her to ... somewhere close by apparently. Hopefully Amari would follow so the bedroll wouldn't be far off, as he'd forgotten to make Katie grab it.

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Thankfully, Katie realized what needed to be done as well. Quickly grabbing the bedroll and wincing in disgust when she was nipped, she dumped it on the ground before pulling Kelas over it. When finished, she turned to Iso. Sides, it's not like cuddling means anything, right? she wrote.

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Amari made one final attempt at shoving Kelas' supposed friends to watch Kelas before settling herself outside the tent. Hopefully there's at least one human around here that isn't acting too much like a lovestruck colt to guard people...

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Iso: (Doesn't mean anything? Then what was with all the resistance in that truth or dare game?) I guess it depends. Wait ... how often have you done that if it doesn't mean anything to you ...?

A drop of sweat ran down the side of his face, though he downplayed his surprise with a nervous smile. For some reason, Krinkov came over to the area. Levski was apparently somewhere else nearby. The wyvern started sniffing around. Nothing but hobos and the party he thought. He then looked over to Amari. She was near the the red one, the blue one, and the tan one. It looked like the red one was in the process of making a nest for them. A smart move he thought. Why would females want to mate in the middle of nowhere? Best to build a nest. Unfortunately, nests indicated a long stay. Krinkov didn't exactly like the idea of a long stay. Too many smelly humans around.

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Amari could hear Kelas shivering violently through the thin walls of the tent; no blankets had been provided apparently. Humans generally didn't like horses in their tents, but if they were all this stupid, she might have to ignore that. She whinnied irritably at Krinkov: were they all this dumb, or were they intentionally trying to mess with Kelas?

Edit: Question marks exist, honest...

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Isotov (Now with 50% more Krinkov)

Iso: (One step at a time, "Tovy" ... this doesn't happen overnight.) Well that's good enough for me. <.< >.> Shall we?

Krinkov watched as the red one shifted his focus to the blue one with green fabrics covering her soft parts. She was likely his first choice for this mating spree he was attempting. He then noticed Amari whinning at him. She was the tan one's horse. He could almost make out what she was trying to tell him, but not quite ... of course! The red and blue one were leaving to mate, but like an idiot, the red one has left the tan one asleep and unguarded! Another male could fly in and have his way with her before his return. Perhaps doing the horse a favor would go to serve him in the future. He walked over and sniffed the tent, then looked to Amari. He couldn't do much about her shivering, but he could stand watch ... lie down watch. He quickly lied down beside the tent and kept his head up. For now he would play the guard dog. Anyone fishy who got near this tent would be swiftly mauled.

EDIT: Slight change to an early sentence.

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