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[FE11] Draft Tourney


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Chap 8 marth seize others clear path. Ceasar went shopping. Nondraftet shit try suiside. Nav weakened and cain killed boss. 5 turns

 unit lev hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 11 26 8 0 9 11 13 9 1 c sword
jagen 4 23 1 4 9 5 3 5 9 e tome d staff
cain 16 32 11 0 13 12 12 9 0 d sword b lance
draug 9 34 10 0 5 14 5 4 0 d axe
darros 9 25 9 0 4 2 4 16 0 d lance
nav 10 28 9 0 5 9 11 10 0 e lance c sword
hardin 12 26 13 0 11 11 4 9 1 d sword b lance
caesar base

Chap 9

Two D go pirate jagen go drago caesar go dm. Nav went after money. Jagen went after sword cain killed stuff around jeorges hut and mannu is a big fat lizard who gets some serious damage from marths silver sword so hardin can lolkill it with iron sword. 6 turns 5 if that idiotic thief could get that sword just a little pit faster. Radd died

 unit lev hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 11 26 8 0 9 11 13 9 1 b sword
jagen 4 21 8 2 12 8 3 12 4 b lance e axe
cain 17 33 11 0 14 12 13 9 0 d sword b lance
draug 9 32 10 0 5 13 5 5 0 d axe
darros 9 25 8 0 3 8 4 9 0 d axe
nav 11 29 9 0 5 9 11 11 0 e lance c sword
hardin 13 27 14 0 12 12 4 10 1 d sword a lance
caesar base

hardins getting more and more epic win :newyears:

chap 10 Da is knight dr is fighter jagen is bishop. 4 replasements go north to provoke fliers and then pack to castle surround the sniper with 2 dieing. B set people + jagen play around in castle. A set rush for seize and seal.I miscliked at the end of 8 turn so marth sits on throne but dont seize :facepalm: no exp gained or casualties happened on enemy phase and i dont want to restart so lets say its 8 turns

chap 11

cain uses master seal (lv 18). darros go hunter.

Cains cavs go to secure seize point. marth seize and others go kill some mercs.

9 turns

 unit lev hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 12 27 8 0 10 12 14 10 1 b sword
jagen 5 23 1 4 9 6 3 5 9 e tome c staff
cain 1 38 14 1 17 14 13 10 6 d sword a lance
draug 11 36 11 0 6 15 6 4 0 c axe
darros 11 26 11 0 7 8 4 8 0 e bow
nav 13 31 10 0 5 9 12 11 0 d lance c sword
hardin 15 28 14 0 13 12 5 10 1 d sword a lance
caesar 5 22 1 3 2 6 6 6 4 e tome

spirit dust and speed wing go to caesar

chap 12

da goes knight

cains cavs go for boots others take the treasure route. let the thiefs do their work.

turn count is horrible put i get every chest 10 turns :blink: (and jagen got plessed with mag and speed). People dies easily so its time to do some gaiden exp spam to caesar. And energy drop goes to midia and boots to marth

 unit lev hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 12 27 8 0 10 12 14 10 1 b sword
jagen 6 23 1 5 10 7 3 5 9 d tome c staff
cain 2 39 15 1 17 15 13 10 6 d sword a lance
draug 13 38 12 0 6 17 6 4 0 c axe
darros 12 26 12 0 5 2 4 17 0 c lance
nav 13 31 10 0 5 9 12 11 0 d lance c sword
hardin 16 29 14 0 14 13 6 11 1 d sword a lance
caesar 6 22 1 6 3 8 6 6 4 e tome
boah base
midia base

After 12x

 unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 13 lord 28 8 0 10 13 14 10 1 b sword
jagen 6 sage 23 3 6 10 7 3 5 6 d tome d staff
cain 3 draco 38 17 1 17 15 13 12 3 e axe a lance
draug 14 fighter 39 12 0 7 18 6 4 0 c axe
darros 12 knight 26 12 0 5 2 5 17 0 c lance
nav 15 cav 32 10 0 5 10 13 12 0 d lance b sword
hardin 17 cav 29 14 0 14 14 6 11 1 d sword a lance
caesar 8 dm 23 1 7 4 10 6 6 4 d tome
boah 1 bishop 22 1 4 7 10 4 5 9 b tome c staff
midia 1 sniper 26 9 1 14 11 7 8 3 c bow

Chap 13

jagen midia and cain go paladins dr da and caesar go merc.

Mercs and boah went north cavs to south and others in the middle astram is idiot who dont make differens beetween lover and foe 4 turns

 unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 13 lord 28 8 0 10 13 14 10 1 b sword
jagen 7 pally 24 7 3 13 10 3 11 7 d sword b lance
cain 4 pally 41 16 1 18 15 13 10 6 d sword a lance
draug 14 merc 35 11 0 14 20 6 6 0 e sword
darros 13 merc 25 11 0 11 12 6 11 0 e sword
nav 15 cav 32 10 0 5 10 13 12 0 d lance b sword
hardin 17 cav 29 14 0 14 14 6 11 1 d sword a lance
caesar 8 merc 23 5 5 11 17 6 7 1 d sword
boah 2 bishop 22 1 4 8 10 5 5 9 b tome c staff
midia 2 paladin 25 10 1 11 9 7 10 6 d sword c lance

chap 14

jagen-sage Ds-pirate caesar-dm hardin-promo-draco cain-draco

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU dont have bridge or door keys. cain and hardin go for silver card others rush for seize 6 turns

 unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 13 lord 28 8 0 10 13 14 10 1 b sword
jagen 7 sage 24 3 6 10 7 3 6 6 d tome c staff
cain 4 draco 39 17 1 18 15 13 12 3 e axe a lance
draug 14 pirate 37 12 0 7 17 6 5 0 c axe
darros 13 pirate 27 12 0 4 8 6 10 0 d axe
nav 16 cav 32 11 0 5 10 13 12 0 d lance b sword
hardin 2 draco 31 17 1 17 16 6 14 4 e axe a lance
caesar 8 dm 23 1 7 4 10 6 6 4 d tome
boah 2 bishop 22 1 4 8 10 5 5 9 b tome c staff
midia 2 paladin 25 10 1 11 9 7 10 6 d sword c lance

Chap 15

nav goes myrm and midia goes sniper

dracos kill stuff around seize others kill what they can. 5 turns 100 turns total

 unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 13 lord 28 8 0 10 13 14 10 1 b sword
jagen 7 sage 24 3 6 10 7 3 6 6 d tome c staff
cain 5 draco 40 17 1 18 15 13 12 3 e axe a lance
draug 15 pirate 38 13 0 8 18 6 5 0 c axe
darros 14 pirate 28 13 0 4 8 7 10 0 d axe
nav 17 myrm 31 9 0 13 16 13 9 0 d lance b sword
hardin 2 draco 31 17 1 17 16 6 14 4 e axe a lance
caesar 9 dm 24 1 8 5 11 7 6 4 d tome
boah 2 bishop 22 1 4 8 10 5 5 9 b tome c staff
midia 3 sniper 28 10 1 14 12 7 9 3 c bow

Chap 16

draugh promotes nav goes cav

hardin goes shopping cain(after killing that 15 speed hero) and swimmers play around boss and others go trought xanes hut. 7 turns.

 unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 14 lord 29 9 0 11 14 15 10 1 b sword
jagen 7 sage 24 3 6 10 7 3 6 6 d tome c staff
cain 7 draco 41 17 1 20 16 15 12 3 e axe a lance
draug 3 zerk 45 17 0 9 20 7 7 0 b axe
darros 15 pirate 29 13 0 5 8 8 10 0 c axe
nav 17 myrm 31 9 0 13 16 13 9 0 d lance b sword
hardin 3 draco 32 17 1 17 17 6 15 4 e axe a lance
caesar 9 dm 24 1 8 5 11 7 6 4 d tome
boah 2 bishop 22 1 4 8 10 5 5 9 b tome c staff
midia 3 sniper 28 10 1 14 12 7 9 3 c bow

If i use julian in 17x and it takes 16 or less turns does it go like

16+4=20=No gaiden penalty or 16=no gaiden penalty + 4 turn penalty from julian

I really dont want spend those master key uses.

Edited by Sho.M
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Caesar dark mage KO Gharnef

Yep thats his job. May actually work with all those spirit dusts in secret shop. I mean who else would take them when boah has exalibur and jagen owns without anyway

I would say 4 turn penalty. I didn't start this however, so I have no clue.

Well marth needs to do some running around. I was kinda hoping he could raid some exp but its not like hes gona be awesome killer anyway. Just hoping he could rush bit more easier :/

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Let's hope I don't win it, or everyone will be required to write some kind of story about their run! :lol:

(I don't think I will)

Best of luck to you!

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I finished my draft run this afternoon and will start writing up logs asap. I will leave you with some general notes though on my characters.

Marth-Always ran as much as possible to the goal 1RKO'ing almost everything thanks to his time in the prologue. Saving a turn on the last chapter with a 7% Crit on Medeus was pretty boss too :D

Jagen-Was a Bishop/Sage most of the time but occasionally went on some missions as a Dracoknight when Vyland couldn't. He did alot of good things though such as crit'ing Mathis with 'fire' and eating two ballista shots in the endgame. (RIP)

Ogma-Spent most of the run as a Merc and a bit as a fighter for a little more strength. He was a little weaker than Barst but he did his job.

Barst-Despite a speed slump earlygame he pulled out of it and proceeded to have the most consistent 1RKO's of the group besides mabye Vyland.

Wendell-He did just job as a healer and rarely went on offense.

Vyland-I was nervous for him because of his strength growth but he got unusually blessed, hitting is average at 20/0 in the early 10's I think. Regardless his averages balanced later on and finished the endgame with 19 Strength as a Draco. He is probably the MVP if only because Ogma and Barst lacked high move until promotion.

Wolf-Stayed as a horsemen for high movement.

Rickard-Got a few treasures and helped lure the eastern enemies into a trapped room in the final chapter. RIP.

Bantu-Was not recruited since I don't like wasting turns for no reason.

Radd-Sucks. He was a little bit stat screwed but he got some minor but helpful chip damage in as a sniper/Draco lategame.

Dolph-Better than Radd but he fell behind everyone else as a a horsemen. Died doing chip damage in the endgame. RIP.

Beck-Helped out against a few ballistas in 13. He also filled a role of taking out the annoying fortify priests lategame. He also got one spirit dust to 1HKO the endgame ballistas.

Xane-Copied either Rickard to steal stuff faster, Vyland to buy crap in chapter 22, or Wendell to heal crap.

Gotoh-Swarm once. Fortify spam. Trade with Wendell/Xane. Repeat.

Edited by RedNeck Holsety
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Chap 17<BR>Da goes knight and nav gets shield<BR>simple chap no explaining needed<BR>3 turns<BR>

unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank <BR>marth 14 lord 29 9 0 11 14 15 10 1 b sword <BR>jagen 7 sage 24 3 6 10 7 3 6 6 d tome c staff <BR>cain 8 draco 42 17 1 21 17 16 13 3 e axe a lance <BR>draug 3 zerk 45 17 0 9 20 7 7 0 b axe <BR>darros 15 knight 29 14 0 6 2 8 17 0 c lance <BR>nav 18 cav 34 12 0 7 11 13 14 0 d lance b sword <BR>hardin 3 draco 32 17 1 17 17 6 15 4 e axe a lance <BR>caesar 9 dm 24 1 8 5 11 7 6 4 d tome <BR>boah 2 bishop 22 1 4 8 10 5 5 9 b tome c staff <BR>midia 3 sniper 28 10 1 14 12 7 9 3 c bow<BR>

<BR>after gaiden<BR>

unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank <BR>marth 15 lord 30 10 0 11 14 16 10 1 b sword <BR>jagen 8 sage 24 3 7 10 7 4 6 7 d tome c staff <BR>cain 8 draco 42 17 1 21 17 16 13 3 e axe a lance <BR>draug 5 zerk 47 19 0 9 21 8 7 0 b axe <BR>darros 17 knight 31 14 0 7 2 8 19 0 c lance <BR>nav 20 cav 35 12 0 8 11 14 15 0 d lance b sword <BR>hardin 6 draco 35 18 1 19 20 6 15 5 e axe a lance <BR>caesar 14 dm 27 1 8 8 14 8 6 5 c tome <BR>boah 4 bishop 23 1 4 8 10 6 5 10 b tome c staff <BR>midia 4 sniper 29 10 1 15 13 7 9 3 c bow<BR>

<BR>Chap 18<BR>nav promotes dracos go pally darros go pirate speedwing to nav midia go draco.<BR>rushing... 6 turns 116 total<BR>

unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank <BR>marth 15 lord 30 10 0 11 14 16 10 1 b sword <BR>jagen 9 sage 25 3 8 11 7 4 6 7 d tome c staff <BR>cain 9 pally 45 16 1 22 18 17 11 6 d sword a lance <BR>draug 5 zerk 47 19 0 9 21 8 7 0 b axe <BR>darros 18 pirate 31 13 0 6 8 9 12 0 c axe <BR>nav 1 pally 39 14 1 11 14 14 16 6 c lance b sword <BR>hardin 8 pally 38 17 1 20 21 6 13 8 d sword a lance <BR>caesar 14 dm 27 1 8 8 14 8 6 5 c tome <BR>boah 4 bishop 23 1 4 8 10 6 5 10 b tome c staff <BR>midia 5 draco 26 11 1 13 12 7 12 3 e axe c lance<BR>

<BR>Whats the brplem with these charts?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 19

darros promote and goes hero draug goes hero.

I got all 3 spheres all stat ups and sniper´s seal 5 turns

 unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 16 lord 31 11 0 11 15 17 10 1 b sword
jagen 9 sage 25 3 8 11 7 4 6 7 d tome c staff
cain 10 pally 45 17 1 23 19 18 11 6 d sword a lance
draug 5 hero 45 18 1 17 26 8 8 3 b axe d sword
darros 1 hero 35 14 1 15 14 9 15 3 d sword c axe
nav 2 pally 40 15 1 12 14 14 16 6 c lance b sword
hardin 8 pally 38 17 1 20 21 6 13 8 d sword a lance
caesar 15 dm 28 1 8 9 14 8 6 5 c tome
boah 5 bishop 23 1 4 8 11 6 5 10 b tome b staff
midia 5 draco 26 11 1 13 12 7 12 3 c lance e axe

chapter 20

caesar promotes ds go zerk pallys go draco jagen go bishop. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu bridge. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu no arms scroll for staffs. Dust goes for caesar, wing to nav 5 turns

 unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 16 lord 31 11 0 11 15 17 10 1 a sword
jagen 9 bishop 25 1 7 11 7 4 6 10 d tome b staff
cain 10 draco 43 18 1 23 19 18 13 3 e axe a lance
draug 6 zerk 48 19 0 9 22 9 7 0 b axe
darros 1 zerk 37 15 0 7 9 9 14 0 c axe
nav 3 draco 38 17 1 12 17 15 18 3 c lance e axe
hardin 10 draco 38 18 1 20 22 7 15 5 e axe a lance
caesar 1 sorc 34 3 11 10 15 8 6 8 c tome e tome
boah 5 bishop 23 1 4 8 11 6 5 10 b tome b staff
midia 6 draco 27 11 1 13 12 7 12 3 c lance e axe
lorenz base 

robe and scroll went for lorenzs bow after gaiden

 unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 16 lord 31 11 0 11 15 17 10 1 A sword
jagen 10 bishop 25 1 7 11 7 4 6 10 d tome b staff
cain 10 draco 43 18 1 23 19 18 13 3 e axe A lance
draug 6 zerk 48 19 0 9 22 9 7 0 b axe
darros 2 gen 42 16 1 8 6 10 24 3 b lance e bow
nav 6 pally 43 16 1 14 18 15 16 6 c lance A sword
hardin 10 draco 38 18 1 20 22 7 15 5 e axe A lance
caesar 2 sorc 34 3 12 10 16 8 6 8 c tome e tome
boah 6 bishop 23 1 4 8 11 6 5 10 b tome b staff
midia 7 sniper 32 10 1 16 14 8 9 3 c bow
lorenz 6 gen 42 12 1 3 6 3 17 3 A lance A bow
ymir base

chap 21

Ymir and lorenz go horseman. darros and draug to hero cain go pally.3 turns

I bought the shop empty so heres some info

Energy drop hardin, lorenz, midia

Spirit dust boah, caesarx2

secret book lorenzx3

speedwing nav, ymirx2

goddes icon cainx3

so heres my team

 unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 16 lord 31 11 0 11 15 17 10 1 A sword
jagen 10 bishop 25 1 7 11 7 4 6 10 d tome b staff
cain 11 pally 46 17 1 23 20 25 12 6 d sword A lance
draug 7 hero 46 18 1 17 26 9 8 3 b axe d sword
darros 2 hero 36 14 1 15 14 10 16 3 c axe d sword
nav 7 pally 44 16 1 15 20 15 16 6 c lance A sword
hardin 11 draco 38 20 1 21 23 7 16 5 e axe A lance
caesar 3 sorc 34 4 16 10 16 8 6 8 b tome e tome
boah 6 bishop 23 1 6 8 11 6 5 10 b tome b staff
midia 7 sniper 32 12 1 16 14 8 9 3 c bow
lorenz 6 horse 34 12 1 12 10 3 8 3 e sword A bow
ymir 10 horse 40 17 1 17 18 5 10 3 e sword d bow

chap 22

hardin pally

forget to check turns

 unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 17 lord 32 11 0 12 16 18 10 1 A sword
jagen 10 bishop 25 1 7 11 7 4 6 10 d tome b staff
cain 13 pally 47 18 1 24 20 25 12 6 d sword A lance
draug 8 hero 47 18 1 18 26 10 8 3 b axe d sword
darros 2 hero 36 14 1 15 14 10 16 3 c axe d sword
nav 8 pally 45 16 1 15 20 16 16 6 c lance A sword
hardin 12 draco 40 20 1 22 23 7 14 8 e axe A lance
caesar 3 sorc 34 4 16 10 16 8 6 8 b tome e tome
boah 6 bishop 23 1 6 8 11 6 5 10 b tome b staff
midia 7 sniper 32 12 1 16 14 8 9 3 c bow
lorenz 7 horse 34 13 1 13 10 3 8 3 e sword A bow
ymir 10 horse 40 17 1 17 18 5 10 3 e sword d bow

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chap 23

No starlight. No barrier. 1 shot of pure water. Awesome. Midia go pally. 7 turns

unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 17 lord 32 11 0 12 16 18 10 1 A sword
jagen 10 bishop 25 1 7 11 7 4 6 10 d tome b staff
cain 13 pally 47 18 1 24 20 25 12 6 d sword A lance
draug 9 hero 47 18 1 19 26 10 8 3 b axe d sword
darros 3 hero 37 14 1 15 14 10 17 3 c axe d sword
nav 9 pally 46 17 1 15 21 17 17 6 c lance A sword
hardin 14 pally 42 21 1 23 23 7 14 8 e axe A lance
caesar 3 sorc 34 4 16 10 16 8 6 8 b tome e tome
boah 6 bishop 23 1 6 8 11 6 5 10 b tome b staff
midia 7 pally 30 12 1 13 12 8 10 6 c lance d sword
lorenz 7 horse 34 13 1 13 10 3 8 3 e sword A bow
ymir 11 horse 40 17 1 18 18 5 10 3 e sword d bow

chap 24 pallies go draco 4 turns. 140 + chap 22 total Hardin with gradivus and starsphere = god. Midia rob the shop

 unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 17 lord 32 11 0 12 16 18 10 1 A sword
jagen 11 bishop 25 1 7 12 8 4 6 10 d tome b staff
cain 15 draco 47 20 1 26 22 25 14 3 e axe A lance
draug 10 hero 48 18 1 19 26 10 8 3 b axe d sword
darros 4 hero 38 14 1 15 14 11 18 3 c axe d sword
nav 9 draco 44 18 1 15 21 17 19 3 b lance e axe
hardin 17 draco 42 23 1 24 23 9 16 5 e axe A lance
caesar 3 sorc 34 4 16 10 16 8 6 8 b tome e tome
boa 7 bishop 23 1 7 9 12 6 5 10 b tome b staff
midia 7 draco 28 13 1 13 12 8 12 3 c lance e axe
lorenz 7 horse 34 13 1 13 10 3 8 3 e sword A bow
ymir 11 horse 40 17 1 18 18 5 10 3 e sword d bow


Seraph robe jagen,hardin, boah

Dracoshield cain hardin(2x)

Talisman all to Mr.Turban

Arms scroll Ymirs bow after hitting c in 24x, Darros axe and midias lance

After 24x

 unit lev class hp str mag skill spd lck def res rank
marth 18 lord 33 12 0 13 16 19 11 1 A sword
jagen 12 bishop 32 1 8 12 8 4 6 10 d tome A staff
cain 15 pally 49 19 1 26 22 25 14 6 d sword A lance
draug 10 hero 48 18 1 19 26 10 8 3 b axe d sword
darros 5 hero 39 14 1 15 14 11 18 3 b axe d sword
nav 11 pally 48 18 1 16 22 19 17 6 b lance A sword
hardin 18 pally 52 22 1 25 23 10 18 14 d sword A lance
caesar 4 sorc 35 4 17 11 17 8 6 8 b tome e tome
boah 8 bishop 30 1 7 9 12 6 5 10 b tome b staff
midia 8 pally 31 12 1 14 13 8 10 6 b lance d sword
lorenz 8 horse 35 13 1 14 10 4 8 3 e sword A bow
ymir 11 horse 40 17 1 18 18 5 10 3 e sword b bow


Lorenz go general. My unit debloyment was this. Geosphere Midia caesar and heroes in upper left. Lorenz, elice and 2 reps in upper right. Team Pally down left and rest with marth.

Turn 1 midia and darros used geo. Elice died. Jagen used fortify. Boah recovered jagen. Caesar used geo. Sho.M lolled. Others move and spam vulnerary.

Turn 2 fortify + moving

Turn 3 fortify, blocking enemies, moving.

Turn 4 Nav crits(18%) medeus with mercurius. Hardin misses with gravidus. fortify. moving.

Turn 5 Nav crits medeus to death. would have died without it so that cain/hardin could finish with gradivus. What a lame ending for my playtrought.

Chap 22 was 7 turns 140 + 7 + 5 = 152 turns total.

My team:

Marth-112B 55W Runs to seize. Grabs a kill on the way if can. usually doesnt. Atleast hes was better than in a normal run. Only opition for boots.

Jagen-45B 8W His majesty Utility the 1st. Was a good healer when needed and flew around at the times of crisis. His lance rank brought terror where hardins didnt reach and without his A rank in staves I might have perished in the endgame. Only if he only would have had wendels barrier he could have been even better with fortify spam so many chapters before. Shame u Marth. How could u give his job to some sick poser and put him to spar with some rookie.

Cain-182B 141W Probably the 2nd Mvp. Shoved of so many turns by whipping stuff out of marths way.

Draug-118B 72W On paper he seemed to be one godly glass canon. But unlike ed he actually was good outside of paper as well. After getting that first Seraph robe he became a semi-god. Only if he had more strenght as a hero.

Darros-117B 44W I thought he would make a good knight. How wery wrong I were. Once I give up with the whole general fiasco he became a very nice hero though. Not like Draug but still carried his own weight.

Navsomething-136B 84W When I drafted him I though that at least he is better curate than matthis. Thank god I came to my senses. His armourslayer while not the most accurate way of killing bosses, did save some turns. Solid if slow member of trio 10-move-suckers. Didnt need to compete from Mercurius usage witch helped his damage output a lot.

The Emperor who can beat anyone with his eyes closed-137B 104W The MVP of this run. Instantly outclassed Nav and wasnt so far away from Cain before outclassing him aswell. The reason why Cain wasnt as good as I though he would by stealing Gradivus and starshpere. Once he got the fili shield he went from almost undefatable to undefeatable. If he just could hit enemies without 100% hit rate...

Caesar-58B 36W was a failure. There just isnt enough time to train him. If I just would have made him a merc->horseman.

Boah-14B 4W Not Jagen but did solid job.

Midia-49B 23W Beter than u think. At least in normal mode.

Lorenz-23B 7W Didnt have time to or flying steed to be all that good but was a desent Parthiabot.

Ymir-10B 5W Just one thing he needs. A draco. And he cant get one. Lets try again in 12 okay?

Nagi-0B 0W Thanks from the sword... That I didnt use

Others were so good that they were left to their villages/corners/killed/whatever

152 turns. Man im bad

Edited by Sho.M
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