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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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OOC: I'm kind of busy right now so I'm just plugging Daneka's reply really quick


Daneka: Zhere are a lot of border towns. I'll have to tell zhe scouts to be on zhe lookout for zhe group. Shouldn't be too hard wizh wyverns running about.

Isotov The Shoulder Barer

Iso: Mostly arguing, a little worried conversation here and there. I think we'll be starting a search for Morgan soon though. It's my fault ... I couldn't keep her from being severed, or from being kidnapped.

EDIT: Added in Iso's line.

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"Uhn...?" Damian opened his eyes,seeing Tessa healing him.

"Did I get knocked out again?Damn...I'm getting sloppy...thanks Tessa." Damian said,getting up slowly,it seemed his wounds were sufficiently healed.

'Right,the Comet...' Damian turned to look around,and saw the glint of the silver armour.

'So we captured hi-...so...the comet is a woman?'

Damian had heard a few rumours about the upstart general,but none about the officer's gender.

'Ah well,doesn't really matter.'

"Oi,Tessa. What's everybody's status? I'm able to move well enough,is there anything you need my help with?"

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"Sir, you really need help," Alex said, amazed by the mage's stupidity. "I've already told you why my men and I attacked. Did I hit you THAT hard?"

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"Y'know Helios,it'd be a good idea not to look down on women like that.It may have been healed,but it's still fresh,and your wound looks like the comet's work. I'd be more careful if I were you." Damian said,in response to Helios'...blunt terminology.

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"They went northwest?" Chase asked the soldier. "Right, let's see then! Horse tracks going here, then that way... and then north... past these bushes, then they go around in a circle for a few seconds... then this way... and... I can't tell anymore. They're too faint..." Chase muttered, examining the area that the soldier had pointed to.

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"You told our healer. Anyways i dont see any need for you to stay alive. Showing compassion to an enemy is a weakness...... guess that makes me weak then. Tell me, do you have a family?"

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"My father never talked 'bout my mother much, and I was pretty young when she left too," he said, shifting his weight from side to side awkwardly. "My dad was a mercenary too, helped me a little sometimes until he got killed a couple years ago. Since then I've taken on a small job working for this guy-" Synt abruptly shut his mouth again, realizing he was saying too much.

"Anyways, at least I get to travel sometimes. What made you come here all the way from Halton?" Synt asked.

OOC: Will have grey-eyed man show up in a little bit.

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"Killing a Septimian General is grounds for a war to break out,Helios. I want to say please tell me you knew that,but that would make what you just said even worse." Damian said,rubbing his temples in frustration.

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I can track it, yes. But it's very difficult. If she were to activate it, that would help out more. This would be perfect for the headmaster, ah well. I can, but it will need several items first off. 1 drop of virgin blood, 1 lock of a maiden's hair, 2 cups of crushed spiritweed, 45 ounces of fresh carrots, and a big pot. The rest I can get on my own.

"I volunteer my own blood if it will help find her." offered Esphyr, stepping forwards.

You've seem very protective and care-oriented of late. And you're still a virgin around Damian?

"You sound shocked, and it's only a drop anyways."

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"Then i wonder how many wars we escaped." He muttered standing up. "I never got your name, perhaps you would know, Damian." He addressed both soldiers.

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"Well at first I was trying to collect the bounty on the infamous "fire bandits". Then I realized that they had the lost Jerdonian princess with them and the bounty on her was much higher. Chased her around, got betrayed by one of my old group, heard she went to Septimus. Haven't seen her yet though." said Travis, shrugging. "Why were you attacking them anyway?"

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"Don't worry about it, Damian. Everybody can have a bad day every once in awhile," Tessa tried to reassure the man. "As for our status? ...well, things are not that good, but constantly getting better. Derek here's been helping out, and Pary and I have been doing the best we can, and people are nearly all mobile at this point. We couldn't survive another confrontation, I'm afraid but..."

At this point The Comet had piped up and mentioned the direction Morgan had been taken. Turning due east and squinting, Tessa muttered, "Northwest, huh? Well, that's at least something, but without a solid destination, and the fact they could change directions later... Still it's better than nothing."

Facing back to Damian, she finished. "I don't know that there's anything specific you can do. ...Just, help with what you can, I guess?"

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"The Comet,an upstart General from Septimus. I believe her name is Alex...of course,if she was hiding her gender,that may be an alias,but Alex is a unisex name." Damian replied.

Hearing Tessa respond,she was trying to reassure him.

"Thanks Tessa.let's hope it is just a bad run..." Damian trailed off,looking around to see if anyone was in dire need of assistance.

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Alex + Derek

"Did you actually just ask me that?" Alex said, astounded. "Why in hell would I tell YOU if I had a family? What'd you do, kill them, too?"

"...Her name is Alexandra. Duchess of Rielle," Derek said, to Damian. "And, apparently, the Comet of the Septimian Army. The princess might have a fit, if she sees her..."

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"I suspect it more likely that she hid her gender to keep men from hitting on her. I usually worked alone or in small groups, but in those few times when I worked in larger groups I can attest to how rowdy men can get around a female." said Esphyr. "I can also attest to what it sounds like when a mans nuts pop under a woman's armored toe. Anyways, Katie gave us a recipe. Are we to follow it?"

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Esphyr gave a heavy sigh. "Figures. When one of our own gets kidnapped everyone else is more interested in chatting it up with the new girl instead of tracking her down."

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"Rielle?She's a Jerdonian duchess?" Damian replied to Derek's comment.

"So,are you looking to reinstate Jerdon then,by 'capturing' the Princess,and betraying Jace?" Damian asked,turning towards Alex.

Hearing Esphyr's comment,Damian replied to her.

"We're not in good enough shape to go get her right now.if we were to launch an attack,either more of us would be captured,or we would have deaths on our hands."

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