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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"Really? I heard from the local bounty office recently that she was going towards the Halton capital though," Synt said, surprised. "I'm pretty sure she wasn't with the Fire Bandits when I attacked them earlier, or any of her Jerdonian buddies. My employer wanted me to test the strength of the group, so I threw a bunch of drunken mercenaries at them, they all got slaughtered though," he commented, unconcerned with the bloodshed.

"We got a mole in the group anyway," trying to impress his strange lookalike. "So we've been able to keep tabs on the group pretty well for the most part...." Except that that shaman doesn't have a Crimson Weapon anymore!

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"GAH!" screamed Esphyr, almost leaping out of her skin and more than five feet into the air as Zilpah surprised her with his presence. She had not seen the man approach at all and had not expected his presence entirely. "I think I just had a heart attack!" she exclaimed upon her return to earth, clutching her chest in shock.

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At Chase's comment that she was facing the wrong way, Tessa flushed red a bit, and turned to Esphyr, focusing instead on the other method, rather than trying to worry about which direction was which.

"Sorry Esphyr, I didn't see Katie's reply, got too caught up in other conversations, and well... it's understandably harder for her to command attention sometimes. What's the recipe again?" After the troubadour had asked, and had gotten the chance to read the note, she followed up, "I can offer some of my hair if that would help. I don't know where we could get the spiritweed, though. Carrots... hmm, 45 ounces is more than might be easily accessible too..."

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Derek & Alex

"Yeah. I taught her how to wield a lance, actually," Derek said, shrugging. "And Serph, normally, I would agree, but right now, you're just whining. We still have people who are just barely conscious. If we want to find the man, one of the fliers could easily catch up to him. Please criticize when you actually help the after-combat effort."

"Not exactly. I could say what my plans were, but it involves a rebellion, to say the least," Alex said, looking away. "Besides, my loyalty is to the crown, not to the Brute."

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A loud shriek from Esphyr caused Damian to turn around,and it seemed an unknown shaman had startled her.

'Wow...she can jump pretty high...' Damian noticed,as Esphyr began her descent.The landing had surely not been intentional,but Esphyr had landed neatly in Damian's arms,near bridal style. She seemed to think she was on the ground,and was still likely frightened.

"Do I make you feel that safe,that you leap on me whenever someone talks to you,Esphyr?"

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"Mph! Calm down? I just had someone pop out of thin air beside me!" exclaimed Esphyr, turning to Zilpah. "Where you you five minutes ago anyways? I got knocked out cold and could have used you help! What's wrong with you people! You're more worried about some woman's sobstory of a nation being conquered instead of Morgan being captured! I'll go rescue her myself then! Without your help!"

Contract Esphyr. You can't break it.

"Ahhhhhh!" she screamed, almost falling to her knees in frustration.

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"Hey, what do you think I'm doing here?" Chase shouted at Esphyr from where he was still attempting to find more tracks. "I found something here, can anybody, you know, help me out?!"

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Pary had finished heal the group, and headed over to Tessa. She seemed decently competent, and his employer was gone. "Hmm? You need carrots? Actually....." Pary began digging around his bag. He pulled out half a dozen carrots. "Here. I bought them a few days ago, so they aren't entirely fresh, but they haven't molded yet."

(OOC: He actually did buy some when Dani was cursed. Go check. Weird. CHEKOV"S GUN!)

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"Horse tracks..." Chase muttered. "I lost them here, though. But from what I do see, they should naturally pick up... ah, here we go," Chase exclaimed. "There's some more tracks over here. I hope we aren't too late, though..."

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"... Think for a second. We're injured, probably not going to be able to survive another battle, and you're asking us to charge right into the lion's den? Come on, Serph. Basically all that we're waiting for is the healers, and then we go. Patience," Derek said, "Is a virtue."

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Thank you. scribbled Katie, plucking up the carrots with ease. Now we just need some spirit weed. I can provide the lock of hair myself, and Esphyr's offered her blood as well; so we're good.

"We have vulneraries, Tessa, Leech, and... And that should be enough healing. Every moment we waste makes it more likely Morgan will be dead or unable to continue with us though. Besides, if we needed healing, we would be healing and not chatting." she said in frustration before turning to Chase. "They has pegasus. It's likely that they took too the air before long. However, it's not difficult to continue if we can figure out where they might rest."

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"Patience is, for the most part, useless," Chase shouted back at Derek. "Why wait when I can do something at that moment? If I didn't keep going all the time, I'd have been arrested years ago."

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Lev: What is Katie doing?

Irina: Something about tracking Morgan.

Lev: ... <.< >.> ... you'd think we'd just have the wyverns follow Morgan's scent. The fact that she was bleeding makes the scent even stronger >_>'

Irina: ... shouldn't we tell them that?

Lev: Nah. This is funnier. If we're needed, we'll fly out and find her ourselves.


Iso: Everyone else is starting to come around, but you're not the only one messed up this badly, trust me. Don't worry about them though, concentrate on yourself and Arrin right now.

OOC: Sorry about that, Kiryn. Lotta stuff happening >_<

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Cess saw the healers congregate around Katie, and went towards them. "Um....maybe Tessa should give the hair as well. I mean, she is the youngest maiden here...and didn't Alferis buy some leaves from when we bought the poisoned bread? But he's not here at the moment..."



Thank goodness for that. Now we can have some quiet. "Why doesn't someone go look for the herb? It might grow naturally around here. Or Irina and Viveka can search for a hide out of sorts from the skys."

(OOC: He's indirectly calling Katie old. :awesome: )

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"Yeah they killed my guys too." said Travis nonchalantly to Synt. "Guess I should go back to Halton then...unless you need my help?" Why am I offering this guy help? I barely know him!

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People seemed to be gathering around Katie for her potion. Pary,Tessa,Esphyr.

It seemed they hadn't noticed that she was still on the ground. Aiya had been about to say something, when someone accidentally jostled her,causing a reaction from her broken ribs,and a pained groan.

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"Can it, breezy!" Chase shouted. "How about making yourself useful and start looking for Morgan rather than chat with some enemy general all day!"

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"All right then. I was just wondering, 'cause if it's routinely just me getting hurt like this, I'm a hindrance," Kelas replied.


Arrin had been watching the proceedings, and was beginning to grow a little distressed. He'd moved to stand by Tessa in case she needed him for anything.

Leaving to retrieve Morgan seemed like a terrible idea at the moment, Arrin thought. People were too hurt to properly deal with the inevitable fight if they did that...

As Katie began to work her spell, Arrin realized that someone was lying on the ground: Aiya. "Hey! Aiya's on the ground, you could at least not step on her!" he exclaimed, running forward to try and pull Aiya out of the knot of people.

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