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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"Breezy? That doesnt sound too bad. Then how about you go scout ahead with the people that are healed?"

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Watching a small argument begin to build up between the General and some members of the group a couple paces away from where the mercenary was standing, Heinz raised his eyes in surprise. She's a Jerdonian in the Septimian army? I'm impressed she managed to hide from Jace. Not bad for a noble, anyway.

"So she knows that mercenary too," Heinz muttered under his breath. Does she know the princess is alive? Lost in his own thoughts, Heinz continued to ignore the thunder mage. ...I'll have to meet up with that cloaked man soon, I didn't get a chance to tell him Morgan was severed from her weapon, or get paid for this yet, he thought, annoyed.

At the mercenary encampment:

"Uhh, if you want, you could stick around, my employer might want to ask you about the Fire Bandits if you've chased them before. Maybe I could put in a good word or something," Synt replied to Travis. Why am I being so nice to this guy if I don't even know him?

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"Shut it, you! I'm trying to track Morgan's captor! A little help would be appreciated!" Chase shouted back once more, then returned to his normal tone. "Now let's see.. there's more tracks this way... and... aha! The tracks are getting farther apart, which means he started galloping here!"

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If you would rather use Tessa's hair, then fine, but we still have several ingredients left to gather.


Iso: Ah stop that. If you're a hindrance then what are the people you save? Bigger hindrances? I don't know about that.

Irina and Levski

Irina: This is stupid. Let's just track her ourselves.

Lev: You sure?

Irina: Listen, Morgan's your boss, right? Would she really want you to sit here and wait for the "idiots" to botch a spell before you come rescue her? What if she's hurt?

Lev: ... fine. Krinkov! You remember Morgan, right? The coughing one?

Krinkov gave his master an annoyed look. The mercs had taken care of the sick infertile human for him, and now he was going to go after her? What was the point? How many gold scales could one female possibly possess? Or was this about mating? Either way, he wasn't thrilled. He started sniffing around for her, and once he caught her scent, he started walking away in the right direction. He didn't wait for anyone either.

Lev: Huh? Wait a sec! We've got to get the ... others ... first?

He looked back at the group and then sighed.

Lev: What do you want to do, Irina?

Irina: Ummmmm ...

Krinkov walked right passed Chase on his way out and followed the tracks until he was almost out of sight.

EDIT: Added Chase part for the lulz.

Edited by Phoenix
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"What the... hey, wait for me!" Chase shouted, mounting his horse and galloping after the wyvern at full speed. "If you're going to get Morgan, you're going to need more than just you two, no matter how good you are! I doubt that they're going to let her get away so easily!" he exclaimed.

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The wyvern looked back to see Chase following him on horseback. An extra fighter might come in handy so he didn't mind. He got back to sniffing and continued following the trail. By that time, they were a great distance from the group, practically specs in the distance. Levski had decided to follow on foot, and Irina decided to stay and see if anyone would notice what was happening. If they did, she and Kiev would point them in the right direction.

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As Arrin came over and attempted to move her,Aiya looked up at him thankfully.

"Thanks Arrin,I-!Nngh!" As Arrin began to move her,he put his hands on the wrong spot,sending an intense pain through Aiya's body as the broken ribs either grinded against their counterparts,or poked at something they shouldn't be poking at.

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"Hah... thanks for waiting up." Chase panted, somewhat tired from the battle still, and his tiredness amplified by the riding.

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"I meant... isn't it a hindrance when the person that's supposed to be protecting the others, ends up needing protection themself? I don't know... I guess, I'd just rather if nobody had to worry about me..."


"Ah! I'm sorry!" Arrin exclaimed, immediately moving his hand away. "Er... where did that healer man go?" he asked the group at large. "Aiya needs help!" His first instinct would have been to ask Tessa, but she looked exhausted already...

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Iso: People are going to worry about you, Kelas. That means you matter. I think of you getting hurt more as a reminder of how much stronger we all need to become rather than a hindrance. Yeah it's inconvenient, but convenience isn't everything. (Ugh, listen to me, I'm going on and on like a philosopher.)

Levski-sama and Krinkov-kun

Levski started jogging until he caught up, which took a little while.

Lev: So you're coming too? Hahah! Morgan's enforcers to the rescue eh? I guess that's how it should be. Maybe we'll even get back with her before they get organized.

Krinkov snorted, annoyed at the sound of the infertile one's name, and then went back to following her scent. He would have flown off, torn her captors to shreds, and then flown back with her, but the two shields and two cases tied to his torso made flying a tiresome exercise in endurance.

EDIT: Captives =/= Captors >_>'

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"Yeah... I guess." Just because I am worried about, doesn't mean I should be... In an attempt to lighten up, Kelas leaned forward and waved her arms in mock frustration: "Doesn't mean I have to like it! Whooooa that was a bad idea," she mumbled as the world set to spinning about her again, and she toppled backwards.

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Iso: Whoa, hey!

He quickly grabbed Kelas' arms to keep her from falling all the way down again! He couldn't help but smile at her attempts to ignore her injuries.

Iso: Like it or not, we're here for you. Now stop struggling and relax while you can ^_^

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Alex & Derek

"... No comment," Alex said, clamming up. She shifted uneasily at the mention of Jace, but kept her mouth shut.

"Fools rush recklessly, where angels fear to tread, Chase," Derek said, but the archer was already gone. "Tsk.. I'm going to go after them. They might walk right into an ambush. Someone make sure Alex doesn't escape." Picking up his helmet, he donned it, and quickly mounted his mare, riding off after the outlaw.

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He sighed. "Well if we're not going to get any words out of you then we might as as well ta-. Hey where are you all running off to!. Dammit they left..... Should we leave them or wait?" Turning to Alex he spoke. "So you said you were the Duchess. would you happen to know Duke Arkson (Eric's father, correct me if i spelled it wrong.) would you?" He asked hoping to make some sort of conversation.

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"I guess that means me for now." Damian said,as Derek rode off after Chase and Lev.

"Your skill with a lance are quite impressive,Alex.I had heard the comet was good,but you were far better than I was expecting."

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"Duke Arckson? Yes, I knew him," Alex said, glad for the change in topic. "Why? He died last year, you know. And, Colonel, I learned from the best. How else did you believe I got promoted in a year?"

OOC: Dani and Derek's dad. Not Eric's.

Edit: Added response to Damian.

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The only things left are the lead and a pot to mix it in.

"Can't we just use a hole in the ground or something?"

Even so, we need the leaf. Shouldn't be hard to find though if we know where too look. This is Septimus, I would expect it to be coming out their earlobes.

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"Some would say your social status but you seem to have learned a lot." Helios said rubbing his forehead which was still bruised. "Duke Arckson..... what was your relation to him?"

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"Learned from the best,eh?I'd love to meet your teacher...here I thought that Bethold the smith would be the best teacher." Damian said with a slight grin.

"It doesn't matter now,though.What matters is that you have those skills,and they are yours to take pride in. Someday in the future,if the situation permits,I would like to have a match with you...one that isn't meant to end with either of us skewered,I mean."


"It's not your fault Arrin." Aiya said,propping herself up against a tree trunk,so as to not jostle her ribs again.

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Verry was walking along the plain. She was crying to herself, thinking of everything that could and had happened. Berry had sent her out here to scope out locations for the next plot, and to keep her out of her hair. "*sniff* Mistress Helenos has always been nice to us. I don't know what's going on. ;_;"

Berry had her own problems, thinking of a final shot to redeem themselves. Then she felt it. The huge source of mana, practically sweeping Verry off her feet. She could hear the wings in mid-air, coming closer. What had Berry always told her? She took out her tome to protect herself.

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"No flirting with other females while a party member is kidnapped!" exclaimed Esphyr, stepping forwards to slap Damian across the face.


"Nyugggg..." High overhead, in the skies above, a sudden unease swept over the headmaster. A sickening pit that formed in her stomach, making her uneasy... and making her want to fly down and punch out whatever had caused it.

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As Esphyr's hand came across his face,Damian's expression didn't change.

"Can I not tell someone I admire their skill with a weapon without flirting with them? As for Morgan,a couple of the healthy people left already.They were mounted,so there was no point in me trying to catch up with them."

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