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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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Irina and Blondie

Viveka: Don't try to goad and pump me up. As soon as those two hurt each other the priest over the- ... huh? What's he doing with that staff?

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The two slowly slumped to the ground, tired and their aggresion gone. "Don't interupt my tea time." He turned to Viveka. "You didn't think this staff was worthless did you?" He walked back over to his tea, sitting down back into his relaxation.

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Heinz blinked for a second. Tessa made a bridle earlier? Guess other people lost their bits too..... probably when I had to stop to fix the saddlebags, frowning in annoyance when he realized the problem could have been solved much earlier. "Sure, I can do that," nodding curtly at the archer. "I'd rather not wait any longer to fix this," turning around and heading for the horses. We'll be on the move again soon enough anyway.

Finding Ralf among the rest of the horses, Heinz took the reins and pulled the horse back towards the nomad. Pausing the horse in front of Kelas and Isotov, Heinz opened up one side of the saddlebags, pulling a short length of rope from one of the side pockets. Good thing I hid those books underneath my cloak. He handed the rope to Kelas.

"I usually keep a little bit of rope around for emergencies, it tends to come in handy," Heinz said vaguely. "It might be a little short though," he mulled offhandedly. Think I used most of it to bind that mage up awhile ago.

OOC: Heinz keeps a bit of spare rope around if he has to bind people up for kidnappings and capturing bounties. :lol:

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"... And now you've got some sort of killing staff. What did I get myself into..?" Alex sighed. "I only wanted the princess. Now I'm surrounded with several insane lunatics, imcompetent soldiers, and the one man who probably hates me the most right now. Not my day."

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Conrad approached Alex, secptical. "Are you actually supposed to gain something by doing this? Why the heck should we even let you live? Clearly, you're pretty hostile towards one of the members of this..." Conrad paused, "... group, for lack of a better word... so what do we gain by keeping you alive? Besides the fact that we're possibly preventing a war, we'll probably start one anyways just having you as a captive, from what I know of Septimian policies. Just saying you're after the princess of Jerdon isn't good enough. Go into more detail about it, immediately."

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"If you haven't heard, yet, I see no reason for why I should live," Alex said, glaring at Conrad. "I mean, just bury the bodies, and the company just went missing. I said I was after Princess Charlotte, and I failed. Hurry up and end me."

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Reika look up to see the blast of wind coming directly at her. "Finally." She muttered dodging out of the way and charging straight at Heli's throat.

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"I'd like to, but these idiots seem hell-bent on keeping you as a captive. Why do I even bother?" Conrad replied, sighing. "I'm in doubt as to weather or not we can actually accomplish our goal here. And running into you doesn't help... just politics as usual, huh."

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"Well, General, maybe if someone took lead, you wouldn't have that problem. Look, those two are trying to kill each other JUST after nearly getting killed," The Comet said, gesturing to the thief and the wind mage with her head. "I mean, really? "

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"Those two? Honestly, I wouldn't really care if they did, because so far they seem to sort of deserve it. Well, at least the thief does. The mage is questionable. As for taking charge, we had someone doing that... until she got captured. Now there's nobody who can really pull the group all together," Conrad mused.

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Heli softened the blow by putting his hand in the way. Calamity easily pierced through his hand and cut his neck. Reika, who was still phased by his method of blocking broke away only to be met with two blast of Elwind cutting through her shoulder.

OOC: Someone knock them out.

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While Irina was over by Kiev pondering Viveka's strange advice, she herself was standing a short distance away from Conrad and Alex, listening to their conversation while stroking Susann's mane.

Viveka: (It would be wise to just kill and bury her along with the rest of them, but I can't help but empathize with what Tessa said. Urgh. But morality doesn't really have a place in any of this. What we're doing is supposed to be more important than that.)

Once the topic of leaders came up, she hung her head while continuing her stroking.

Viveka: (Morgan's too injury prone to be a leader unless she's protected. Damian's not all there, and if anyone even suggests Levski I'll just have to shoot myself. Conrad is obviously the best choice, but he just got here. There's going to be at least some initial resistance. He's going to need support if he aims to take charge himself. I'd better speak with him about this in private when I get the chance.)

Just then the violence between Helios and Reika caught her attention! The two were both injured and still fighting!

Viveka: (... fine, you want a competent soldier ... you've got one, Miss Comet!) HEY!!! Both of you knock it off, right now!!

She started walking toward Helios and Reika intent to stop them once and for all.

EDIT: Viveka intention to end violence added.

OOC: She'll probably attack them in the next post.

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"Huh." Helios said looking at Viveka. "We're ju-." Reika hit Helios with the back of her dagger knocking him out. "Thats what you get for ignoring me." Then she noticed the Pegasus knight walking towards her. "What do you want, slut?"

OOC: Lolololololol

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Viveka: Enough already! You two are making a scene, and it ends here ... well now that Helios is out, none of this matters.

She leaned over to Susann's ear and whispered to the pegasus.

Viveka: If she tries anything, you thrash her.

Susann nervously shivered but Viveka could tell that she'd do it if necessary, the loyal pegasus she was.

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Conrad shook his head, and sighed. "See what I mean? They're both morons. There's so much fighting within the group, and yet... nobody seems to understand that we need competent people if we want to get the job done right."

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Reika looked around a little bored. She could kill the mage now but there was people looking around. That wouldnt do to well. Maybe i can off someone of no importance. She looked at Zilaph. They wont remember him.

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"... Then, just run the group, General. Enforce discipline. Come on. You've got two lieutenants, a colonel and a captain in the group, along with yourself. Is can't be that hard to enforce," Alex said, disgusted at the lack of initiative. "Even psycho over there can be molded into a soldier."

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"You'd think it'd be easy, but nobody can fully cooperate. It's been tried, and it failed miserably. Common sense appears to be a new idea to most of them. There's been absolutely no luck trying to maintain order here, other than that people seem to somewhat respect Damian. The only one who can really get them all to work together is the shamaness. Most of the group is terrified of her, and they listen to her amazingly well when compared to anyone else's attempts. it's mind-racking, I tell you," Conrad muttered, and sighed.

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OOC: Actual ranks in the group.

Generals: 2 (Conrad, Alex)

Colonels: 1 (Damian)

Captains: 2 (Viveka, Derek)

Lieutenants: 1 (Aiya)

Sergeants: 1 (Jasmine--->Promoted from Corporal due to Lucille's death)


Deciding to ignore the thief, Viveka led Susann back over to Conrad and Alex who were conveniently going over the leadership issue again, one of her favorite topics as of late. She was close enough to unintentionally garner attention, but she stayed quiet at first to listen.

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OOC: Timeskip!


IC: The night seemed to drag on and on for Esphyr, pacing back and forth in a restless fashion. She wanted Morgan back, if only to verbally lash her for worrying so much. Though the merc was loathe to admit it, it had been fun to have the harsh woman around, and having her missing was proving to be a drag. At last, she could stay awake no longer, and quickly dug two small trenches, one at shoulder height and one at hip height, before she lay down and went to sleep.

A short distance away, Katie smiled in joy. She had taken the blood from Esphyr, only a drop from one of her wounds from the prior battle. A lock of Tessa's hair as she slept, and the rest of the things she had asked for. Stashing them away carefully, she stroked the lock before giving a small smile. Everything was going fine.

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Edit: Before TS.

OOC: Captain was a recent promotion for Viveka, and she's assuming she's a lieutenant. Alex doesn't count, due to being a prisoner. Jasmine is Jasmine.


"... Alright then. If they revere her, why did they let her get captured so easily?" Alex then asked. "I mean, really, your uninjured fighters just stood around as the hero got away, injured. They could've at LEAST tried to chase after him."

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The night had gone well enough. There had been a bit of commotion in the other part of the camp, but Damian had figured that it was merely another bout of stupidity,and didn't bother going to check it out.

Either way,an early awakening allowed Damian to finish preparing the cake just before the others began to stir.

"Hey Aiya,can you get the gift ready?" Damian asked his Lieutenant,who was just waking.

"Hmmn?Oh!Yeah.I'll get right on it!" Aiya replied,springing up and moving to do as she had been asked.

Damian went back towards the campsite,and found Esphyr,who was just awakening.

"Hey Esphyr,can you come with me for a minute?"

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