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[FE9] Draft Tourney


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I may not be able to get on tomorrow, so I'll be making my picks in advance. The order they appear in the spoiler is the order I want them in. No peeking. :P






Also from what I can see one character is gonna be used by three people. We currently have 6 units left, but have 8 picks left. Unless someone is missing.

Edit: Devdan is missing.

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That makes it my picks, then. Darn you taking Devdan! Largo and Devdan would be a perfect pair of picks.

Largo and... Brom Bastian. Yep.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Question: Is there a deadline on playtime? Because I doubt I'm even going to start this before about the end of August thanks to other things going on (FE4 playthough and almost two weeks worth of holidays).

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What's the policy on item trading with undrafted units? E.g. Chapter 1 band trading: Is it allowed for Boyd to give Ike his band, so that Ike can advance, or must Ike initiate the trade (meaning Boyd must place himself closer to action than comfortable)? Or can you not take items from forced undrafted units at all, until you reach a battle prep screen?

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Has anybody else started yet? I just finished chapter 8.

Chapter: Prolouge

Turns: 5

Notes: Why does Ike start two turns away from Boyd?

Chapter: 1

Turns: 3

Notes: Titania got the steel sword village on turn 1, killed the boss on turn 2, and got the robe on turn 3. Ike and Boyd picked up some scraps.

Chapter: 2

Turns: 4

Notes: Ike and Boyd combined to kill the Myrmidon with Boyd getting the kill, and leveling up procing both Strength and Speed shooting his AS by 2. This allowed to double bandits so Ike lost most of his usefulness. Anyway they both killed as much as possible until Titania arrived to finish the map. Oh and Ike took the robe so he'd stop getting raped.

Chapter: 3

Turns: 3

Notes: Titania rushed the boss while Ike and Shinon tried to not get in the way, Got the elixer for later use.

Chapter: 4

Turns: 2

Notes: Titania rushed the boss while Ike and Shinon tried to not get in the way. She 2RKO'd the boss with a handaxe.

Chapter: 5

Turns: 6

Notes: Titania and Shinon blocked the southern half while Boyd(wing'd) and Ike took the west. Ike sucked so he had to hide during turn 2 while the big boys and Titania made it safe for him. After the initial wave of baddies the level became much easier, so Titania rushed the Boss and everybody else got exp.

Chapter: 6

Turns: 6

Notes: After clearing the initial group of enemies Boyd took the left bridge while Titania and Ike went to the right bridge. Titania killed the boss and everyone except Rhys and Boyd escaped.

Chapter: 7

Turns: 7

Notes: Probably could've done better if Titania didn't need to everywhere at once. Boyd and Ike have trouble with the armors so Titania had to kill most of them. Shinon hid in the chest room after Titania cleared it so Gatrie would get attacked by the archer. Mia couldn't take a hint and recruited herself. Punk.

Chapter: 8

Turns: 8

Notes: Bexp'd Ike and Boyd to 12 and forged a +5 MT Iron Axe to ORKO the right armors. Ike blocked the cavs on turn 1 so Titania could clear up a good amount of the west. After that they switched places. Boyd got a ton of exp by soloing most of the right side. Titania took the boss while Ike and Ilyana killed some armors.

So far I don't think I'm doing to badly except chapter 7. Getting Shinon allowed me to avoid penalties for both chapter 3 and 7 so it was a pretty good pick imo. Boyd was awesome once he got the wing doubling just about everything important. Ike was meh. He had to be fed a bunch of kills to do anything and he still was 2RKOing. The only bad thing about Titania is she might've gotten too many levelups (Level 5) so she'll only have like 10 levels with the KW. Oh well by then Kieran well be ready to take over.

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Chapter: 5

Turns: 6 or is it 7 because it's a defend chapter?

Chapter: 8

Turns: 8/9(defend map)

In PoR, it doesn't tack on an extra turn for no apparent reason, at least in the JP version when I did my refresher test run a week or so ago. My epilogue file lists Ch5 as 6 turns, Ch8 at 8 turns, and Ch13 as 10 turns, for example.

Chapter 17 reporting is a mess, due to the multi-parts, but the game only listing a single value, and I don't remember if there were other Defends or not, and am too lazy to check atm.

Edit: Also, great to see some numbers so I can adequately try to gauge benchmarks and my personal progress. Clearly a whole different ball of wax due to the separate tourneys, but I'm sure it's still useful.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Weird I thought both games arbitrarily added a turn to defend chapters. Thanks for the fix.

Both tourneys are using the same rules with the main difference being fixed vs. random, so they should be fairly comparable. That being said if Weapons knows this game as well as FE10 I expect him to win by a good margin. If he doesn't then I expect the Marica teams to have the next best chance.

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Anybody here? Here's 8 more chapters.

Chapter: 9

Turns: 6

Notes: Bexp'd Ilyana to 10. Forged another +5 MT iron axe. Everyone went for the boss' area. Titania took most of the kills. Anyway the boss is so pathetic he 3RKO's Titania with a knight killer. I blame effective damage being so lame in this game. Anyway I gave the boss to Boyd so Titania wouldn't miss to many more KW levels.

Chapter: 10

Turns: 10

Penalty: None

Notes: I hate doing this level the the non-stealh way. Sent Boyd to open Kierans cell while everyone else went to the escape square. I tried feeding Ike and Ilyana as many kills as I could. Ilyana's +5 MT forge helped with that. By the end of this chapter Boyd was 19 and Ilyana and 17. Ike still has a lot of time he's only 12.

Chapter: 11

Turns: 5

Penalty: None

Notes: Bexp'd and sealed Ilyana at 20 for staffs. Bexp'd Kieran to 14 and gave him an Iron Axe forge. I had Ilyana go to the dracoshield house because the Vigilantes are lol. Gave her the draco so she had less problems in Ch.15.

Kieran and Titania went to the ship while Boyd killed the solders by the starting point. Titania then went into bow range of the boss and countered with a max MT and Hit Handaxe(These are my default forge). Kieran finished him off, and then went on to clear the rest of the map.

Chapter: 12

Turns: 8

Penalty: None

Notes: This chapter sucks for everyone who didn't get Marcia. Bexp'd Kieran till he could double the crows. Boyd and Kieran promoted in this map, Ike got to 17 and Ilyana got D staffs. All in all a crappy map.

Chapter: 13

Turns: 10

Penalty: None

Notes: Kieran and Titania protect Astrid on turn 1 and Ike recruits in on turn 2. I let the crows steal most of the stuff and then killed them to take it back. Boyd, Titania and Kieran now ORKO most things and are like 6-7KO'd back. I wish this game had an "Off" setting for animations like FE10.

Chapter: 14

Turns: 3

Penalty: None

Notes: Kieran rushed boss. Ilyana got a Spirit dust. Also killed Makalov for his gem. Those Hand(h)axes are cutting into to my wallet.

Chapter: 15

Turns: 5

Penalty: None

Notes: This chapter and Ch.12 are crap unless you have a flier. Ilyana just isn't durable enough to kill Maurim while withstanding all the other Laguz so I used Boyd as unarmed bait. It worked thanks to shade and I was able to get Maurim 1 on 1 with Ilyana.

Chapter: 16

Turns: 8

Penalty: None

Notes: I brought along Tormod to recruit Devdan. I probably could've finished faster, but I wanted Bolting. I think it was worth it.

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Finished the game. I didn't do too badly.

Chapter: 17

Turns: 3+5+10+4

Notes: Standard non-flier clear for all the chapters. At this point even Devdan is one rounding with a Steel Forge so if he can do it anybody(except Ike) can.

Chapter: 18

Turns: 9

Notes: Bexp'd Ike and Janaff to respectable levels. Janaff also got adept and went to the Wyvrens. Everyone else went the main way. Ilyana stayed back to help Janaff with the reinforcements after the initial clear. Also recruited Shinon. Ike killed the boss while Kieran and Titania killed some Ravens.

Chapter: 19

Turns: 3

Notes: Kieran boss rush. He ORKO'd with a Forged Handaxe. Akso gave Ike Wrath for later.

Chapter: 20

Turns: 5

Notes: Another chapter where having a good flier would've helped. Janaff was doing laughable damage to Shiharam so he dropped Boyd up there on turn 2, and let him do his thing. Turn 3 Boyd ran up to Shiharam and countered on EP, Killed him on turn 4, and Arrived on turn 5.

Chapter: 21

Turns: 12

Notes: Janaff saved like a turn or 2 by dropping off Ilyana and Ike across the moat or whatever the hell it is. Those two and Kieran proceeded to the boss area while the rest went to go raid some chests. Titania killed the miniboss dude. Luckily no one fell asleep thanks to pure waters+ Knight Ward on Kieran. Recruited Big T for his Spear. Ike wrath-crit'd Ena and Seized the next turn.

Chapter: 22

Turns: 1

Notes: Bolting'd the boss to death. Ilyana and Calil needed a combined 43 Magic to pull it off.

Chapter: 23

Turns: 7

Notes: Hate this map. Don't wanna talk about it.

Chapter: 24

Turns: 5

Notes: Kieran went full speed ahead every turn. Got Savior which went to Kieran so he could lug Ike around.

Chapter: 25

Turns: 7

Notes: Again not having jill/Marcia/Tanith hurts. The could take a full guard and fly straight through the level. Janaff can't. One thing I hate about this chapter is for some reason IS decided to nerf Horse movement in this chapter, so everyone had something to do for the first time since Chapter 19.

Chapter: 26

Turns: 5

Notes: Kieran carried Ike to Renning and killed him with a Silver Axe Forge. Ike Seized the next turn.

Chapter: 27

Turns: 5+1

Notes: Kieran rush. Got Resolve for Ike. Ran away from BK because LolNasir isn't saving 4-5 turns in his two chapters.

Chapter: 28

Turns: 5

Notes: Ike's crowning moment. Janaff dropped him off and from turn 2 EP on he ORKO'd everything once in resolve range. Also had to bring Boyd over so he could clear the Cats that block the Seize tile on turn 5.

Chapter: Endgame

Turns: 5

Notes: Everyone went to the fountain area and blockaded there. Ike pushed forward and on turn 4 Kieran picked him up. Turn 5 he was handed off to Janaff who dropped him off in front of Ashnard. Tibarn rescued Janaff and Ike Wrath/Resolved killed Ashnard.

Total: 178

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Time to start

prologue 5

no comment

ch 1 3

chose not to get stl s

rushed Titania to get sr

Ike followed

Ike 21 6 1 7 8 7 6 1

t Bases

2 5

ike waited for t to save his sorry butt and t murdered the rest of the enemies

3 4

Ike distraction t rushed

Edited by HongLei
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