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Characters Better Off Killed?

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I really hate unused characters wasting Class Swap slots, and although I'm doing full recruitment to the best of my abilities on my first run, I have no real desire to continue doing so later. There aren't a lot of recruitable enemies this time around, by the looks of it, but there are some that, if killed off, would at least seem to make my life a little easier.

Question is: Which of them is worth keeping, and who should just get killed off? Giving it some thought...


Any Thieves/Manaketes/Feena (obviously they don't swap, so no harm done, and only Rickard and Tiki are ever enemies)

Warren (he seems usable, and he'd be good chip on harder difficulties)

Sirius (obviously)

Barst (not sure on this, I mean it's Barst, but...)

Etzel (might have some uses, unsure)

Darros (remarkably good bases)

Abel (then again...)

Katarina (if only for the extra Resire)

The Bishops (or just kill them yourself, I guess)


Matthis (useless, annoying, and while I normally wouldn't want to skip Julian, he is standing in your way if you for some crazy reason intend to just rush the castle)

Samto (meh)

Caesar (doesn't seem all that useful to me, and on not-Normal he moves anyway on a smallish map)

Radd (same as Caesar, I suppose?)

Roger (didn't impress me even on Normal, he may have potential but by ch8 I really don't care to have him)

Jeorge (not sure on this)

Ellerean (is he needed for anything?)

Jake (bases issues, but he does have good growths)

Beck (not sure on him either)

Astram (he's more trouble than he's worth if you keep leaving him alive to hound you, plus we have to keep Jeorge alive)

Sheema (probably worth more as a kill than as a unit)

Samson (meh)

Vyland (more trouble than worth)

Sedgar (more trouble than worth)

Wolf (he wants to die anyway)

This is just counting folks you can kill off yourself, not the ones who can suicide into things. I haven't even considered who might be sent unarmed into Hardin's warming embrace on ch8 or something.

Basically, who do you consider so useless you'd send them packing to free up their Class Swap slot? Who's worth keeping around? Sentiment's fine, but I feel like even if we're not required to kill anybody, I kinda want to. Maybe I'm a sociopath.

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Basically, who do you consider so useless you'd send them packing to free up their Class Swap slot? Who's worth keeping around? Sentiment's fine, but I feel like even if we're not required to kill anybody, I kinda want to. Maybe I'm a sociopath.

Everyone that isn't going to see that red dot with the exclamation point in the Unit Select screen.

If this is such a troublesome decision that you can't figure out who to kill, just reclass the benched into shit you're not using >_>

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Everyone that isn't going to see that red dot with the exclamation point in the Unit Select screen.

If this is such a troublesome decision that you can't figure out who to kill, just reclass the benched into shit you're not using >_>

I dunno, I feel better about not recruiting someone than I do deliberately killing them off once they're on my side. Problem is this time they throw so many people at you without giving you a choice in the matter, it starts to get cluttered. Nothing more annoying than finding all those scrubs I reclassed into Archer when I finally actually want somebody to be a Sniper, switch them to some class I'm not using, then go switch the first guy over.

I guess you could use the pre-battle arena to execute people. Does it let you send them in unarmed?

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I dunno, I feel better about not recruiting someone than I do deliberately killing them off once they're on my side. Problem is this time they throw so many people at you without giving you a choice in the matter, it starts to get cluttered. Nothing more annoying than finding all those scrubs I reclassed into Archer when I finally actually want somebody to be a Sniper, switch them to some class I'm not using, then go switch the first guy over.

I guess you could use the pre-battle arena to execute people. Does it let you send them in unarmed?

Then what you should do is simply reclass people to classes you find useless as soon as you get them. If you're not making a Paladin heavy team, any A class set person can go cav/paladin while B class units could go Knight or Fighter.

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Recruiting Jeorge shouldn't take more than one extra turn, and he's probably your best bow user for sniping Flying Dragons by that point.

Also, Barst's recruitment is even easier, since Ogma can reach him on the first turn, so I don't really know why recruiting him is borderline.

Edited by Ninji
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More about whether it's worth bothering if they're just gonna sit around. Jeorge probably yes, Barst probably yes, though I could see maybe killing Barst off if you've got a MU axe-user or somesuch. Then again, triangle attack.

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You should consider including units that need to be recruited from villages, since they generally require turns for Marth to take a detour.

Which units in villages would you consider not worthwhile to recruit? Bantu, Roshea? Bord/Cord?
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Tomas takes like a turn at most, but certainly ain't worth it.


If you're not using someone, they're not worth visiting no matter what (so even Castor or :gasp: Minerva, assuming you don't care about Maria either)



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Roger's only good with Reclass restrictions removed. That and most people will likely field Caeda in Chapter 8 anyway, so recruiting him shouldn't be a major issue.

IIRC Radd and Caesar fall in the chapter that can be 1 Turned. Paperblade has that video Chapter 6X. Just replace his My Unit with Linde and you get the near-identical results.

Jeorge is definitely worth recruiting.

With open reclass, Beck and Jake can snap into Sniper and do alright with their set Bow Rank. Beck has a slightly easier time sliding into Swordmaster. Not that they're spectacular; could likely be skipped.

Eh, I just recruit all characters anyway, but the rest like Matthis and co probably could get slayed if you feel the need to do so.

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This is one of the dumbest topics I've seen. Nobody takes up class spots, simply reclass then to something with open spots. And only the most difficult of people to recruit should be left.

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This is one of the dumbest topics I've seen. Nobody takes up class spots, simply reclass then to something with open spots. And only the most difficult of people to recruit should be left.

Yeah. Why would anyone not recruit units just because they take up class slots. Really? I dealt with class limits by reclassing somebody else into a class I'm not interested in using. Units not being recruited should ONLY be assumed if the unit is stupidly hard to recruit(Sheema and FE5's Xavier are good examples), and even then, you have to consider any weapons/items that the unit may have on them(the only way to get said weapons if they aren't flashing green is if you recruit them; of course, in Xavier's case, you could just capture him, take his Master axe and Killer bow off him, then release him and in Sheema's, it's just a silver lance. You can buy those in Muston's armory for 2200G, same with Samson's silver axe. Can buy it for 1600G.)

Edited by DA125
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This is one of the dumbest topics I've seen. Nobody takes up class spots, simply reclass then to something with open spots. And only the most difficult of people to recruit should be left.

How, exactly, is it "dumb?" People most certainly do take spots, because everyone has to be a class unless they're dead or unrecruited. At full recruitment you have x+1 members of every class and have to shuffle people around. Maybe you don't consider that tedious, but I sure as hell do. It's a lot more convenient to have 8 Cavalier slots and maybe 2 people occupying them than 8 Cavs, one of whom you have to make an Archer and two Curates or something. And then you decide to put somebody in Curate but oh, it's full. Well alright, I'll just scroll down this unsorted list.

The Class Swap UI is pretty bad, one thing I'd hoped for improvement on over SD. Slightly less of a pain in SD since you're expecting to kill people.

I don't see why figuring out which characters aren't really worth it and waxing them to make reclassing the useful people a little easier is "dumb." It's not like you have to kill every single one of them. Besides, it's going to be a valid argument in the Lunatic discussions which village characters and recruitables take too much time or effort. Unless full recruitment is required for ranks, if the Lunatic list is ranked.

Edited by Renall
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How, exactly, is it "dumb?" People most certainly do take spots, because everyone has to be a class unless they're dead or unrecruited. At full recruitment you have x+1 members of every class and have to shuffle people around. Maybe you don't consider that tedious, but I sure as hell do. It's a lot more convenient to have 8 Cavalier slots and maybe 2 people occupying them than 8 Cavs, one of whom you have to make an Archer and two Curates or something. And then you decide to put somebody in Curate but oh, it's full. Well alright, I'll just scroll down this unsorted list.

The Class Swap UI is pretty bad, one thing I'd hoped for improvement on over SD. Slightly less of a pain in SD since you're expecting to kill people.

I don't see why figuring out which characters aren't really worth it and waxing them to make reclassing the useful people a little easier is "dumb." It's not like you have to kill every single one of them. Besides, it's going to be a valid argument in the Lunatic discussions which village characters and recruitables take too much time or effort. Unless full recruitment is required for ranks, if the Lunatic list is ranked.

Because half the people you listed as units better off killed, are actually decent units. Not top tier, but certainly usable.

Samto, Caesar, Roger, Ellerean, Jeorge all can be valuable units. On top of that, if you just outright kill somebody rather than recruiting them, you miss out on getting their weapons. And also, if you don't recruit someone then you don't get that class spot anyway. So in reality, they aren't taking spots away from you because by recruiting them they are giving you a spot, so the relationship is neutral.

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*Raises Hand*.

...I'm not finding Samto anywhere near close as useful to that bunch. He's 5 levels away from promotion and has very little to speak with his bases (0 Base Spd? Knothx).

Unless you mean during the initial push through Chapter 6, where I admit he can... I dunno.

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And also, if you don't recruit someone then you don't get that class spot anyway. So in reality, they aren't taking spots away from you because by recruiting them they are giving you a spot, so the relationship is neutral.

Actually, you still get the slot even if you don't recruit. At least that was the case in Shadow Dragon, but it can be the same case here.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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*Raises Hand*.

...I'm not finding Samto anywhere near close as useful to that bunch. He's 5 levels away from promotion and has very little to speak with his bases (0 Base Spd? Knothx).

Unless you mean during the initial push through Chapter 6, where I admit he can... I dunno.

I guess his resemblance to Navarre faked me into thinking he performed more like Navarre. But anyway, the whole argument just sounds like laziness to me.

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In Shadow Dragon you got the class slot if you could have recruited a character during the chapter. You weren't required to actually pick them up. That was, at least, the case for enemies. I forget what happened to the class slots if you skipped the gaidens in SD.

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if the Lunatic list is ranked.

It's kind of a controversial topic right now, but from what we know so far, the ranks are so bloody easy that there's no point (like FE6 kinda) Although it should be noted that all we do know is that Paperblade got As across the board without even trying, and that higher ranks may or may not exist. We're gonna need Vincent to dive into the data once he gets back from vacation. I'm completely against doing shit like recruiting Xavier just for something as pointless as a Survival Rank, myself, but I don't really care if people have tier lists for those standards.

I certainly know I'm going to factor this in as I am 100% adamant in recruitment costs counting against a character, so no, this isn't a useless topic at all. In fact? I find this extremley helpful.

Also, what's your logic for Barst potentially not being worth it? Even if you don't get Cord, who is reachable on Turn 1 anyway and can serve as a cheap meatwall if nothing else, I don't see any reason why you wouldn't get Bord, who, even though he eats up a few turns, you REALLY want that hammer he joins with. Ogma can even recruit him if for whatever reason you recruited neither, and even the fighters have enough move to do it on turn 1.

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I think you still get the extra slots if you skip the gaidens.

Yes, you do. Otherwise, we'd be stuck with one Sorcerer for the non-gaiden games.

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