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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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"You are a generous woman indeed." said Altion. "I would not have expected that of any woman from my home. However, we also have no magi. May I ask why you didn't offer-Wait. Let me guess. He's a party member as well?"

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"That would be ideal. But it'd be hard lugging a kitchen around, even with horses, an what would we do with the things during a fight? I mean, you could pay Lev to handle it or something, like the rest of your bags, but......"

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Viveka and Jazz

Viveka: Exactly. I'm already paying him to handle the luggage. He can handle cookware too. It's not as if an extra thirty pounds will be the straw that broke his wyvern's back ... come to think of it, that wyvern is getting rather buff >_>'

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"Huh? Oh, sorry, sir!" Dani said, nearly running into a man. Looking up, she saw that the man was that silent merc- Heinz, was it?-

"What're you doing here?" he asked.

"..! You can talk! I thought you were mute!" the mage said, mainly to herself. "Oh, sorry. I'm just going to the institute to take my fourth circle exam. Why, you know someone there? I can get them, if you want..."


Arriving home as the sun set, the Comet noted that her father had still not returned yet. Not surprising. He was always working, every single day. Another lonely night, Alex thought, heading up to her room. Closing the door behind her, the general opened a pair of doors, and headed out into the balcony. She looked out off of it, admiring the view. After a while, the girl went inside, and came back out with a silver harp. Plucking the strings, Alex began to play a melody, and filled the night with it.

OOC: Editing in another part in a bit. BBL.

Edit: Added Alex's part.

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Chase left the shop, and ecided t try out his new bow. He searched around, looking for a suitable target, and found a decently large tree. "Guess this'll work..." he drew back his bow and notched an arrow, then fired at the tree. The arrow shot straight into it, gouging a foot deep hole into the bark! Startled, he dropped the bow. "Wow, this thing is powerful... guess I got another good deal from Anna, then. Sweet."

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Rita and Cess:

"I've never been formally schooled. Are the magic exams really that hard? Do I have to start at the first level, or will they place me somewhere else?"

"I never knew you went to school here Dani."

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They werent done yet. Maybe he finished too early? Then Helios remembered, there was an arena in town. They had a tournament going on right now. Maybe he could convince a couple of people to join. The prize was a bunch of gold, about 50 or 60. He looked into view and saw Damian, his girlfriends, Chase playing with a new arrow and Alferis. "Yo! Any of you bored?"

EDIT: Slight rewording and proof.

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"Yeah..." Chase replied, firing an arrow as he turned around, then hearing a scream in front of him. "What the-- oh geez! I'm so sorry!" he panicked, seeing that he had carelessly hit a young woman with the arrow. He rushed over to help her, and asked "Are you okay? I'm sorry, i was just pract- Clara? Are you Clara?"

"Yes... that's my name... you should be- Chase!" she replied, hugging him. "It's been so long! How have you been?"

"Pretty good... I was practicing, but I guess I messed up. Sorry. Do you need healing? I know someone who can help you..."

"Yes, that'd be great... I'm here visiting. You too? Great! I guess we won't be together for long, though..."

"Yeah... I have to go tomorrow, I think. But until then, it'll be good to be with you. Um, hey! Helios? Any idea where Tessa is? This is my adopted sister, Clara, and, well, yeah, you can see what happened."

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"Go and reserve a spot for yourself. I'll wait here and see if anyone is interested. You two not joining?" He asked Damian and Esphyr.

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"Yeah, I'll do that." Aiya replied, moving to the sign up counter.

Upon hearing Helios' question, Damian turned to him; "Nah, I'm alright. Dunno about Esphyr though."

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Chase ran towards the inn, nearly bursting through the door when he ran up to Morgan, exclaiming, "Sorry to interrupt, but Morgan, do you know where Tessa is? I need some help from her..."


Conrad strolled around the town, looking for something to do, when he heard the wind mage mention a tournament. "A tournament, huh? I suppose I might enter. My fighting's getting a bit rusty... and losing to the Comet wasn't fun."

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Rita and Cess:

"Well you two go see your magic school. I'm going to go look around the shops some more."

Rita walked down the street, and saw Helios and Aiya. "What are you guys doing?"



Pary and Viveka looked around the market. He saw one shop with cooking wears inside, and they went in. "So what exactly are we looking for?"

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"There is a tournament at the local arena. Figured it would be a nice way to spend some time, and the prize isn't half-bad either." Aiya replied, surprised that the myrmidon hadn't jumped on her like the other swordfighters.

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OOC: LOL ooc Rita is ooc XD

Viveka and Jazz

When Pary went into the store, the girls waited for a moment. They couldn't possibly bring pegasi into the store ... especially not spookish Susann. Viveka shrugged and carelessly dropped the pegasus' reins before strolling in and waving back at her without looking to check.

Viveka: Don't you go anywhere now ...

Jasmine gently let go of her pegasus' reins and walked backwards into the store with her hands up gesturing her mount to stay put. It was obvious that she was worried the pegasus wouldn't listen. Once they were inside, they caught up to Pary.

Viveka: Let's see. Hmm ... mostly just kitchen cookware. We need outdoor supplies so I'll check another isle.

Jasmine: (I hope the pegasi are alright out there ...)

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"You'd have to take a placement test, first," Dani said, turning to Cess. "Then, you work your way from there. I started off as a first circle, only because I couldn't control my magic. I jumped from first to second within my first year, and then, I turned third just before I left for the time being. Now, I think I can hit 4th! As for the exams, they aren't that hard, but, you have to know what you're doing."

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"Well I suppose I could enter. I don't really need the money though. Hm.....Aiya, would you want to enter the tag team match with me? Or should we all enter the singles?"



"Okay. I guess it wouldn't be too hard. Any tips or anything? My magic is fine, but if it's something difficult....."



Pary walked down the isles, before noticing a nicely worn copper skillet and pot. "This should do nicely." He grabbed them off the shelves, and went to find Viveka.

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Chase stood in place awkwardly, noticing that everyone was staring. "Uh... sorry... I'll go get someone else," he muttered, leaving the store. "Hmm... I hope Pry might help. He wandered around, looking for the priest, and returned to where he had been practicing. "I can't find anyone... how bad is it exactly?" he asked Clara.

"Not at all. I mostly shouted in surprise: it got my left arm. I suppose it can't be helped. So what are you doing here?" she answered.

"Um... are you sure you wan to know? It's a long story..." he replied. "Okay, it started about... two and a half weeks ago..."

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Hearing the thunder mage say something under her breath, Heinz raised his eyes slightly. Talk? I suppose I haven't talked much to some of the group.. especially since they left for Halton earlier. "No thanks, I don't know anyone from there," shaking his head. Wouldn't want to either. "I saw Isotov and Katie near TISME earlier though, good luck on your exam," nodding politely to the mage.

Walking away from the mages, Heinz navigated the streets back to the inn door. Leaving the anima mages only to be interrogated by the shaman, Heinz thought wryly. Opening the door, Heinz blinked. It's that cavalier from earlier.... wonder where that archer's running off to?

Leaning against the wall of the inn, he nodded at the shaman. "I'm ready to be interviewed, unless you're still talking to him," jerking his head towards the armored man.

Edit: Added last paragraph.

Edit again: Fixed location and grammar.

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"Very well." Morgan replied to Heinz. She motioned for him to sit down and began the questioning.

"So, you approached our group as a mercenary looking for money. That would mean money motivates you, yes?" Morgan started, tapping her fingers on the table.

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Heinz sat down in the chair across from the shaman waiting for the woman to begin questioning him. She's direct... looks like I can't hedge then. "Money motivates me as it would any mercenary, as well as adventure and travel in my case," Heinz replied, waiting for her response.

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"It better be single. No one in this pitiful group can match the power i have obtained." He said. An evil look flashed in his face for a second while he said that. "Okay so it looks like no one else is going to join, we might as well go." He said walking towards the arena. "They better have slots open, or else i will have to result to getting blood on my hands."

OOC: C wut i mean by cheap?

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"Hmm, I see." said Morgan, pursing her lips. "I have noticed that you do not spend much time talking to your fellow group members. Any reason for this? Perhaps you wish to remain distant from them, knowing you're selling them out later?"

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