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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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Heinz frowned. "My job was to stab things, if I recall correctly, not talk with others. I'd rather avoid confusing my job with .... other emotions like Esphyr does. I admit I've worked undercover before as a mercenary, but I make it a point not to take on two jobs if their goals contradict each other," shrugging his shoulders. "Too much of a mess to deal with."

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Ducking into the weapon shop, Alferis found a small wiry man sitting behind the counter. He had a large mustache and was very muscular, despite his small size.

"Yeah, what do you want?" he said.

"Just want you to repair this," said Alferis, pulling out the Tomahawk fragments.

"Ah. Haven't seen many of these. You using this for the arena challenge?"

"The what?"

"Ah, I remember you. You're Alferis. Came in a few times couple years back. An arena was built here after you left. You seem pretty strong, you should test your skills there."

"Good to know, thanks. You know how long it'll take to fix this?"

"An hour or so. It's pretty bad."

"I see. Thanks. How much will that cost?"

"Around 8 gold or so."

"Thanks. I'll be back later," said Alferis, dropping the money on the table and leaving. He found the item shop a little ways down and entered the door.

"Yes?" said the owner. She was a black haired beautiful woman with a veil over her head.

"You have a Flux tome?" he asked her.

"I'm afraid not. We don't know any dark mages around here."

"It's fine. I'm sorry to have bothered you," he said leaving the shop.

Might as well head to the arena he thought, seeing the Colosseum after a bit of walking.



After checking her room out at the inn, Reika walked past Morgan and the knight and began to wander around the town. It was kind of small, but it had many shops. After a bit of inspection, she learned of an arena around here.

Excellent. she thought to herself. Finally. A good way to fight without needing those meatbags getting in the way. She ran to where she saw the arena, for the first time truly happy about something.

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"Usually I appreciate your professionalism, but in this instance it does make you look rather suspicious." Morgan said, putting her hand on her chin. "If I were a mole, I would be someone stealthy, money motivated, and averse to forming emotional ties with the people I was going to betray. That sounds a lot like you. Give me a reason why I should think you aren't the mole." Morgan narrowed her eyes at Heinz.

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Helios entered the arena after Aiya. The fightmonger turned around. "Hey. Whats a gal like you doing fighting in an arena." Seeing Helios he remarked. "That your so-" "NO!" Helios interjected. "Oh so your his girlfr-" "Never!" The fightmonger looked disappointed. "Definitely a vir-" Helios blasted the fighmonger with Arcwind. "Never again." Another fighmonger rushed over. "Yes you would like to sign up? How many people?"

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Conrad strolled into the arena, and approached the fightmonger. "Sign me up. My name is Conrad."

Chase and Clara followed closely behind. "Add two more, Clara and Chase!" the archer exclaimed, then turned to Clara. "Are you sure? You did just get hurt... sorry about that, by the way," chase asked her. "I'm fine. I don't use my left arm much anyways."

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"Brad huh. What about you, Mage?" Helios scowled. "Near." The fightmonger wrote down both names. "Okay head down to the room in the left, Mage your number is 6, Brad, 8. What about you two girls?" Then he heard Chase and Clara come in. "Cant enter you in, girl. Your injured. Your name, archer?"

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'Do they really need to use fake names? Conrad isn't a horribly rare name, and I see no reason for Helios to hide his identity.' Aiya wondered, but didn't bother looking into it any further.


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"There isnt one going on now, sorry. Would you still like to enter?" He wrote down Aiya's name. "Follow the Mage and fighter into the room. Your number is 14."

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"... I just said my name is Chase..." He retorted.

"Well, guess it can't be helped," Clara remarked, then asked, "Well, can I at least watch?"

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"Spectators go that way." He said pointing to another door. "Chase it is, your number, 13. Oi, you two by the door, you entering or what?"

OOC: He's addressing Reika and Al

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So professionalism doesn't help here? She's more suspicious than I thought."Simply put, I don't have a good enough reason to betray this group," Heinz replied, looking back at Morgan. "You pay me well enough, and this quest of yours promises greater adventure than I could find elsewhere. I have my own reasons for wanting to become stronger, and all the money in the world wouldn't be enough to stop me," he finished. Half truths usually work, although there are other jobs.

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"Thirteen, my least favorite number. Great..." Chase muttered, but walked into the waiting room.

"Thank you, sir," Clara replied, curtsying and heading towards the stands.

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"I wonder how they will set up the matches?" Aiya inquired to herself, before hearing Chase say his number.

"Thirteen, eh? I'm fourteen. If this is a standard tourney, then it looks like we're squaring off in the first round, Chase."

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Heinz nodded, walking out the door. Don't know if that bluff quite worked, looking around for the others. Seems like she accepted it for now, though it means I'll have to stay with the group for awhile, smirking slightly. Looping around the sides of the inn again, Heinz paused for a second.

"I could send that mute mage over to Morgan," he muttered. Seeing how that fire mage acted... I've had enough of magic for today though. I'll sell those Halton books first.

OOC: Heinz is around the vicinity of the inn, you can bump into him if you want.

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Meanwhile, in the stands, Esphyr had taken a seat. A frown was on her face as she watched the bouts below. She disapproved of arena's and what they stood for. People fighting for money wasn't the problem, but people betting on said people was. Not to mention that it also meant that the arena often wanted to get as much money as possible and was known to schedule some really onesided or massive fights in which death was a guarantee so as to make as much money as possible. It was detestable in her eye and she would not have been here if it wasn't for one thing. Aiya.

Despite her feelings about the arena, she liked Damian more. And Damian liked Aiya more than Esphyr. Even if they weren't in a relationship, she knew Aiya mattered as a friend. Though, she had to admit, the prospect of Aiya dying; leaving Damian all to Esphyr wasn't exactly the most distant thing from her mind. Either way, she knew it might be wise to watch.


"Excuse me, madame Morgan, but why are you conducting interviews? Are you seeking to find a husband, or perhaps some form of threat to your person?" asked Altion.

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"So 16. That means I have to fight whoever wins between you two." She said to Aiya and Chase. "If I win that is. :lol: "


Generic Priest (Not an NPC (I just want to stick it to Kai))

As the priest walked into the arena, he walked up to the fightmaster. "I'm here to sign up."

"Alright. Name?"

"Moulder. Moulder the boulder."

"Okay, number's 7 mister priest. You might want to be careful, and make sure you don't get hurt."

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