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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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Drawing her knife, Reika reached out and stabbed the man in the chest, blood spurting from the wound. He fell with a cry, clutching his stomach as Reika stood over him, who promptly stomped on his face, knocking him out.

"You wanna end up like him?"

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"Members of all castes, even foreigners are allowed to be attendants and bodyguards, especially given my...unique circumstances in this instance. You will still be expected to dress and act appropriately, but your birth does not exclude you from your duty in this instance.' Charlotte said definitely.

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"Gr. You bitch!" He said charging at Reika taking her by surprise. Then a blast of wind spawned out of the air and beheaded the man. Blood spurted out the man and would have fall on Reika is another blast didnt deflect it. "Dont get my wrong, Reika, I needed someone to kill." The other man looked at Reika and Helios with horror. "Monsters! I have to escape." He said running away only to be cornered by the storm night.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"Not even being thrown out of the tribes means anything, then?" Kelas saw that the overall argument was going to be lost. "At any rate, wouldn't it be better to deal with clothes for that when we get there, and just deal with the essential stuff now? The non-bloody traveling clothes, and such." She gestured towards a shop that looked like its goods were sufficiently inexpensive and durable.

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Storm Knight

"Where do you think you're going?" the Storm Knight asked, as the last merc ran into him. Before the man could respond, a shield slammed into his head, knocking him out.

"'Nighthawk, get onto the match. I shall contact the organisers. Helios, you'd best go along, as well," the knight said, putting away his shield.


"Thanks," Dani said to Heinz, as she headed off to the TISME branch. Once inside, the mage went to the front desk, and asked, "Are fourth circle exams held here?"

OOC: Someone not named Kai can control the secretary.

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"Politics of other nations tend to be irrelevant when considering attendant status." said Charlotte, waving her hand airily. "But I suppose the buying of proper clothes can wait until we get to the capital, though it will occur at some point." she said, fixing her eyes upon Kelas in a steely gaze.

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"Because otherwise I would've been arrested you idiot," she said to Helios pointing to the man she stabbed on the floor.

"Or you could be talking to him," she said looking at the knight.

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Storm Knight

"Because the bloke is probably drunk, and I am forgiving. Now, go prepare for your next match," the knight replied, walking off. "And if he is dead by the time I come back, there will be hell to pay."

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Storm Knight

"You are too cold-blooded," the Storm shouted back, as he exited the room. "It is not like I had a hand in this."

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Sneaking a glance behind himself, Karn saw his friend running to catch up to where he was. For a split second, his face fell into a silent sulk before resuming his normal blank expression. Swinging inside the nearest magic shop, the mage slammed the door in the other man's face before pushing it slightly open again.

"I'm just going to go buy something, alright?" his eyes moving from side to side nervously. The brown-clad soldier narrowed his eyes. ".... Okay, just don't take too long," turning his back towards the store and carefully looking towards the streets. "Damage shouldn't be too bad around this area," he murmured to himself. "He's got five minutes."

Looking back again, Karn smiled widely in relief when he realized his friend wasn't following him. Rushing around the shelves, he barely managed to avoid knocking over a stack of books, brushing past the storekeeper and pulling open the backdoor. "Thanks!" he shouted behind him, ignoring the startled yells behind him.

Running around the streets of Anglenar wildly, the mage finally managed to arrive back at TISME after asking a bakery owner for directions. Finding the front gate, Karn attempted to seek entry but was refused by the guards. He sulked. "Maybe I can get in through the back?" he pondered to himself. Walking around the border of TISME property, Karn stepped back a couple paces.

Phoomf! Within a few seconds the entire back portion of TISME property was on fire. "It's not burning very well though," he mumbled to himself. "I gotta make it explode then!" smiling as he came up with a better plan. BOOM! Karn looked at the flying burning pieces of wall. "Oops," he chuckled nervously. "Shion can take care of it though, right? Hope he doesn't yell at me too much..."

Rushing through the flaming walls, Karn looked at the building wildly. "Why are people running? Where's the classrooms?" he asked, puzzled.

OOC: Back wall of TISME's boundaries are on fire, whether or not the actual building is on fire is up to Snowy.

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"I don't know Damian! I just know that you love Aiya!" she said, crimson fury started to flash from her eye. "And I know that it's what's proper for you! And it... I don't know!" she screamed again, causing several of the spectators to back away from the feuding birthday girl as a faint crimson aura started to surround her sword arm.


As soon as the explosion went off, several magical glyphs surrounding the property suddenly beamed to life. With a gentle ebb, the flames suddenly started to dissipate as a thin layer of magical protection started to coat any nearby property from any explosions. Being a institute that dealt with students whom used fire tomes and thunder tomes on a regular basis, anti flame and anti explosions measures only made sense.

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As Alferis started cleaning his wound he saw Reika walk back to the locker room, where he saw blood on her knife.

"Uh-oh. What happened?"

"See there were these two guys here who bet on Chase, and they wanted me out of the picture, so I taught them a lesson...in pain."

"Ah. I hope you didn't kill him."

"No. In fact he's still conscious. And crying."

"....I really hope you didn't stab him in the you-know-what you know."

"What, you think I'd do that?"

"Kind of yeah."

"You're not as dumb as I thought, although in this case I didn't."

"Mmmmmm. Anyway, you and Chase clearly hate each other, so he might try to pull something. Or you. Anyway, just be careful."

"Yes mother." she said, wiping off the blood from her dagger.

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'The Sword of Bloody Wrath.'

Damian had been frustrated, confused. But it didn't matter now, as that blade was coming into the picture.

"Esphyr... yes, I love Aiya. But I also love you. I want you to be happy with us, I want to help you, and that's where we aren't seeing eye to eye. Esphyr, for whatever reason, you think that I can't make you happy without sacrificing something. You want me to see what's right for me, what's proper for me... well, I know this fighting isn't." Damian said, gently gripping her sword arm to draw her attention to the presence of her sword.

'I know it's dangerous, but so be it. If that sword is going to attack someone... I'll take the hit. I can't let Esphyr or any of the bystanders get hurt.'

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For a moment, Esphyr seemed to make no motion at all besides the labored and vengeful breaths that she took. Then, after a moment, the crimson aura started to fade from her. "I... Unnnn... I'm sorry Damian." she said, settling down a bit. In the arm that had almost summoned the weapon, her staff was clenched tightly as she sat back down again.

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Meanwhile at TISME

An explosion rang loudly across the area, and a gust of wind accented the blast, rushing equally over the ground. Iso turned to the sounds just as the wind brushed his ankles, and rose to his feet.

Iso: So ... those classes for inept magi ... ... I suppose not everyone passes?

Irina and that guy she knows

Irina and Levski had purchased about fifteen chickens this time, and were each carrying around three or so. Several birds were in the same cage and strapped down to Kiev's back. Krinkov flanked them, acting like a sentinel. Having so much food made them prime targets for attack, and he wasn't about to let that happen. He knew he couldn't count on his master to be vigilant, especially not when the lavender smelling one was around. He almost never kept his guard up when she was interacting with him, and that bugged him almost as much as his time with the worthless female did. His master had strange tastes he thought.

Lev: So where to now?

Irina: The inn, I guess. You know, I was kind of hoping to find a present for Esphyr but ...

Lev: The hell? Exactly when did you two make up? Weren't you two at each others throats?

Irina: Well ... it still bugs the crap out of me sorta, but Esphyr let it go, so I should be able to do the same, right?

Lev: Meh. So what did you need a gift for? (It's not her birthday is it? Well, that would explain the cake the Halton couple was running around with.)

Irina: It's her birthday. She's eighteen starting today.

Lev: You're worried about gifts because of a birthday? Heheh. Well I think I could come up with something, and you can put both our names on it if you'd like.

He gave her a friendly and confident smile making sure his sincerity would shine through, and it likely did, because she smiled right back. Kiev was smiling too ... as best a wyvern could smile ... but for a totally different reason.

Viveka and Jazz

Pary's search for Viveka only turned up Jasmine. Viveka was a few isles away but blocked from view.

Jasmine: Hey, is that the kind of pot we're looking for?

Meanwhile, Viveka was distracted looking at specially craft cookware. She was slightly amused by how much detail was put into a simple pot. Decorations lining the top half, and a handle that looked more like a elongated piece of artwork.

Viveka: You cook with this?

Suddenly she got the feeling that someone was staring at her. She immediately rose up tall and used her eyes to scan around without moving her head much. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a young man looking over the same kind of pots she was. She noticed that he wasn't looking at her anymore, but she could tell that he was pretending to mind his own business.

Viveka: ... ... ....

After a few moments, the man peeked back in her direction only to be caught by her gaze! He flinched and went back to pointlessly staring at the pot.

Viveka: ... (Ohhh yeah, time for some fun.) ... beautiful pots they're selling huh?

Man: Uh ... yeah ... of course. Hardly practical but still beautiful heheheh. Right.

Viveka: Yes ... beautiful, but impractical ... ... kind of like me.

She let a gloomy look appear on her face just in time for him to notice.

Man: What? Impractical? No, no. How could you-I mean your beauty be impractical?

Viveka: ... mm ... don't worry about it. I'm just a bit negative today.

Man: That won't do. A moment ago you were merrily browsing this store, and because of something I've said, you've been reminded of something that ails you. That isn't right. (Perhaps this is my chance to ask ...)

Viveka: (Whoa, it's not supposed to be that easy.) Don't blame yourself. I get like this sometimes and can't put that on others.

Man: Uh-let me make it up to you!

Viveka: (... by the goddess, I just got a little depressed and he's turning into a-) Make it up to me? How? My friends and I won't be here for long. We're merely passing through on our way elsewhere.

Man: (Oh no. Passing through? I thought she lived here. Dammit! Well, still. Let me see what I can get out of this.) Okay then, until you leave, I have time. Let me take you to lunch.

Viveka: (... so that's what this is ... I knew this guy was just making excuses ... >_>' ) Sure ^_^

OOC: This man is about 5,9 with brown hair, and green eyes. He's dressed in a simple(but well maintained) shirt, and pants with boots.

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No. We should probably check it out though, seeing as someone could have been hurt. wrote Katie as she stood up. Without waiting for Iso, she headed in the general direction of the explosion, her feet swiftly striding across the ground as she hurried to find out what had happened.

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Iso: She's going? ... right.

He quickly stood up and dashed off after her! Luckily, he was an incredibly fast runner and caught up to her within a few seconds!

Iso: (I hope this branch has healers)

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"I wonder if there's a break. I was hoping to buy a present," said Alferis, finishing bandaging his wound, biting it off and fully tightening it.

"What and miss the excitement? You can do it afterward, just watch the fights."

"You're in rare form today it seems."

"I just like to fight. And I get to stick it to that pompous fool Chase and I can get away with it."

"You really don't like him do you," said Alf, picturing them fighting.

"What, and you do? You like that ass-kissing, boot-licking wimp? I guess I can see a bit of you in him though."

"Shut up. I'm not exactly fond of him either, but just don't get out of control ok?"

"Whatever. I know what I'm doing ok? Just leave me alone," she said, testing her knife with a few swings.

"Everything seems to check out ok."

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"Thought i'd find you two here." Helios said entering. "They drew the numbers. Alferis will be fighting me in the final round. Aiya will fight Rita and Conrad will fight Storm night. Reika, you should prepare for the fight. Dont go killing each other."

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"You and me huh? I warn you, you mess with me, you'll end up like what happened to the Warrior I fought, only you'll go down quicker." said Alferis.

"Although I'd see he wasn't exactly well to begin with," interjected Reika.

"True," said Alferis, cringing.


"He's going to wake up soon."

"How can you tell?"


"....my ears," Alferis said, covering his ears.

"Anyway, I'm all prepared already you retard. Get out of here."

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"Overconfidence is a weakness. Guess that is too much to expect from you." He replied to Alferis sighing. Hearing Reika, he spoke. "Good. This match will be the best one so far. I will look forward to it." With that he turned around and let his cape flow as he walked down the hall to another lounge. Alferis the bandit. He is weak, i will make short work of him.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"--and change the formula for that one to better line up with Salmalin's Law, like so--" Arrin went on, breaking off as another customer came to the front of the store. "Oh, blast, and I'd told them I'd just be a minute," he remarked ruefully, seeing that Kelas and the other seemed to have moved off. "I'd better go-- thanks, and good luck," he told the shopkeeper, heading out of the shop. The shopkeep could only stare: it wasn't often that someone with TISME training showed up and told him how to fix his work, and even rarer that their suggestions actually made any sense.

Arrin found Amari standing outside. "I guess you know where they are?" he asked. Not sure if he should ride or not, Arrin settled for walking next to the mare's head, though he didn't try to lead.

Amari set off for the store Kelas and the others had entered, but stopped: Arrin had run off again. Why, oh, why were all of Kelas' herd idiots? Amari looked around, catching sight of someone who looked rather like Arrin down a side street. Amari followed, slowed by the press of crowds of passerby.

Arrin had caught sight of a burst of flame, quickly extinguished. "That can't be good," he muttered, recalling the first time he'd seen a random explosion in a town. "The others might be in trouble, we'd better go look," he'd told Amari, assuming she was listening. He'd run off down a side street.

Now he was nearing the TISME branch. It made more sense now; where there were magic students, there were explosions. Still, while he was here...

He ducked into the lobby, looking for an information desk of some sort.

OOC: Waiting for the amount of chaos inside to be officially defined.

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