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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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The mage. He'll be a little tricky. I don't do well against magic, but then again, he's not exactly the toughest guy I've ever seen. Need to find a way to hit him and dodge his strikes. Hug the wall maybe? thought Alferis, as he continued to listen to Gazzak's rantings.


Edited by Dark Sage
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Inside the TISME building, only a low amount of chaos had come about as a result of the explosions. Students had been instructed to remain in their classrooms, studying the day away under their professors. In the higher levels, those professors seeking to study various artifacts or test magical theories had carefully secured anything loose as well. Though the hallways had been cleared and a few of the circle fours were busy trying to figure out which student in which room had goofed so as to allow those with staves the chance to heal, otherwise it was not overtly chaotic inside. Except for one thing.

The headmaster was back from her lunch. With a swirl of the cape, she was already heading for the back of the school, relying on the rest of her staff to not be idiots and capable of identifying where it had come from with ease. A angry stride was in her step as she passed through the hallways. She wasn't about to let someone assault a TISME branch, much less while she was inside it!

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There was an information desk, but it was deserted: the building appeared to be in something of a lockdown state. Arrin wandered the halls, looking for someone to explain what had happened. Instead, he ran right into a search party of staff. "Er, you wouldn't happen to know what that blast just was?" he asked them, realizing that he'd just become a possible suspect.

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The receptionist looked up. She was a young woman, not out of her teens and defiantly seeming rather young. Her nails were heavily polished with red nail polish as she callously filed them away. "There was, like, an explosion; kay? Probably some student, like, Timmy who, like, blew himself up doing, like, science. Would you like a map of the institute?"

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"Some idiot student was spotted outside on the back lawn casting a fire spell." said one of the staff members to his ally. "I would think one of Alex's, but I checked his classroom first. All the people are there."

"I don't care who it is." said a strong voice as the headmaster pushed past the other staff members, not even stopping to look them in the eye. "I want them detained. Do we still allow errant students to be thrown into the dun-no wait. I outlawed that. Just get out there now!" she said, her tone gruff as she pushed past Arrin; not stopping to even take notice of him as she headed out the front door, looking for the fastest way to the back property, which happened to involve not weaving through hallways while looking for the back door.

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"Idiot student... fire spell..." Arrin muttered. "Surely not? And was that the headmaster just then?"

Curiosity now well and truly engaged, Arrin followed the group of staff out the front door.

OOC: I assume Arrin will probably run into other party members in TISME at some point?

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When Iso and Katie arrived at the back of the building, they saw a large heavily smoking hole in the wall, though magic had extinguished the fires.

Iso: ... ... ....

Iso quickly grabbed Katie's arm and pulled her a little closer, sweat running down his face!

Iso: You're my witness, alright?! You know I didn't cause this! (We have to get out of here before someone spots me!)

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Iso: Yeah thanks ... (I am not getting blamed for another explosion. Now way!)

Suddenly Arrin appeared asking about the hole. Isotov of course flinched at that question, even though it came from the mostly friendly Arrin.

Iso: ... ... .... (I'm glad the headmaster isn't here to see this. She'd probably seriously consider the possibility that it's me, since I was unstable before >_>' )

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Having completed the written part of the exam, Dani was beginning to show the exam tester the extent of her control over lightning in the practical part, when there was a small explosion.

"Blast!" Dani said, nearly losing control of the electricity. "What was that?"

"Oh, probably one of the other students, screwing up again. Carry on," the examineer said, sighing.

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Iso: Oh ... just great >_>'

Irina and Levinator

The two had nearly reached the inn when they came upon a man herding some sheep through the street. The sheep were blocking their path and there were a lot of them. The two wyvern riders just stood there with their hands full waiting for the convoy to pass.

Irina: ... ... .... o_o

Lev: ... ... .... o_o

About five minutes passed ...

Lev: ... ... ... ... ... ... eg- ... urgh ... urrrrr-DA F*CK?!!! How many sheep can you have?!! Why is these jackass leading a bunch of sheep through the streets?!

Irina: ... *sigh* ....

Viveka and Jazz

Man: So, shall we go?

Viveka: Once my friends and I finish up the shopping. Why not meet me at that inn down the road in about ... say, half an hour?

Man: Of course. I'm looking forward to it.

Viveka: Mm me too ^_^ ( >_>' )

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"Right now huh? Crap in a hat," said Alferis, entering the ring.


"Let's see...need to close distance quickly. He's decent. Hmm... his spells need to have a limit in their range, shouldn't take that chance though," he whispered to himself, trying to find a good strategy to take out Helios quickly."


OOC: I presume each of us has to do close range combat I guess.

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I've spent quite a while over here. It be best i wrap this up quickly. A red aura started to form around his body. "Hellsety." He smirked while three waves of wind combined into one blast and seek out to destroy their targets.

Helios vs Alferis: Rolls

3 + 1(Hellsety bonus) + 4(roll) + 1(Overcast) = 9 damage

- 1hp from Helios.

Helios let out a chuckle as the blast hit Alferis. He roared with laughter but stopped when he saw that Alferis wasnt downed yet. "Impossible!"

Helios: 8/9

Alferis: 3/12

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With a swirl of the cape, the headmaster came around the corner, two staff members behind her. She wasted no time at all approaching Iso. "You did this, didn't you?" she asked.

No. He was with me. scribbled Katie.

"Okay then, if not him, then who?"

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As soon as the robed figures approached, Iso tensed up yet again. When the Headmaster questioned him, he stayed silent, and put his hand to his forehead.

Iso: (I knew it ...)

Luckily, Katie seemed to have gotten him off the hook somewhat.

Irina and Levski

Irina: Maybe if we count them, that'll make it less annoying? You know, pass the time?

Lev: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-

Irina: Why are you so mad?

Lev: rrrrrrrr-don't. Have. Time. For. These. Sh*t. Krinkov!! GET RID OF'EM :angry:

Kriknov quickly walked over to the sheep line and stared at it for a moment. He didn't want his master to have to pay gold scales to the incredibly stupid sheep herder, so he had to remove the sheep without killing them. He quickly roared to scare them, but that only managed to push the line out a little bit, as they were now crossing the street further away from him. Next he took off, and picked up one of the sheep, flying them out of the way, and then flying back to grab another. He quickly realized that that plan wasn't going to work either. Finally, he muscled his way through and broke the line by shoving the sheep around, knocking most over, and panicking them.

The shepard came running and started protesting wildly!

Shepard: What do you think you're doin to my family?!

Irina: Uh, oh. We're sorry! We just wanted to get by-

Lev: Listen, you wrinkly old sheep loving near-sighted spastic bastard! I'm in no mood for your shenanigans right now! Get these sheep out of the way, or I will seriously f*ck your day up!!

Shepard: Oh, is that so, youngin?! Well have at you! I'll bash your damn skull in!

Irina: >_<

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"I'm screwed," said Alferis, circling around and striking a blow at Helios with the axe. Unfortunately, the blow wasn't strong enough in his haste. He followed it up with another hit and Helios summoned a gale that blasted Alferis far back. He was cut and bleeding all over.

Alferis: (4,2,5) Hit! 2+3= 5-2= 3 damage. Helios 5/9

"Nuts," he said before blacking out.

Rolls (Sorry for two, I just realized how to use this effectively for combat): http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2635520/

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2635524/ EDIT: Added counter to previous post here. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2635532/

Alferis (6,1,5) Hit! 1+3= 4-2= 2 damage. Helios 3/9

Helios (5,6,6) Hit! Critical. 6x2= 12 damage. Alferis 0/12

OOC: God again with the luck. And I guess next time we do this, and Alf is in close range with someone, he gets counter activated.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Cess walked with Dani to the reception desk. As she was led to a room, he went over and talked to the women. "Is there a place I could try out for a circle? I've never been to any of the branches before."



"It really sounds like they're going at it." She walked over to Aiya. "I guess we're next. Nervous?"

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"A bit. I wonder how we'll match up when it comes down to it?" Aiya replied. Apparently Rita had some skill with Shooting Star Sword, or Astra, but Aiya didn't know how much.

'She's likely to be a bit faster than me, bit I have armour, and look to have more muscle mass... this should be interesting...'

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