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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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"Alright then." As he stood to leave, Morgan clutched her head. She fell to the side, and Pary knelt down. He took his Mend staff, and focused his energy. "Maybe you should save the rest for later. Something's wrong."



As the smoke disappated, he could see the Headmaster's cloak and someone else. "That must be someone from the school." He ran over. "Headmaster. Can I talk to you?"

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OOC: All powers prior established.

IC: With a grunt, the Headmaster stood up, Karn gripped by the scruff of his collar once again. "I am the headmaster of TISME. Your soldier exploded my wall, burned my back yard, damaged an internal facility, and performed multiple minor offenses. You want to play law monkey? I'm a gorilla next to you." she said, boasting. She knew it wasn't exactly true, after all, being a wind spirit she had not the attention needed for learning law to that degree. "Besides, if you want us to withdraw out facility here and leave you relying on wild magi, homeschooled, and minor schools, go right ahead. As to the explosion..." already the runes had activated, dissipating the flame and soothing the explosion. "He's hardly the first person who's tried to blow something up here."

"Either way, this upstart blew up a wall in an attempt to enter inside to try and 'test' himself against one of our higher ups. He has the control of a circle one and the power of a three. That would have resulted in more property damage. Damage which, by the way, Septimus is paying for due to you claiming the miscreant as one of your soldier. Feeling proud about yourself yet Karn or shall I take you up for a little chat?"

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"You are not incorrect, but it is not a problem you can fix." Morgan said, getting to her feet. "I do not know where Tessa or Katie went, so I suppose interviews can wait for a short time regardless." She got to her feet and walked to Lev and Jasmine's table.

"I have a very important matter to discuss. Did either of you see what happened to me after I fell unconscious, with the severing and all? It is important that I get a description."

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Hapless Traveler at a soon-to be blast zone

Kelas's tone had gone from embarrassed to blank. Having experience from the streets, Eric realized that this was usually not a good sign. He backed away further as Charlotte ran to hug Kelas, shaking his head, before a loud explosion was heard, coming from the TISME building.

Just in front of Ground Zero

Hearing a loud bang coming from outside, Dani snapped out of her stupor, and ran outside, to see the headmaster holding a young fire mage by his collar.

"...OK, so, he's the one who made explosions twice?" she asked, curious.

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Iso: Huh?! HAH!!! That proves it!! See, guys?! I didn't cause that explosion! I couldn't have!

He quickly calmed himself down, realizing how odd he was acting. Then it hit him!

Iso: Oh crap-Katie's still down there! Urgh!

Iso took off running at the speed of a horse and made his way down to the building!

Levski and Jasmine

Lev: The battle? Urgh.

Jasmine: I was busy getting ... choked.

Lev: You might want to ask Iso. He and a few others were close by when you got severed. I was on the other side of the camp until the serious fighting started. I didn't find out about you until the mages had started wailing on Shanice. All I know for certain is that as soon as Shanice was beaten, a huge fog came out and covered the whole area. Tasted a bit like peroxide >_>'

The Date

While Irina and Kiev watched from a distance, the man quickly offered the bouquet and box of treats to Viveka, which she accepted with a humble smile and some words that were carefully hidden by the distance. The two sat down for a moment and started talking.

Irina: What is this?

Kiev was beginning to pick up scents from both the man and Viveka. Viveka's smelled better, but the man's were overflowing and spreading around like wildfire. Were they trying to seduce each other? He wasn't sure.

EDIT: Added "The Date" segment.

Edited by Phoenix
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Helios heard another explosion. The first didnt amuse him but this time it caught his attention. it could be one of them. His pace started to increase when a fightmonger appeared in front of him. "Hey, you cant leave now. Who will fight in your place?" Helios wasnt phased. "I yield. Ask the one named Damian to take my place. If he turns it down, let the bandit take it." The fightmonger was left speechless as Helios hurried towards the building. "Where did that explosion come from?" He asked grabbing a bystander by his collar. "Your Helios, the wind mage. Can i get an aut-" "Shutup! Where did the explosion come from?" The man pointed towards the TISME building. Helios ran towards the building but dropped his pace when he saw Iso running towards there, full speed. "If you here the-" It was too late. Iso didnt notice Helios in the way and ran into him.

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Pary walked over and sat with the other three.

He turned to Jasmine. "Do you want some tea? Morgan, you should let me or Charlotte take a look at your cough. I don't like it, and if you're collapsing or worse, it can't be nothing."

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"Oh hell, he's gone and left people around exploding things again, hasn't he?" Kelas sighed. "Arrin, stay here with Tessa. Hopefully none of our group are actually involved in this." Acting as though nothing out-of-the-ordinary had happened (save the explosions, of course) she jumped into the saddle and set off down the street at a gallop, quickly catching up and narrowly missing Helios as he ran out of nowhere.

"...Well, all right," Arrin said, blinking. "I thought it was just a student's experiment at the institute, anyway? Right?"

ooc: edited in Helios bit

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"Wasn't Dani there too?" Charlotte asked, releasing Kelas. "I think we should all go.", she said, starting to run towards the TISME branch.

"I suppose I should go find Isotov then." Morgan said,ignoring Pary, getting out of her chair and stumbling towards the door.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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OOC: Link No see-through-smoke-vision last time I checked.

Anyway I'd rather not have this drag on.

Shion looked around lazily. "It seems like your property is fixing itself perfectly well, and I assume your insurance should cover that anyway, given that this is a magical institute." He shrugged. "If he is not the first person to blow up something here, there is no reason you should be holding him like that," staring straight at the headmaster. "Though I admit he may have run a bit.... wild, there are plenty of witnesses to your unprovoked flying attack on this man. It was only natural that he panic, in fact I believe I can blame his loss of control entirely on your actions," smiling smoothly at the winged being.

"I presume you do not want to bring this to court, and disparage the name of the esteemed TISME school," Shion stated drolly. "And of course I'm sure there are many who appreciate the magics offered here. I would suggest a compromise then," pausing for a few seconds.

"Release the fire mage, and I will put in a good word for TISME with the higher-ups, perhaps some more financial support. Deal?" He questioned.

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OOC: @ Whistler

She can see the mana network of people, especially mages. Smoke can't block that, so it is technically "see through".


As Isotov's sprint continued, Helios appeared out of nowhere!

Iso: Oh cra-*POW*

The impact sent them both down! Iso tumbled around but slid back to his feet, hunched down with his hand on his forehead!

Iso: Urgh!! What are the odds?! Urrrr ... (Good thing he's such a soft target or I might've been dazed ... still, that hurt!) ... look, I don't have time to wait around here. I've got to make sure Katie's okay.

Levski and Jasmine

As Morgan stood up to leave, a bit of tension fill the table. Levski wanted to get rid of it, so he tried to start up a conversation.

Lev: ... soo ... Jasmine. What makes these date stuff Viveka's "thing" anyway?

Jasmine: ... uh. Actually it's kinda my thing too. It'd take a while to explain ...

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"When I took charge of TISME, I promised I would not ever compromise the integrity of my school again for any reason." said the headmaster, putting him down. "Go ahead and take me to court, I fought alongside Jace. I'm not looking to confront this circle two upstart though. A better question is why you are here at all. What business do you have with him?"

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Green haired D-bag

"You idiot! What the hell was that for! BROOKLYN RAEG! Helios quickly recovered and got up. There was another bruise that appeared on his forehead. Then Iso spoke. "Go after her, you big oaf!"

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"Your forgetting who i am, Kelas." Helios extended his palm and focused all of his concentration into it. Then a light breeze pushed away all the fog revealing the headmaster holding the firemage by the collar. "Is that useful?" He asked turning back to Kelas.

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Shion shrugged. "And how would releasing the fire mage compromise the integrity of your school? He is no student of yours, and I fail to see why you want to keep him. If you wanted to punish him, you've done more than enough," looking pointedly at mostly untouched headmaster compared to the charcoaled mass besides her.

"I am, for lack of a better word, his caretaker of sorts. My job is to prevent him from getting into too much trouble simply, as he is quite.... invaluable to certain parties. I would have intervened earlier but it seems you were inclined to take matters into your own hands before I arrived," shooting the headmaster a slightly irritated look.

"Surprising him like that was not a good decision," he informed the headmaster dryly. "And unlike you, I'm not very fire-proof."

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OOC: This happens before Helios does his "See, I'm useful!" thing.


Iso quickly took off into the smoke with his hands covering his mouth to avoid inhalation! Once he realized that he couldn't see a thing, he slowed down, and eventually stopped moving and instead began standing in place.

Iso: ... ... ... well what now? *sigh* ... alright Kelas ... point taken. HEY, KATIEEEE!!! WHERE ARE YOUUU!!!

He called out similarly several more times before shaking his head. Suddenly, a notebook slammed into his face! It had been thrown a short distance!

Iso: Ahhh!

Using the sound of his voice to locate him, Katie rushed over and grabbed him for support! The smoke was thick, so she could only find him by the sound of his voice, and was agitated by the fact that he stopped yelling almost as soon as she'd found him. The pot shot was all she could do to get his attention.

Iso: Alright, whatever you have to say to me may have to wait until we're out of the smoke. Let's go.

Levski and Jasmine

Jasmine: So last year, Viveka had gone on about a hundred and ninety dates total. I only went on about forty, but then again, I only date three different guys that year, where as she dated about fifty. It never works out.

Levski was taken aback by their mishap adventures with men. It reminded him of his own troubles.

Lev: Never works out ... ... heh. Well good thing Iso caught you, huh? You'd be dead and unable to keep moving forward if he hadn't, right?

Jasmine: Right ^_^

The Date

As the date progressed, the man ordered drinks and food for the two of them, and they continued to talk and learn more about each other. Irina continued to watch, though now she was sitting at a table just barely within earshot, and taking down notes. Kiev was still in the same spot, just watching the shenanigans unfold.

EDIT: Added other segments

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Disaster Task Force Draftee + Blast Witness

"Why is it, that explosions seem to follow this group, wherever it goes?" Eric asked himself, jogging towards the TISME building. Arriving at the scene of the blast just in time for the fog to be blown away, the swordsman saw Dani -With four circles on her shoulder, he noted- ask something, but it was drowned out by the flames. Looking around, he saw a brown-clad soldier, heard the headmaster, and caught the gist of what happened.

"Looks like you aren't the only one with control issues, Iso," Eric said, looking away.

Edit: was Vantaged.

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"Right, now that we've established that we're not all dead," Kelas stated as the smoke cleared to show Isotov and Katie, "can we get out of here? I'd really like to not have this turn into our business."

ninja'd, edited

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"And apparently not that good at your job." said the headmaster, releasing Karn. "After the damage he caused here, prior to my intervention, I am not impressed with the Septimian idea of watching over. I don't even see the value he could have, lacking any form of control he's as much a threat to his own friends as his enemies. If you want him, take him. Just make sure he either comes back here willing to learn, or not at all."

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"He won't come back if I have anything to do with it," he replied grimly, ignoring the headmaster's insult. He waved his hand curtly at the fire mage. "Come on, let's go," he ordered. Turning around, Shion noticed quite a crowd had started to gather around the premises.

Ignoring the various staring faces, Shion walked through the crowd stiffly, disappearing into the neighboring streets within a few moments. The fire mage followed, a few steps behind him.

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"More problems with Septimian soldiers?" Charlotte sighed This isn't good

Morgan went outside the inn and began to walk around. Where was Isotov anyway?. She began to feel very dizzy and her head hurt. She walked a few more feet. I have to talk to him, or find Tessa, or Katie She lost consciousness and fell upon the hard pavement. Some people walked around her, some over her, some on her, they figured she was probably just a drunk or something.

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Kiev and Krinkov

When Morgan came out to search for Isotov, she passed right by the wyverns. The two of them watched as she left down the road. Kiev was a bit more concerned about his chickens. He couldn't venture too far and let someone else steal them. On the other hand, she seemed half dead. Krinkov kept his eyes on her until she collapsed. Once she did, they both stood up in shock! Was she finally dead? The two wyverns abandoned the inn entrance and rushed over hissing and snarling to scare passing people away!

The two brothers stood over her wondering what to do. Kiev didn't know where Tessa was, and he didn't trust Krinkov to keep her safe, since he knew that his master might benefit more by not having her around distracting him. Krinkov sniffed her to make sure she wasn't rotting away. Once he was certain that she was still alive, he took her arm into his mouth, and hauled her up, quickly releasing her so that he could position himself under her! She flopped down onto his back, and he turned to head back to the inn.

Kiev was surprised to see that his brother was doing this, but Krinkov had resolved to do what his master would want. Even if she was useless and dying, she still meant something to his master, so it was best to keep her safe ... at least until whatever disease she carried took her. There was nothing his master could do about that. With that, Krinkov steadily trotted back to the inn with his unconscious cargo, his brother following closely behind.

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