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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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Berry, Marry, Verry:

"Let's just say, we share a common goal. Her friends have something very important we want. And if that stupid Shanice gets to them before us ONE..MORE..TIME! Er...excuse me, where are my manners? We have methods that should prove superior to mere flight, but out mistress has currently taken a leave of absence, leaving us outnumbered, and no match for that pathetic group's tactics. We'll be sure to leave that wyvern rider and his girlfriend, and those Jerdonians to you, as long as we get those mages, and that soldier."

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The Red Thing The Burgandy Thing and the Thing with the Zaftran Accent

Iso: Urgh ... the battle was a disaster. Shanice grabbed you and me right off the ground with those strange appendages. It tried to sever both of us, but I managed to blast myself free. Once I was down, I tried to destroy the arm that held you too, but I was countered and that's when you got severed. The only thing I can remember after that is trying to get that sword wielding woman off of Katie, and that fog that blanketed us right before the demons left. The rest other people can likely fill in.

The Place Where Manners Are Lost and In Need of Finding

Alphonse: Please stop teleporting around. You're making the mounts nervous.

Daneka: (Zese girls would be useful tools for me, but at ze same time, ze are a bit too versatile to truly control. Not trustworthy like Alphonse.) What are zese connections you speak of, and a mistress? (And a Shanice? Is zis person some sort of rival of theirs? Seems to me zat zis person is better suited to taking on zat group.)

EDIT: Added stuff.

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"I need to know what happened after my weapon was severed." Morgan pressed. "Did Shanice run away then? Or did he make contact with one of the other demons first?"

"I don't trust them." said Xenia bluntly. Probably after my bounty, Svetlana should be able to outfly that flying mule and her men, but if these wenches can teleport that is a problem.

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Berry, Marry, Verry:

"Please madame. We have no need for human consorts such as gold. I still find humans amusing in that regard. Our mistress. Her abilities are very interesting. She has provided us with many powerful allies in the past. I suppose you all would call them...demons? I'm not sure if you all even have a way to deal with that annoying school master that seems to follow them like a little lost puppy. You'll likely be out numbered. But if we help you, we may be able to deal with that Headmaster, or provide you with some interesting skeletons of soldiers?"

Verry stood, looking down. The Headmaster? Will she be there? I don't think.... "Verry! Pay attention! We need to respect our guests."

"Y-yes Berry."

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Eye Witnesses

Iso: Shanice was massive at the time, but after the fog showed up, he disappeared in the confusion. I heard things, but couldn't make anything out exactly.

Ixion: ... heh ... Shanice got them good. Morgan is running out of time, and these people are quite vulnerable at the moment. All I need to do is wait for him to reveal himself ...

The Cathedral

Daneka: I don't trust anybody, but zey make a decent case. (If nozing else, zey might be decent decoys.) Alphonse. Keep zese girls entertained for a few minutes, would you? Madame, Xenia, let us discuss zese in private, shall we?

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Xenia and Daneka stepped back into a private room.

"I don't trust them. They know far too much about us, I suspect they're spies of some sort." she said bluntly to Daneka. "Don't we have enough troops to deal with this band of morons anyway?"

"Very well." Morgan sighed. "If we encounter the demons again, we need to find which one has Midnight and somehow incapacitate them, but not kill them. After they are incapicitated, the Headmaster could sever them...or I could do it I think, since Midnight is attached to me."

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Back at the inn

Lev: Fighting back, I see. Not bad. At least it's a plan.

Irina: (Too bad that it won't work since every time they attack us, we get scattered and nearly pulverized ...) Not like you'll be much help in your condition, Morgan. Better to let the headmaster do it.

Iso: Urgh ... she wouldn't have been severed in the first place if I could have launched my attack just a bit faster ...

The Cathedral's backroom

Daneka: We certainly have enough troops to deal wiz zat group, but so did ze Elysimians and zey weren't dealing wiz ze numbers zat we are now. If anyzing, zey could be useful decoys, but you suspect zat zey may be after more zan just ze group, yes? Perhaps your bounty?


Alphonse: So. Do you ladies require anything?

OOC: Oi, french is weirder to type without the "h"s >_>'

EDIT: Grammar

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"I'm not sure the headmaster will be traveling along with us, so it may be me or nobody. Though if I die, you will have to have her reattach the tome to Cess. And Isotov, don't blame yourself for this, I shouldn't have allowed myself to be knocked out in the first place." Morgan said in a rather dazed tone.

"I wouldn't doubt it." Xenia said to Daneka. "Random mages who just teleport in are not to be taken at their word, at least as far as I'm concerned. Maybe they have some sort of mage grudge, they still seem fishy to me."

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Iso and friends

Iso: R-right ...

Lev: Live and learn I guess. So if you have to reattach the tome yourself ... well ... I'm just hoping it isn't as draining as casting a spell can be >_>'

Iso: The headmaster was at the TISME building on the other side of town. Maybe we should talk to her about this?

The Backroom

Daneka: If you find zem so fishy, you may as well feed them to zat lovely wyvern of yours once we get what we want. Normally I would turn zem down on ze spot, but zeir abilities are just enough zat I'll hear zem out ... zough zis talk of demons is a little silly. *sigh* I honestly don't zink I could explain zrowing an entire battalion at zem to Monsieur Jace wizout a very good reason, so until zen, it really is just ze zree of us, and my own personal guards ... ... it encourages me to at least find a use for such zoughtlessly offered help >_>'

OOC: She's punning on purpose. Just a fish joke :P

EDIT: Grammar ... it's like the more she talks, the more I get it wrong.

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"It shouldn't be too difficult I imagine." Morgan said. "And getting Midnight back would...make me feel much better, so even if the process were draining it would be worth it."

"A little cannon fodder never hurt I suppose." Xenia conceded, walking back out into the main hall.

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Iso and The Gang

Lev: Now we just need to wait for them to come again. do they typically wait these long?

Iso: Yeah. Ever since they started attacking the group, there's always been a few days between attacks ... give or take a day or two.

Lev: ... the waiting game ... *sigh*, not one of my favorites.

Back from the backroom

Daneka: Agreed. (Now to figure out how to keep teleporting oddballs on a short leash ...)

As the two women came back into the main hall(big ass room with the alter and all the benches), Daneka took a seat by one of the windows using the window sill.

Daneka: Listen carefully, magi. You will do exactly as we say, and when we say. We cannot afford any screw ups here. Is zat understood?

Alphonse: (I take it, they came to an agreement on what to do with these girls?)

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Chase sat in the arena waiting room for a moment, eager to finish the fight against Reika as fast as possible. Finally, he was called down to the fight, and he silently stood at his end of the arena, staring in Reika's direction. The announcer bellowed, "And now, we have another sizzling match! Chase, the hunter, versus Reika, the Nighthawk! Commence the battle!"

Hearing the words he was waiting for, Chase drew his bow and fired at Reika!

Note: There are 2 rolls, one for his no-counter round and then another for the round with counters.


His arrow missed his intended target, imbedding itself into the wall. Chase drew a second arrow, firing it at the thief, this time striking her dead on!

Chase: 9/9

Reika: (8- def)/max HP

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Berry, Marry, Verry:

"Alright then. Pleasure doing business with you. But a tip of advice. Get the princess's pathetic swordsman knight, and that soldier's wyvern rider. They'll make very handy hostages. We'll be seeing you once you figure out when to attack. We'll be keeping an eye on you. Girls, we're out of here. Toodle-loo!" Berry snapped her fingers, and the three girls warped out.

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OOC: Made a mistake on the dice rolling when I was listening to something else and got distracted. Ignore it. But just to prove that it was a mistake, look up the links in the Reika character roll sheet.

Reika 3/9.

"You fired just before I enter? You BASTARD!" she screeched, throwing one dagger at Chase in retaliation. She called upon Calamity and tossed one of it at him shortly after the other missed. She could see him smiling, enraging him further.

Reika (2,3,1) 3+2-2= 3 damage. Chase 6/9

Link to Counter

Reika (2,1,3) Hit! 1+3-2= 2 damage. Chase 4/9. Reika 2/9

Link to Attack.

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"My lady, if it is such an arduous task to reclaim such a tome, then perchance you should ask some of th-I apologize. I forgot this is not my town once again. I was going to suggest asking those whom would be willing to aid, but that would seem limited to your friends. I can offer my services in reclaiming your tome though, if you desire."

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"If you're coming with us, you'll be fighting demons whether you want to or not." Morgan said to Altion dryly.

"So they just tell us what to do and warp off? They don't seem much for taking orders." Xenia said to Daneka.

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Helios entered the inn rather tired and breathing heavily. He noticed Morgan speaking to a new guy. Another mercenary? Lets just hope he's not like Esphyr. "Oi Morgan. Rest are at the arena watching Reika and Chase try to kill each other. Lemme know when you wanna go, aight?"

OOC: See what i mean by Brooklyn accent? XD

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"Seems like we're even now eh? Gonna wipe that smile off your face and gonna kick your ass so hard, it'll kiss the moons," she went, resummoning one of the knives and tossing one of them at Chase's stomach. It embedded in him, knocking him back a bit. She followed up with another toss with her dagger, which embedded in his shoulderblade. Unfortunately for both of them, the energy it took knocked Reika out, but Chase also fell from his wounds.

Reika (4,1,2) Hit! 1+3-2= 2 damage. Reika 1/9 HP. Chase 2/9

Link to Counter

Reika (2,2,4) Wrath activates. Hit! 2+3-2= 3 damage. Reika 0/9. Chase 0/9

Link to Attack

OOC: And I can't believe I forgot to activate Wrath earlier.

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Daneka: No kidding. Heh. Zey'll learn zeir place once ze princess' friends ... zeir targets are in our hands.

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"Um. A tie. Thats......bad...." The lead fightmonger looked at the board. "We have Aiya versus Alferis for the semi finals. Storm and Mage left early and this was a draw. Then we have that Brad guy. Okay, i've decided! Lady's and gentlemen! We have a change of plans. Alferis and Brad will fight, the winner will move on to the finals and fight Aiya! Now get those two in here and fight on!"

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