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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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All the high powered spells were begining to hurt his head. He shook it off, and turned towards the cabinet. He moved his hand to cast the spell. Large blue flames appeared all over it, burning as hot as a fire spell. Large shadowy axes and swords formed in the air, before flying and peircing the cabinet. Once the weapons and slashed the shelves, Cess began creating a hole below the object, getting larger and deeper, before more strands of energy grasped the cabinet, drawing it under. A few seconds later, it appeared back in it's original spot, having floated up from the depths. It seemed to be very scratched and nicked, like an old antique, and one of the doors was missing. A feather probably would have knocked it over, crushing it.

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Diane leaned close to the cabinet, examining the damage done before returning to her seat. A-. Despite having to use several weaker blows to inflict damage, the cabinet ward was overcome and the lumber itself sustained large amounts of damage. For an entry level, this is very impressive, enough so to overcome the weakness.

"Now for the final two parts. The first is a written exam, and the second a test. You may choose which to do first."

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"You know, just because a man's nervous doesn't mean he's just looking for...you know." Charlotte interjected into Lev and Jasnmine's conversation. "Maybe he just hasn't dated a lot of women and he doesn't know what to do. Or maybe he really likes her, sometimes it can be hard to tell people how you really feel. It's unfair for her to be going on dates when she knows she's going to be leaving soon anyway." Charlotte said, hands on her hips.

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Cess walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. How hard would this test be? He wasn't exactly caught up on theories or methods. He was more combat. Oh well. He could try his best. He walked back into the room. "We can begin I suppose."

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"Alright. This is simple." said Diane, handing him several shields of paper. "You're allowed to write on anything magical, but keep in mind that it will be used for your grading."

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OOC: Sorry for the delay :(

The Debate about ... stuff

Lev: Oh Charlotte! How's it going?

Jasmine: Look, no offense, but we've seen this kind of thing at least a hundred times. If he actually does like her, then he's even more screwed because he's acting like a weirdo. I did also mention that thing with not even bothering to learn her name first ... he must be absolutely in love >_>'

Lev: Ladies ... no need to debate it. Let's just watch and see how things turn out, shall we?

At the other table Irina frustratedly put her hands on her ears to strengthen her hears. She couldn't make out what Viveka and Jerry were saying with the other conversations going on close by. Meanwhile Viveka continued to do her best to lead Jerry in around with her questions, hoping to make him slip up.

Jerry: Well, you could say that there are many things I want to do with you before you leave. Sadly, we don't have the time ...

Viveka: True ... true -_-

... but what kind of things. We might have time for something if it's interesting. I mean ... I would feel awful being treated so nicely and taking off just like that.

Jerry: Well ... now that you mention it ... I do have an estate not too far from here. It's on the road to the capital as well. Perhaps you and your friends could stop by on the way? That would grant plenty more time.

Viveka: (An estate? Huh ... maybe he's not full of crap after all.) That sounds wonderful! What kind of place is it?

Jerry: Very lavish. Very homey. A bit lonely though, with just myself and the housekeepers. If only ...

Viveka tilted her head hoping for him to finish his sentence, though she already knew what he would have said, and it was good that he didn't finish his sentence seeing that it was rather lame in her eyes.

EDIT: Inserted "how it turned out" ... part of it anyway.

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The green haired nigga whose name i forgot.

Helios had a disappointed look on his face. He was actually hoping that they would get going soon. Then he turned towards the new guy. "Yo, you a mercenary or somethin?"

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Fortune telling:

Fortune telling, while at first may not seem magical, revolves highly around the subject. Magical properties must be imbued to the deck, to help give a proper reading, and a strong magical affinity must be had of the reader in order to finely attune to the cards most representing to the customer. Certain readers, when having been attuned to the cards and their powers for many years, are able to more than just predict the future, but actually see it. These elders are typically masters of the arte, for this method takes decades to perfect.

In addition, the cards mearly show symbols of the future, but only true fortune tellers may see how this relates. For example, a card of Fire might be seen as a destructive force, or a fire mage. Tellers, as well as the customer, must be able to see how this best relates to the customer's life.

It's been said that a true master is able to use charms to have the cards activate their powers, and come to life. Fortune telling and it's mystic abilites are seen by many to be a holy art, but it's little more than simple symbols of the future.

((OOC: You could add this to the Useful Notes section if you want....>_>))

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"Oh? Going with theoretical magics?" asked Diane, hovering over Cess's shoulder as he wrote. "An interesting idea. Few people even try. However, fortune telling is difficult to prove at best, so it's difficult to grade. Ah well, time for the quiz. There are one hundred multiple choice questions. Each right answer will grant you three points, and each wrong answer will take away five. Additionally, on every question, there is a fill in the blank. Sometimes a proper answer will not be given and it will be required for you to answer. Lastly, on each question as well, there is a 'I don't know' option. Selecting it will take away one point. For each unanswered question, you will lose five points as well." she said handing him the test. While a hundred questions is a aweful lot to write out, below are some highlights.

The magic triangle is as follows

A) Light > Dark > (Wind> Thunder > Fire > Wind) Light

B) Anima > Light > Dark > Anima

C) Dark < Fire < Thunder < Wind < Dark

D) Dark > (Wind > Thunder > Fire > Wind) with Light removed.

E) I don't know

F) _______

Despite common opinion, Thunder is weak in water because

A) It is not weak in water.

B) It is not weak in water, and is even stronger

C) Because there is a risk of harming the caster

D) I don't know

E) ________

Healing magic is derived from:

A) Faith

B) A unknown scientific process

C) The Goddess herself

D) The life of the caster.

E) C and D

F) I don't know.

G) _________

How many wars have been fought between the Lord of Azure Flame and the Goddess?





E) I don't know

F) _______

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"Perhaps it was love at first sight. It's been known to happen. Strangers meet for the first time and it as if they had met before, once upon a dream." Charlotte gave a wistful sigh.

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The Inn

Lev: Love at first sight? Well I can understand where you're coming from ... nonetheless I'd rather not try to marry every single pretty girl I come across who seems like a good fit. I'm Zaftran, not Halton.

Jasmine: I heard that's what you do anyway. Love at first sight or not, you tend to be pretty ... engaging?

He quickly took up an obvious joking tone of voice.

Lev: Oh really? Well I guess that means the Princess of Jerdon and the lovely Sergeant Jasmine just aren't that pretty in my book ^_^

Jasmine: What? :o

Viveka finally stood up from the table and so did Jerry. The two of them headed for the counter, and Jerry bought another drink for himself. Viveka whispered something into his ear, and then he waved goodbye to her with a surprisingly confident smile on his face. She walked over to Lev and Jasmine's table while Jerry hurried out of the inn. Apparently the date was over ...

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F) Light > (Wind > Thunder > Fire > Wind) > Dark > Light

C) Because there is a risk of harming the caster

A) Faith


Cess filled in the answers as best as he could. Looking back, he was relativly proud of what he had done.

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Diane took the test up for a moment to look it over before a quick snark came from her lips. "I'm sorry, this is a F. I'm not going to be mean, typically most mages without prior education fail this test. Anyways, with that done, I here are your results. Take these to the front desk, fill out the forms, and wait for approval from one of the sevens or higher and you should be accepted." she said, handing him the test.

Grades: Overall: B

Comments: Student tends to be flashy and attempts to show off despite displaying no knowledge of intermediate level magic. Despite this, he has excellent control and power. He has also demonstrated some knowledge of theoretical fields but little knowledge of common fields.

Recommendation: Yes. Student Cess is equal to, or superior to prior homeschoolers. Despite showing a lack in initial knowledge, they have displayed the capable for immense learning and all have graduated and progressed to at least fifth circle. I believe Cess can do the same.

Suggested circle: 3.

Suggested classes: No need for basic casting classes, supplement with history and theory classes.

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Cess stood from the desk, taking the forms from her hands. He walked to the front desk, and handed them to the receptionist. He stood waiting, until he saw the Headmaster walk down the hall.


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There were a few others in the vicinity of the inn, but most were inside. When Kelas arrived, and questioned his mood, he sighed and hung his head.

Iso: Ten years of this ... I've been trying to stay alive and kill that bastard for ten years ... and I'm not making much progress. What's going to happen to us next? Who's going to die next time?

Realizing that his mood was entirely despairing he shut himself up for a few moments.

Iso: (It's easy to say we'll win and survive, but ... ... it's probably not true is it?)

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"Well, appearently, I'm flashy and show off-ish, have no knowledge of Intermediate spells, present knowledge of theoretical feilds but none of common, failed the test, but am good enough for circle 3. That's good right?"

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Seeing that the short answer to her question was "no", Kelas sat down. "I can't really believe myself if I say we'll all make it," she said, "but... we can't really dwell on what we're going to lose. We can only do our best to protect our own, and get stronger."


Megae dropped through a window back into the hideout. "Got another report from Boss," she caroled, holding the paper in question out to be read.

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Iso: I-I know ... we should focus on getting stroner ... ... but this has gone on long enough ... ... we have to find a way to kill them once and for all. *sigh* the whole reason I was reluctant to join this group in the first place is slowly becoming a reality ...

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"Yes. It's very good. I started as a circle one, but then again I started as a babe in swaddling clothes. Circle three is a starting to mid-level mage with circle four being an advanced mage and five being a sage."

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"Wait. I wanted to buy her a gift. And tomorrow will be too late. But what to buy...Food's too much. Armor? I don't have enough. Damn. I knew I shouldn't have been so free and easy with the money. <_< " he said mumbling to himself outside the door.

"Oh well. Least we're gone from those guys. No! Don't think about them. Think about something else. Like Reika. Yeah Reika," he said to himself, images of Reika flashing in his mind. She leaned forward and...started to take off her shirt.

"No you fool! Not that way! Gah! Stupid hormones."

Unfortunately for him, Reika heard every word while polishing her daggers from the other side of the door of the inn and sitting in a chair out the window. She stepped outside tapping her feet to get his attention.

"Yes?" she said, no expression on her face.


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Eric, Dani, and Derek

"Your Highness, do remember that reality is not like fairy tales, most of the time. I doubt it was love at first sight, myself," Eric pointed out, gently. "But, perhaps Viveka would be the one to ask."

Dani, oblivious to the world, was reading the Thoron tome. After all, the more she could memorize, the faster she could cast.

After tending to Ann, Derek walked over to enter the inn.

"Sorry," he said, bumping into a shorter man, with brown hair and green eyes. Nodding, the cavalier went into the inn, and decided to sit over at Lev, Jasmine, and Viveka's table. "How went the shopping?"

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The Gathering Table

As Viveka made it back to the table, she noticed Derek as well as some others. She quickly threw up a friendly wave, and then sat down.

Viveka: Well, the shopping was fine. We managed to get some outdoor cookware and some spaghetti ingredients.

Lev: ... so shopping went alright ... how did your date go?

Viveka: *snickers*

She put her hands over her mouth and held in what looked to be a rushing torrent of hysterical laughter! As she leaned forward her shoulders shot up and down repeatedly, a sure sign of her inability to conceal the sheer hilarity!

Lev: ... oooookay ...

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