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Drivers Mini Mafia Signups


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Basically, this is a mafia game for 10 - players, 7 town, 3 mafia. Every night, each player will send me the name of one player, and using the supreme power of the RNG I will end up swapping people around (a la mindfuck style). Basically, you'll be shooting in the dark every single time. I'll reveal more details when the game ends, so don't worry.


1. BE ACTIVE OR DIE. If you don't post at least once every 48 hours, I will sub you out unless you have a good reason to be away.

2. PMs are allowed. Claiming is allowed, since I might add in additional roles (cop, etc.) along with the driver roles. Invite me to all convos. No communicating outside of PMs (aka, IP chat, MSN, etc.) If I find out, you will immediately be modkilled.

3. You are allowed a "fuck you" post once you die. After that, I will shoot your dead body once again.

4. Talking at night is allowed.

5. No post editing whatsoever.

Night Phases are 48 hours long, Day phases last 72 hours unless someone gets the majority of votes for more than 6 hours. Extensions are allowed.











Slayer X


Edited by JB25
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Basically, this is a mafia game for 1- players, 7 town, 3 mafia.

Basically, this is a mafia game for 1- players, 7 town, 3 mafia.

Tthis is a mafia game for 1 players

I shotgun it.

(This is a signup, by the way)

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Kleine is gonna sign up. I'll assume since everyone sends in a name that everyone gets a non-generic role?

Everyone is a driver of some sorts. A few roles will be driver + some staples, so basically those that can only drive are "generics".

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Okay, fine I'll explain. Here's what happens.

All 10 players send in a name to swap with.

RNG does its shit, compiles all 10 names into a list.

I start swapping the names around, kind of like how Tables did in one of the Survivor challenges. So, for example...

Ether chooses JB25

JB25 chooses IET

IET chooses Ether

Bal chooses WoMC

WoMC chooses IET

Imagine Ether = P1, Me = P2, IET = P3, Bal = P4, WoMC = P5



JB25 chooses IET

IET chooses Ether

Ether chooses JB25

WoMC chooses IET

Bal chooses WoMC

P2 (me) swaps with P3 (IET)


P2 (me) swaps with P1 (Ether)


P2 (me) swaps with P3 (IET)


P5 (WoMC) swaps with P1 (Ether)


P4 (Bal) swaps with P5 (WoMC)


Anything which would happen to P1 happens to P3.

Anything which would happen to P2 happens to P2.

Anything which would happen to P3 happens to P5.

Anything which would happen to P4 happens to P1.

Anything which would happen to P5 happens to P4.

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I have a question though. Do we have to switch ourself with someone? Or will it be like normal, and we can switch two different people?

You switch yourself with someone, and you cannot choose yourself.

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