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FE "What If"'s


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OK, so post something that would affect the game, making it different, or a characters backstory change, then the next poster posts the answer/ a skit explaining what would happen.

[spoiler=bad example]

What if Marth and Hardin traded places in FE3 Book 2?

Hardin: Allright, troops! Time to stomp out the evil King Marth!

Marth: Ha ha ha! No one shall touch my Mercurius, and with the DarkOrb, I'm eternally safe!! *evil laugh*

What if Camus betrayed Grust to be with Nyna?

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Then he'd be even better in FE12.

Also, for example, should've been "The Falchion" not Mercurius.

What if Sigurd didn't

die in the Battle of Barhara?

Edited by Lightning
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Then... he'll be like... recruitable... if that may happen! Then also... they'll be wed and have awesome babies!

What if.... All the red knights (Cains) and the green knights (Abels) meet at the same spot?

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Everyone there would die. And fix that, you got ninja'd.

What if Volke was hired to kill Micaiah in FE10?

Edited by Lightning
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Then the Yaoi fangirls will go BAAAAW as IkeSoren is no longer BL.

Since it looks like no one is answering this, I will.

What if Sigurd didn't

die in the Battle of Barhara?

Then Yuria will become Celice's full sister instead of half sister, and everyone's alive, and happy.

Except Manfroy.

What if Maricle did not die against the war with Granbell?

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Then you would also get Sothe in 1-1, and people would REALLY complain about the US version of FE10 being easier than the Japanese version.

What if there was a Fire Emblem that actually had the NA version harder than the Japanese version?

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Then Yuria will become Celice's full sister instead of half sister, and everyone's alive, and happy.

Except Manfroy.

What if Maricle did not die against the war with Granbell?

If Sigurd managed to take back Deirdre, probably. Then again, Julia has Alvis' blood, so it would not be the Julia we all know.

Then he would have supported Sigurd or Celice in the Issacian campaings during Alvis' rule.

What if there was a Fire Emblem that actually had the NA version harder than the Japanese version?

Then we would complain a bit...I guess.

I would like to see a harder one too, RD was like, pretty easy for me.

Edited by Light Lord
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Didn't post a what if.

What if you could recruit Uhai, Lloyd, and Linus?


Nergal would have created tougher morphs to replace them, or Sonia would have replaced them with some tougher assassins in the same classes.

What if Idoun could have been recruited?

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Mahnya would be recruited by Levin or Fury. He would surely betray you in the next chapter, stabbing Sigurd from behind. ninja'd

Julius would join you and Julia would be possessed by the Dark God, so she would be the final Boss.

What if Sephiran never met Zelgius in Daein?

Edited by Light Lord
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What if Sephiran never met Zelgius in Daein?

Something bad. Or maybe good.

what if i were a fire emblem character


You would have Major Jeigan as your holy blood.

What if the Vorpal Sword was an obtainable item?

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You would hand it over to your favorite character, or use it yourself (if you were a playable character).

What if Lyon managed to survive the Demon King's power and fight back at the end of the game?

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