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FE "What If"'s


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He'd appear in the ending with all the Thracians saying he'll return there. And he and Altenna would become lovers instantly during the final chapter.

What if Glass had been able to grab the Manni Katti?

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Glass would have in in GhebFE, and the Gods would fear his name more than they do now.

What if Lute thought she was inferior to everyone?

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She would never have had the confidence to study magic, so therefore instead of joining your party she would be one of those annoying villagers that you have to save in order to get some bonus at the end of the chapter.

What if Ilyana fell in love with Mordecai for his hunting abilities?

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Shiida would be nerfed to oblivion, Katua would come first, like Vanessa and Florina. Katua would also get a wing spear possibly.

What if Serra could support with Ninian?

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Serra: So, you're Ninian, right?

Ninia: Yeah, it is me. And you must be Lady Serra.

Serra: Yeah, it is me. The beautiful and graceful lady Serra. I'm here to help you Ninian.

Ninian: Help me? With what?

Serra: I know you're behind Lord Eliwood. I'll help you get his heart.

Ninian: W-w-wait, you can't be...I can't...

Serra: I must say I once falled to him, but that's the past now. You should be gratefl I'm here to help you. Let's get going then.

Ninian: ...Lord Eliwood.

What if Hector could have a paired ending with Serra?

Edited by Light Lord
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Then someone else would probably be in Lilina's place. Just as it would if Hector wound up with either Florina or Farina. Then there would be two pairings that Hector has that wouldn't make any sense whatsoever. (The other being Hector X Florina.)

What if Eliwood could support with Florina and get a paired ending out of it?

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Then the growths would be fixed, as there isn't a generation system in FE 5. There would also be no way to prevent from being criticaled.....

What if characters from Golden Sun appeared in a Fire Emblem game?

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L'Arachel: Cower in terror, forces of evil! Leon S. Kennedy shall defeat you!

Leon: L'Arachel, will you shut up already? The zombies are gonna get us!

What if the GBA Fire Emblems had assignable skills (i.e. Adept, Vantage, Corrosion, and so on)?

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Vivi and Nino would get along quite well. They would team up to take down Sonia.

What if characters from Starfox were in Fire Emblem? (And they're not allowed to use their Arwings or high tech crap, they have to be like Fox was in Starfox Adventures)

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Then Fox becomes a cavalier (just because of that lance), Falco would be a knight :lol: , Wolf would be a mercenary and the others I can't think of one for them. However, each of them would be like "How did we got here? Wait a minute. WHERE'S OUR HIGH TECH DEVICES?!"

What if Castlevania Judgement characters and FE 10 were joined in a new FE game?

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Characters: .....THE MARY SUES LIGHT! IT BURNS!!!!! D=< *kills Micaiah*

...and then the game altered so that Daein was never freed, stopping all the events from ever happening. The end :)

What if Ashnard used Dheginsea as his mount instead of Rajaion?

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He would be stuck in place as Goldoa will not move. FE9's final chapter would be easier until you actually got to him, in which case he would have crazy stats.

What if Carlton Banks was in a FE game? (look up "the best of carlton banks" on youtube if you don't know who he is)

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He would be dangerously injured, and would give Jill hidden bonuses for battle. Storywise, he'd work with Soren using info he learned from the army.

What if Zelgius was playable in PoR for some point of time?

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Elincia: Ike, mah boi, I got you this PINGAS.

Ike: Cool, I'll try it out on a training dummy! *Uses the PINGAS*

*dummy takes OVER 9000 damage*

What if Reyson picked up Tibarn's speech and mannerisms? (scene please XD )

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Wow, it's been a while since I answered on this topic. Here goes.....

Reyson: Enemies are near! To wing, my brothers! Keep up with me if you can!

Ike: Wait, Reyson! Don't get too far ahead of us!

Reyson: I cannot just rest on my wings while the rest of you risk your lives!

Nailah: Hmm. I was right about Reyson acting like Tibarn..... Very well. Reyson, let's see if you can keep up with me.

Reyson: With pleasure, Queen Nailah.

What if the SOS Brigade was in Fire Emblem?

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  • 8 months later...

Haruhi would pick up Kyon, throw him at Zelgius and deal exactly 9000 damage at 100% chance and with a critical hit of 45.

What if Ike decided that Ragnell was getting too heavy and decided to become a Light Mage instead?

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