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About heronprincess23

  • Birthday January 23


  • Member Title
    Princess of Serenes Forest

Profile Information

  • Location
    In the pages of Soren's Elwind tome

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

heronprincess23's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday Heron!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  3. You haven't been on in a long time but

    Happeh Birthday!

  4. Welcome!!!! Hope you enjoy your stay in the forest~ :D (I'm not the random mormon, by the way. And I like your little thingy, 'Lelouch the Douche'. I'm killing myself laughing right now.)
  5. Not sure if I'm welcome again on this thread after what happened and I offended what seemed like a LOT of you, but I'm looking that over and I want to make a fresh start. So I'll start with the questions. What kind of teenager are or were you? I'd like to think I'm an average teenager, if that can actually be defined. I have friends whom I love more than anything, a family, a fandom (anime/video games) and all the emotions that come with being a teenager. I get upset, I have moments of stupidity and embarrassment, and I have moments of total happiness. I'm generally seen as a nerd, and that's cool with me. I don't want to be mainstream - I see it personally as being a sheep, but if that's whatever floats your boat, then I won't stop anybody from doing what they do best. I know I'm not perfect - nobody is, so I'm not even gonna try. I like to dream big, but any dream is better than none at all. Some people may think this is stupid or whatever, but I like to think I have a guardian angel that sort of guides me and tells me what to do through signs I get in my dreams. I believe taking every opportunity life throws at you is the way to step forward, but what harm is there in taking a step back and reflecting on your life? Everyone experiences teenage life differently. How do you feel about that? Pretty good. Life needs variety, otherwise it'd be SO DAMN BORING. Why be happy all the time, because you can't be happy without being sad - but what makes you sad makes you stronger. I'm satisfied exactly where I am at the moment, and teenager-dom only comes around once in your life, so live it to the fullest and go out and do every reckless and stupid thing you can before you have to start work. There are some things I'd give up, like exams and stress, but failing gives you a wake-up call, doing average means nothing more can be asked of you, and doing well gives you satisfaction. Teenagers always have one thing that makes them the happiest, like their friends or if not, their family, or even just a memory. I can perfectly understand that teenage life is not a breeze for everybody, and it can be so hard to see what to do and who to turn to when the going gets tough, but that's okay. Someone will always take the time to listen, and you're never, EVER alone. Ever. Was or is teenage life hard for you? Of course it's hard. There are things we don't want to happen in our lives, people we'd rather not know, and memories we'd rather not have. It's a difficult time for everybody at some point, and the hormones certainly don't help in the slightest. I've had times when the person I like doesn't like me back, friends have turned their backs on me, and embarrassing moments I never want to live again. But everything that's been difficult has somehow been squashed by everything I've enjoyed about being a teenager. You get freedom, you have fun, and you sometimes think to yourself 'can life get any better than this?' so that makes all the bad stuff seem insignificant. It sure hasn't been easy to be a teenager, but then it hasn't been hard. Do I like this time of my life? Sure, why not enjoy it? You only experience your teenage years once. I've had fun, and this is when you start to remember things - I remember next to nothing of my childhood, but the last 3-or-so years (I'm 15) have been really potent in my head and the memories have stuck with me. So yes, I do like this time of my life. Hope my answer is of some help... again, sorry for offending some of you. I didn't mean it, stuff just came out wrong! You know how it is. --heronprincess23
  6. ...I can't find my original post, but I think I still have claimage on Reyson...
  7. Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys~ I love you all!

  8. music. Heavy and metal. If I was Tibarn's sibling, I would...
  9. YES PART 4!!!!!!!!!! I don't wanna finish it, but I do at the same time... aarrrgghh

  10. You get a sandcastle!! *inserts Lehran's Medallion*
  11. Finally got onto part 3 of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn!!!

    1. Blitz


      why the same status twice?

    2. heronprincess23


      I don't know, it does it automatically...

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