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FE "What If"'s


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(Assuming Eirika doesn't have any A supports) After the Demon King is defeated, Lyon and Eirika would get married and become the Emperor and Empress of Grado. It'd be a pretty happy ending if you ask me.

What if Aenir was alive by the time FE7 started?

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You'll get a brand new cutscene.

(Assuming Eirika doesn't have any A supports) After the Demon King is defeated, Lyon and Eirika would get married and become the Emperor and Empress of Grado. It'd be a pretty happy ending if you ask me.


I call dibs on Seth if this happens.

What if Lakche replaced Celice as the main lord of FE4 Gen2?

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Then Sigurd would take back Diadora, become the King of Granbell, and FE4 2nd Gen wouldn't have happened.

What if Seth's growths aren't as good as his are right now?

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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FE4 part 3 would actually happen, but with a reunion between part 1 and part 2 characters, instead of playing around with the children of part 2 characters.

What if Abel stayed with Est?

Edited by LittleAl
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Then he wouldn't be forced to fight against Marth. He'd join Marth willingly.

What if Ross became a mage like his mother?

Edited by Darros
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Then Ewan would be a physical fighter instead. A guy as muscly as Ross being a mage and someone as small as Ewan being an axefighter..... Well, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen in Fire Emblem.

What if you could recruit Sofiya in FE7's Victory or Death chapter by visiting the ruins where she's at?

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What if Sothe wasn't so bloody forced in the DB chapters of RD?

Then you'd have an optional slot from 1-7 through 1-E, since you have enough slots to use everyone in every other DB chapter.

What if Ike decided to use Ragnell beginning in chapter 8 of PoR when he actually got it?

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Then Ike could possibly beat the Black Knight in Chapter 11, causing a glitch in space and time.

What if Greil had chosen to fight the BK with Ragnell instead of Urvan (and hadn't cut the tendons in his sword arm)?

Edited by Charpig
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Seth: Wow..... that was unexpected, milady.

Eirika: So... we're safe?

*And they love in peace.... for now*

What if Hector was a knight, and Oswin was the Lord?

*cough cough write out a skit*

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