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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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"Move out!" Kelas called as the winds increased even more, grounding birds and driving the rain nearly horizontal. She kneed Amari into a canter down what was left of the street, relieved to finally be on the move.

Arrin nudged Francis forward, being careful to keep his balance so that he wouldn't interfere with Charlotte's. When he was satisfied that Francis wouldn't bolt despite the constant lightning and thunder, he asked for a canter, catching up to Kelas.

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The group and their mounts set off slowly northward, as the wind continued to howl and the rain continued to pour. Everyone became soaking wet as they traveled across the plains of Septimus, which were ocassionally illuminated by bright flashes of lightning.

A few hours passed, and yet the storm did not subside. This may have been the hour of the setting sun normally, but no sun could be seen in the sky at this time. Morgan remained quiet most of the trip, save the occassional cough.

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OOC: This stuff is pre-timeskip.

"This is ridiculous," Chase muttered, while he watched the group mess around with seating arrangements. "Yeah, sure, you can come with me, Morgan," he added. He mounted his horse, whispering "Thank the goddess," when Kelas had shouted it was time to move."Let's go!"


"That's a good point. Thanks for your opinion, Viveka." Conrad replied, following along when it was decided the group should go. "Jasmine! I nearly forgot to ask you. If I need to send you back to Eliyisma, could you drop this off at the Veshkal household? I don't consider it important enough to warrant going back to by itself, but I'd like it to arrive into their hands," he ordered, handing over a letter labled "Patrick Veshkal".

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"So odd..." Alferis murmured to himself, ready to collapse at any moment. "What caused this storm and earthquake? It's...unnatural."

Reika meanwhile had been walking in the back, her hand at the hilt of her dagger, eyes drooped from exhaustion, but still attempting to be alert. She kept her eyes on Heinz, ready to stab him if he pulled anything.

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"Nngh... this wind is horrid." Aiya complained a bit, with a pout.

The speed of the wind meant that even Ulfhrahn could barely manage a low flight without danger. At this point of the storm, staying grounded was their best bet, and so they had.

Ulfhrahn's own body size was providing shelter from the stinging rains for a good chunk of the group, as he blocked the rain.

Still, that wasn't much help to Aiya, Isotov, or Katie, who were atop the bull, and exposed to the rain.

"How are you and Katie holding up, Iso?"

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OOC: Finally, someone sees the convenience of a free npc unit :)


Jasmine: Huh? Yes, Sir!If you need me to do it, I can handle it!

She gave a quick salute ... then realized her pegasus was nowhere in sight.

Jasmine: (If Illiam doesn't come back do I have to go on foot? >_>' )

Post Timeskip

Iso: Urgh ... this is absolutely miserable. Katie's still unconscious ... though that's probably for the best. This weather would likely have her in a bad mood. How are you holding up?

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"Ugh...My head. Where am I?" Pary jerked to life, having been limped over Derek on his horse.


Cess and Rita:

As they rode together on Morrey, Rita pulled Cess's cape around her arms. "It's s-s-so c-c-cold. The wind j-j-just makes it worse. Can we stop soon?"

"Just a little farther. We've only been riding for a few hours. Just a little more, then we can stop and rest."

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"Alright I guess. Damian usually has us set up a shelter camp when the weather is this bad, so I'm not quite used to prolonged exposure like this, but I'll tough it out." Aiya replied, hoping to sound more confident than she truly was. The harsh winds and cold rain were not doing her body any favours, and she was beginning to shiver, although she was suppressing it.

'C'mon Aiya... the last thing anyone needs is for you to catch a goddamn flu.'

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"Wonder when we'll...find a place to sleep..." said Alf, wishing he went to bed earlier and cursing the poor clothes he wore. He looked behind to see Reika and how she was doing. She was doing better than him, though then again, she did rest somewhat earlier. She seemed really paranoid and he noticed how she was looking at Heinz, like that of cat looking at a dog.

That's who she suspected was the mole he thought, remembering their conversation about it. Come to think of it, I never saw much of him and he rarely talks to us. Wonder how he joined anyway. Could be wrong though.

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As the group traveled along, the sense of unease and fear never left the animals for even a moment. From the land just beyond the sight of the group, something was moving. Something hideous and revolting. Demonic abominations, carved from the mud stirred up by the quake of the Lords power! Hideous masses of tentacles, pulsing and undulating like a ball of worms as it writhed across the ground; following at a distance. Seven grotesque legs, reminiscent of an assassin beetle, skritted across the ground as the freshly flayed hides of several travelers whom had been unlucky to cross the monsters path bobbed and waved like demented clothing; their still fresh blood coloring the mass of tentacles red. Through eyes no larger than a rinestone hidden away at the very bottom of the being it watched the group travel in hues and colors no mortal could dream of seeing in. Infrared vision tracking them through the sickening green mist; a mist that seemed to grow thicker and heavier around it's body...

And it wasn't alone. Several more of the demonic score traveled along behind the first, as if the one wearing the hides of the people were it's leader. The first one stopped for a moment, as if sniffing the air with a hidden snout before turning about, only to repeat the same action. Then, with a call like that of the undead itself, it called out to the rest of it's pack. A response came from one beside it, the skin of a horse adorning it's writhing mass adorned with the beasts still damp and crimsoned skull at it's front. A second response came from another beast, and then a third, fourth, fifth, and many more. There were monsters on the loose!

OOC: The group can't see them yet, but they can sure hear them as well as those with a strong attunement to the light/darkness sensing something is up.

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"Does anyone know the territory around here?" Kelas asked. "There any towns about? Because we can't very well camp out here-- whoa!" she said as Amari reared, whinnying shrilly, in response to an unearthly cacophony that had just started up ahead. "Weapons out, she said shakily, leaping from the saddle to calm the mare.

Arrin had gone quiet a while ago, thinking about what had happened. On the one hand, he didn't have to be constantly controlling the tome now... on the other, he should probably keep the same mental exercises up so that he'd still be able to control it when he got it back... and he had to get it back. He'd noticed a persistent dull headache ever since he'd lost the tome, though it could just be fatigue...

At any rate, he was wet and miserable. The cat provided a small measure of warmth, hiding under Arrin's cloak, but still...

As Francis wheeled to bolt from a sudden terrible noise, Arrin was flung from the saddle, wincing as the cat's claws dug into him. Slowly he picked himself up. "Something's out there," he said quietly.

OOC: Charlotte may still be in the saddle. Francis is on the loose. Oh dear.

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"I heard it as well." said Esphyr, her hand sliding to her sword in unease. "Kelas, what do your elf eyes see?"

"Aye my lady. Mayhap you, Miss Morgan, and sir Kelas get behind us in a defensive circle. I don't know what that is, but it sounds too much like home to be good here."

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Charlotte managed to hold on to Francis as he bucked, and was trying her best to keep the horse from bolting.

"I suggest we retreat. We are not really in the best shape to fight right now, a battle will likely cost us several lives." Morgan said, clutching to Chase.

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Tessa had followed the panicked axefighter as he was clearly both distressed and in a hurry. They made incredibly quick time, but it also helped that the destination was close, just being another portion of the ruins of the old inn. Damian was indeed in bad shape, though it was clearly evident that he'd already been tended to, at least to some degree. There was no longer any issue of bleeding out, and the broken bones had been set, if perhaps more roughly than she would have done them had she handled things herself. Lev was lifting him onto Krinkov at the moment, and there was simply nothing to be done.

"Looks most of the work has already been done here for me," she mentioned to Alferis, doing her best to keep any irritation out of her voice. It wouldn't have been his fault if the soldier had been tended too before he'd found her, or even if he'd still thought the man in absolutely critical condition. Panic in the face of injuries is not uncommon at the least, and nothing to be ashamed of. She hadn't known that the two of them had been that close that he'd be so worried, however, a fact she filed away for future interest.

Still seeing Damian hurt this badly was now causing her to worry, and while they were moving to prevent an attack, and likely further injuries, it still likely wasn't going to do his body any good. She resolved to make sure to check up on him, if not at a stop midway, then certainly when they arrived at their final destination.


The weather was miserable. Blinding rain and wind driving a fierce chill into the bones, and no sight of any shelter. Tessa wasn't even quite sure where they were headed aside from "somewhere not where the demons are positive they are", though given their uncanny and previously proven ability to track the group, she was almost starting to get the sense that being on the move was futile. Mustering back up some inner spirit, she fought off the depressing thoughts, with a bit of a smile, and tried talking to Trevor. "Even if there were demons today, we got out of things incredibly lucky. At least, compared to the previous attempts. The earthquake on the otherhand... well. Natural disasters cannot really be planned for, I guess. How are you holding up by the way?"

She stopped talking for a moment and rubbed his flank, as well as gently squeezed with her legs. The stallion shook his head, maybe in response, or maybe just trying to keep the weather at bay. "Quite the trooper as always, I see."

Suddenly, a fell call came out from nearby. Shortly thereafter it was echoed back and forth by other similar voices, each from slightly different directions. There was... something in either the tone or the timbre of the cries that caused waves of disgust and unease to churn through her body, or maybe it was for some other reason altogether, but it was all Tessa could do to keep from gagging.

Trevor wasn't pleased either. Snorting, and stamping, the warhorse took a slight break from his ordinarily well-behaved demeanor. He even seemed about to rear up for a moment, which was rather startling, but Tessa managed to rein him in in time.

Others were encountering similar problems with their mounts, with varying degrees of success in keeping them in order. It seemed that they were either preparing for a struggle, or going to have to try to escape whatever manner of beasts could cause such utterances.

Adding her opinion and assessment to the mix, Tessa called out into the howl of the storm, "I can't quite put my finger to it, but I'm getting an uncanny feeling of something foul about these sounds. Almost... an affront to nature. Unless I'm just letting the storm, earthquake, and other worries play things up in my mind too much."

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"How ironic." Helios muttered to himself. His mount managed to keep up with the pace but barely. Then Helios heard noise coming from god knows where. Under Morgan's command, he didnt respond. But if they did attack, he had a distraction planned to ensure the groups escape.


The light drizzle turned into a full blown storm but that didnt phase his spirit. Oh how much he missed the noise when he would sink his blade into his victims flesh. Memories of killing the queen flooded his brain. He couldnt hold in his anticipation. He took off, his horse riding faster then the others. "Hey, wait up boss." the other bandits yelled trying to catch up.

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"Where will we go, then?" Kelas asked. She was eager enough to turn away from the noises herself, but supposing they were followed? "Sounds like whatever the hell is out there is over that rise ahead. Will we bypass it?"

Arrin managed to get to his feet, running to Francis and impulsively grabbing the gelding's bridle. Francis dropped to all fours, standing still but obviously terrified. "Given the horses' reactions, it's probably demons," he replied to Tessa.

"It does seem rather a lot like that time we found that mesh," Kelas agreed, overhearing. "We trying to go around, then?"

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"Indeed, 'tis demons." said Morgan, rather nonchalantly. "Let's go around. Perhaps they will follow us, but we may be better to defend ourselves then." Though not I., she thought to herself glumly. "Unless we're turning back, I think we may have to hope for some sort of natural shelter, this area does not seem highly civilized."

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"Demons? Again? Oh god..." said Alf, walking at a brisker pace.

"Let's see...we're heading around this area? Well, there is a village about a day or so away from here. I guess there's a bit of mountains here, they're not all that high, and there aren't many caves either. That's a few hours away," Alferis said to Morgan.

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"Some of us aren't going to last a few hours," Kelas pointed out. The sky was still its heavily clouded, sickly greenish color, but much darker now. "Reckon it was about five, six when we left. It's been a few hours. If we can't find shelter soon, it's just going to be a long, miserable night." All the same, she turned away from the rise over which the origin of the noises lay, traveling parallel to it. "At very least, maybe there's some farm we'll happen across..."

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Cess and Rita:

"A farm will just keep us out in the open. Caves will probably be our best bet, since someone can keep guards at the entrance."

"Can we just stop somewhere and get some food? I'm cold, wet, tired, and hungry. <_<"

"Just do something to keep your mind off it."

"Fine then."

Rita spun around on the horse, so that she was back to back with Cess. His cape was still wrapped around her arms like a blanket. "So Charlotte. What's up?"

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"I remember these parts vaguely from one of my mercenary missions." said Esphyr, pulling her arms closer to her body to accommodate the freezing rain. "Got hired to follow some mountain bandit. Had him on the run until he managed to skip town on me. When he did, he hid out in a mountain cave with a small river in it hoping no one would find him. I didn't get him and some braggart hunter found him instead. Supposed to be a 5 gold payment for any who helped, and I got stiffed down to six septimian coppers and a loaf of bread."

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