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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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"But Sir Derek is innocent!" Charlotte protested. "He is a noble knight, loyal and true. I would certainly suspect a thief or a tramp over him."

Seeing Derek's resolve in response to Dani, Charlotte scowled. "At least allow me to stop you from bleedng first...well hopefully." She took out her staff and applied it to Derek's arms, stopping the bleeding.

"Hmm, so it does work." Charlotte said to Derek. "Strange, when I tried to heal Katie earlier it didn't seem to do anything, but it mended Colonel Kleine's bones and your arms. She looks better now at least...did you heal her Tessa? I don't think Sir Pary did, he was unconscious last night and was cooking all this morning..."

"...Truth be told, allowing oneself and other group members to be tortured in order to catch the mole shows great loyalty." Morgan said, rather surprised. "Perhaps it's just that you favoring your chances of not breaking, but my intuition tells me it is those avoiding torture who are more suspicious."

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"Where I went off to first?" Heinz drawled. "You want me to explain where I was at every town every single day since I joined this group? Maybe you should be more specific," he chuckled.

Hearing Reika interrupt, Heinz turned his head towards the thief. "That merchant hired me a few years ago to protect his caravan. Sold me some of my gear pretty cheaply once when I was broke." And gave me a recommendation for a few jobs. "To be honest I don't know why exactly he did that, but I don't like owing people. That was one of the reasons I joined this group, seemed like fairly steady work. If we hadn't gone to that town, I would've had to pay him back later, so I took the opportunity," Heinz finished, shrugging again.

"All you've done is complain that I don't talk enough and argue with the rest of the group, I wasn't aware that staying away from all your petty fights was considered suspicious," he frowned. "You're more ignorant than I thought you were," Heinz spoke coldly. "Past employers have always preferred that I do my job and not talk further," he stated. Although it seems that even the other mercenaries in the group ignores that rule....

"My joining this group is no more suspicious than running into you in the middle of the mountains. I explained to Morgan earlier my reasons for joining, if she wants anything more specific, I'll answer that privately," staring back at Reika.

He looked back at Derek in surprise, raising his eyes slightly. He's tougher than I thought, noting Morgan's reaction. But doing that could've gotten you killed, lucky fool.

Edit: Took out a word.

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Derek + Default Murphy Victim

"Odd...," Derek said, as the bleeding stopped, for now. " But, thank you, Your Highness.Well, anyways, Miss Leader, were I the mole, one would think I would do exactly so, in the hopes of the leader of the group saying those words. But that's enough from me. Just a single request: do not remove my gloves. It will be an unpleasant image I wish none of you to see.

Meanwhile, Eric was lying on the cavern floor, seemingly sleeping. The hardball Viveka threw lay beside him, as testament as to what really happened.

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"You have missed my point entirely. You often slink off to places where we don't know where you are and you're very good at making people forget about you. To be honest, I don't give a rat's ass if you do argue with us or if you don't like to talk a lot.

Coming from the mountains with a person who knew the group and guiding them around is better than just asking where the city was and then attempting to attach yourself to them," Alferis retorted.

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Heinz twitched irritably. "I can't help it if you don't notice where I am. And if I was good at making people forget about me, you wouldn't be accusing me right now," he pointed out.

Heinz raised his eyes again. "And I wonder how you know that, when I joined the group before you did," he sighed, beginning to explain himself. "I was asking for directions to Ilphymia when I overheard Esphyr talking about a sword. Since I use knives myself I challenged her to a match, a test of two different weapons," grinning slightly. "When she mentioned she was employed I offered my services for money and food. We tied, and I've been working for Morgan ever since."

Edit: Grammar.

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"How did I know that? Well then, I'll tell you. I heard a little bit about you from a couple of people. Once, I heard you talk about it and that's how I know.

Maybe we don't always forget about you, but you're definitely very good at slipping our notice. Except now that we're actively searching for a mole, now we're paying a lot more attention to you. But now it'll probably be to late."

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Chase quietly mused over the candidates. I doubt it's Derek. Family bonds are strong, and I'm not even related to Clara directly. No way he'd betray his sister, I think. Katie, well, it could be easy for her to report by sending letters since she can't talk... but then again, most of us can write letters, not just Katie. I think it's Heinz. He's just so... weird! Reika's a thief, and even she's not as quiet as him... well, I suppose she's an exception, because she's a weird thief, but whatever. "It's gotta be Heinz. For once I agree with Reika. He's so quiet. Nobody talks to us less than him, and he isn't particularly friendly with anyone. Katie's friends with Isotov, and even if it was a seduction, I think it'd be sorta difficult to do that by writing letters all the time..."

Conrad voiced his opinion as well, saying "I'm not quite sure, but I personally doubt it's Derek, and I suspect Heinz slightly more than Katie. I haven't been with you all that long, but he acts so odd I can't help but think that he would have a better motivation than adventure."

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"Oh, come now. If you're going to accuse someone and hound them like that, at least give everyone else the same amount of scrutiny. Heinz joined after encountering the group in a caravan. So what?" Derek asked, in disbelief. "I joined after deserting a job hunting down you guys. He's in it for money and adventure, while my motives are unknown, for now. Honestly, I'm more suspicious than him, considering I'm not even doing this to be paid. Watch the tunnel-vision, please."

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Cavernous Conundrum

Lev: (Derek ... Heinz ... and Katie. A bit odd that Derek is trying to turn these into some kind of fair trial when his own ass is on the line. Even stranger that not everyone is actually heeding his words.)

To took a quick glance at Heinz ...

Lev: (Heinz is absolutely right to avoid these group's problems. At the same time, it's part of the reason he's being accused. It really doesn't matter though since the need to avoid needless bullsh*t is an entirely separate issue from a mole extraction. Is he the most likely? Yes, but only because the other two have ties to the group, or something to that effect.)

Lastly he glanced over at Katie ...

Lev: (Did I read that note right? She loves Iso now? Back at the mansion she was about ready to leave us. What's changed now? Was she bluffing to throw me off? Heh. As for being a mole ... she's the least likely to be killed for it. Harold would find out eventually and hunt us down.)

With his axe balanced up against his hip, he crossed his arms and shook his head in dismay.

Lev: (I honestly don't care who it is at these point. I just want these divisive crap over with once and for all.

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The tension in the air was overwhelming. People drawing their weapons also added to the drama. After watching a couple of exchanges, the thief questioned his accusation. "Derek is here for his sister who happens to be here for Eric. People usually create a link of some sort so that they arent alone. You havent, possibly because you are already under protection from another group. The group that captured Morgan perhaps?" Helios said feigning his composure.

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"There seems to be a lot of suspicion around Heinz here, but how many of you have actually spoken with him?' Morgan interjected. "Are you simply judging him more negatively because he does not talk much? I may be the only one in this room who has spoken with all of you, has anyone else here even talked to all three of the accused? To judge with no knowledge seems very presumptuous."

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"Isnt that what you have been doing for a while now? Or do you feel the need to cover for your employee. Look at your reasoning. Katie is a mole since she can hex stuff and seduced one of the crimson weapon wielders. That makes her no different then Esphyr in that case. Derek was a part of Travis' crew. They werent searching for the crimson weapons, they wanted the princess. That leaves Hienz. What is his alibi?" Oh god im gonna pass out if this keeps up.

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"Oi, wind mage. If you haven't noticed, blood means nothing to a mercenary. For all you know, she might hate my guts, and vice-versa," Derek pointed out, throwing a glance to keep Dani in check. "And, honestly, Heinz is just an excellent mercenary. Not getting attached to the people you work for is ideal, as, when the job's done, one could be hired AGAINST their former employer. Point being, get off just one suspect, and pressure each one equally."

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"Then that proves his innocence." He lied. "Morgan, why do you think Hienz is a mole?" He's sharp. He would most likely see through the bluff and counter it with another but if he falls for it, he might expose himself.

EDIT: He's thinking about Heinz

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"I admit, I have not. However, I also haven't accused him directly." said Esphyr. "All I'm saying is that it's not likely Katie unless you have some reason you're not telling us. Hey. Can't the Headmaster see mana? Why can't she just look and see whom has dark magic on them from the demons."

"Even if simply talking to a demon allowed for transfer, unless whoever it was was intimate or had a lot of physical or magical contact it would be faded away by now, and Morgan and Cess's powers would be so plentifully sticking to them as well that it would be like looking for a flake of pine in a ash lumbermill. Even I doubt anything would have been picked up unless they someh-"

"Just look damnit! In the time you took to argue you could have been looking!"

"Fine." groaned the headmaster as she glanced over the three suspects. She took a moment, being as thorough as she could possibly be without directly hurting any of the three in any way, shape, or form before she returned to Katie. "I found out nothing we didn't already know Derek, Heinz, and Katie's mana is all perfectly normal as if nothing is wrong with them and they have had no demonic contact. Though, Morgan, what happened to you? Your mana networking is like a torn curtain!"

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"Heinz's innocence or guilt is not yet proven." Morgan said to Helios. "I have already considered the reasons everyone has stated, hence his suspect status."

"Weapon severed, I thought you had been told already." Morgan replied to the Headmaster.

A light went off in Morgan's head at the mention of Cess Why didn't I think of this earlier? "Cess, could you run fortunes for our three suspects here? Their meanings are a little fuzzy, but perhaps we will gain some insight nonetheless."

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Heinz scowled slightly at Esphyr's remark about the fight. "I recall that we tied actually." Although at least she's not accusing me like the others. Seems that the archer still holds a grudge, and that almighty General just wants to throw around his power, he mocked silently.

Don't know what that man's up to either, looking back at Derek. Seems like he's trying to get all of us lynched. Too noble for his own good. Overhearing the headmaster's remarks, Heinz shrugged at Morgan's suggestion.

Hope he's not too good of a fortune teller, this could turn out badly, Heinz thought, watching Cess's actions.

Edit: Replaced slightly with silently.

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"I already gave a general reading, but I guess I can be more specific...." Cess rearanged his cards again, and prepared the fortune.

"Hmm. So Derek's cards. Fly, Sheild, Love, Hope, and Maze. Katie's cards, Love, Illusion, Voice, Fire, and Erase. Heinz's cards, Dash, Money, Jump, Truth, and Cloud."

Cess held the cards to his face, trying to examine them, and see what they were pointing to.

"I think....no, never mind."

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"I never spent much time interpreting fortunes myself. I do not see anything in Derek's cards that indicate being a traitor though, if another can see what I cannot feel free to point it out. Illusion is certainly a suspicious card for Katie, if she's hoodwinking us a form of illusion is involved, no? As for Heinz there seems to be something about running away with money...there's also a Truth card. If truth card means they are telling the Truth, that would make Katie the prime suspect." Morgan said, rubbing her head.

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