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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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"Cloud does seem...odd, especially if the cards are meant sequentially. As for Maze, I usually associate mazes with hiding something within, meaning Derek's secret is more of a personal nature. Illusion however, means something about or that will happen to Katie is not as it seems."

"Regardless, if Derek or Katie or Heinz have any secrets, I suggest you tell us. Hiding things only makes you look more suspicious."

"I wouldn't interpret Cloud as hiding, more that Heinz is...naturally obscured somehow." Morgan said. "Clouds do not intend to hide anything, they just...do"

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"Actually, Cards aren't pulled that way Morgan. They have no order that I know of. Cloud could mean he's going to cause us a storm of some kind, or your idea."

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In the Cave

Lev: (Maze ... Cloud ... Illusion ... Mazes aren't for hiding in. People get lost in mazes. Clouds don't hide things either ... they slightly obscure. Illusions though ...)

Lev had a quick flash back of something involving Irina, though the picture wasn't quite clear, and it seemed unrelated for a moment.

Lev: (... that was ... something I would have never done to her ... ... ohhhhh sh*t.)

EDIT: Changed wording.

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"You seem rather desperate to reinterpret those things. Illusion is iffy; especially if we don't know what it could be that she's using it for." said the Headmaster. "Maybe she lied about her love interest with Iso, or is deceiving us about her inability to talk; or her skill at not being able to fight. I mean, voiceless casting does exist after all."

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"If Katie is deceiving us about something. now would be the time to share it. Otherwise, we should assume she is concealing the fact that she is the mole." Morgan said.

"Storm? Literal or figurative I wonder..." she replied to Cess, furrowing her brow.

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The only thing I can think of is that I have been working on voiceless casting, and gave up because of difficulty. wrote Katie. Otherwise, I don't know. Maybe in the future, I will hide something for some reason, but not at the moment.

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Iso: (Damn them. Why do they have to talk about me like this right in front of-huh?)

Iso felt someone supporting him with their hands, and a quick glance revealed Irina as the person responsible. She gave him a sad but supportive smile and tried to show that she was just as upset by all of this as he was.

Lev: (She only fell for it because of how she really feels about me. That means the same thing is happening to Iso. Sh*t! We are are about to get thrashed if these idiots move too quick!)

Meanwhile Levski walked straight up to Morgan and began trying to nudge her away from the three peopl who were being accused. He softly whispered into her ear. No one but Morgan herself heard him, and with his hand covering one side of his mouth while her hair covered the other, his lips couldn't be seen either.

Lev: That ... isn't ... Katie ...

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Morgan leaned over and whispered in Lev's ear, hiding her mouth under her hair. "You don't mean...Shanice? Let's proceed with caution and kill it quickly."

She popped back up. "Oh no, just Lev er...telling me how nice I look today." Morgan lied.

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"Well Hienz was always with us. Katie wa.....!" Helios had a great realization. The shock showed on his face. Katie was separated from the group once. During the earthquake but she was at his side. Arrin was severed that day too. How did Katie get from Iso's side to some ditch outside? "Heinz and Derek were always with the group as far as i can remember." Helios replied calmly. "There is something bothering me with Katie's case."

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Chase examined the cards, the suddenly blurted out, "I think I know it! He'll cause a storm within the group by betraying us! Well, that's what I can make out of it, a least..."

Conrad examined the cards, then announced, "Well, I, for one, can't use any form of magic, and don't get these at all."

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"I've none, but the gloves I wear, if you consider that a secret," Derek said, after hearing the request about secrets. "At least, nothing I hide intentionally. And, the wind mage is wrong yet again. I was away right after the battle with Shanice, and nowhere to be found yesterday before the earthquake. But, anyways... A word, Lev?"

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That Cave that could soon become a death trap

Lev: (I need to wait for a decent opening cause if I miss, someone else could get hurt or even killed ...)

Levski came up to Derek and spoke softly, almost whispering.

Lev: What is it?

Irina: (Lev just got really tense all of a sudden, and now he's holding that hand axe like he's going to kill someone ...)

Iso: (Urgh ... what's happening now? Whispering ... strafing ... especially Lev and Morgan ...)

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"Just wondering how we're going to do this. Are you going to KO 'Katie' first, or Iso?" Derek paused, then continued. "I think it's pretty obvious, considering how you went to Morgan, combined with how Charlotte's staff did not work on Katie and the 'illusion'."

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OOC: It wasn't a ditch she was buried under a mountain of wood and walls

Cave Business

Iso: She was never with me during the earth quake, Helios. She came back to the inn with the others after Irina snatched me up. You should've seen her traveling with you guys.

Lev: There likely won't be any knockouts here. Iso won't be able to stop me in time, and once that thing is dead he'll be more worried about finding the real Katie ... though she's ... likely dead at these point ...

EDIT: Added Lev

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"Others? She was with you after the explosion at TISME. How could you forget her? And who are "The others"?" Helios said bombarding Iso with questions.

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When Derek had claimed that blood meant nothing to a mercenary, Tessa had to speak up. She must have been one of the few that actually met Morgan's challenge of having had at least decent relations with all three of the accused.

"Derek, if anybody was taken in by that hogwash you just said, we have greater fools with us than is good for us. I know how quickly you acted when that cursed brooch afflicted your sister. You spared no time in racing off and acquiring that Restore stave. Helios and I definitely witnessed your devotion and affection. I'm not quite sure what you think you may accomplish by martyring yourself, but please... fabrications with just foul up the investigation."

After that branch of conversation concluded itself for the moment, as the wheel of suspicion rolled back and forth between the three suspects, Lev suddenly started taking action. First he came over and whispered something to Morgan that Tessa almost caught, but not quite, before he started making the rounds to some of the others. Tessa's curiousity was now piqued, and she pressed up against Morgan, and looked up at the shaman questioningly.

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Morgan leaned over to Tessa and whispered in her ear. "Get away from the suspects, go to the cave entrance."

She looked over at Lev and Derek. Hope Lev knows what he's doing...

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