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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Derek + Hardball Victim

"Oi, Veshkal, drop your weapon," Derek said, staring at him. "We're not about to go killing anyone. Same to you, Helios."

Eric snapped awake, head throbbing. Looking around, but not moving, he saw that most of the group was tense. Some of them had their weapons trained on Katie, for some reason. The swordsman decided not to move, until the situation worsened, or was resolved.

Quake Relief

The rescue effort lasted until the next evening, and by then, the royal courts were being cleared of rubble. Before the end of it, Alex quickly had to return to her manse, and left a note on her door:

Going to check on Rielle. Be back in a few days.


Having done that, the duchess donned her armor again, and went back to supervising the soldiers.

OOC: Daneka or Jace can go interrupt her, if they want. Just make sure they address her as a man. >_>

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"Are you all right Eric?" Charlotte asked, walking over to him. "You looked so peaceful resting, I didn't want to disturb you."


Xenia traveled with Daneka and her soldiers away from the ruined cathedral. It was wet and sprits were low, though they improved as the storm weakened in ferocity.

"So, what's the plan Colonel?" she asked Daneka. "Is there some waypoint or fortress or something we can use to intercept them on their way to the capital?"

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On the road ... again?

Daneka kept her head down but she remained undistracted.

Daneka: It's still a ways to ze capital, and zere are still several chokepoints between here and zere. We might as well use ze first one and begin setting up at Giver's Canyon.

Alphonse: (I had a strange dream that we were accosted by three strange girls ... huh. Good thing it was only a dream I suppose. Infiltration skills like those would be troubling.)

OOC: Giver's Canyon=Beggar's Canyon spoof.

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"I am fine, your highness. Just a bit dazed," Eric said, not wanting to get Charlotte worried. "Are we almost ready to go?"

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"Err, I don't think so." Charlotte said, looking around. "But I don't think they're going to torture Sir Derek anymore."

Not Cave

"Sounds like a plan then." Xenia responded. Wonder how far ahead of them we are...

Other Cave

"I feel a...tremor of sorts." Petros said. "You ladies should prepare yourselves, I'll watch the prisoner." Petros slung the prisoner over his back and stuck Daranau on their person.

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"... Fine," Chase muttered, dispersing the Zephyrtwine and removing his hand from the quiver. "Sorry..."

Conrad too appeared to relax, making the Earthshaker disappear.

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Derek & Spectator

"I mean your tome. Put it away," Derek said, appearing to relax.

"... I will ask later why he would be tortured," Eric said, getting up. "For now, I think we should probably back away."

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5 ... ... ... 4 ... ... ...

Iso: (What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to just sit back and watch all of this happen? Urgh, mother ... what should I do ...?)

Levski stood right where he was. Knowing that the supposed imposter had already been warned, there wasn't room for anymore mistakes. At the same time, there was little they could do now that wouldn't lead to the same outcome, an unwanted battle in a highly confined space.

Lev: (We have to get out of these cave before that demon unleashes its powers on us, but how ...?)

Road Trippers

Daneka: We don't quite have enough men to stop zem cold ... Alphonse. Go to ze nearest base and bring back a ballista for ze trap at ze canyon along wiz a decent archer.

Archer: (Umm, hello? ... tch ... the nerve.)

Alphonse: Of course, Madame Colonel.

Alphonse quickly galloped off ahead of them atop his horse aiming to complete his task as soon as possible.

Daneka: You and your wyvern are plenty enough to deal wiz ze princess, ze ballista will provide long range support, and ze troops can square off against ze main units. Am I forgetting anyzing?

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Running back into the cave, Rita saw everyone, weapons drawn. "What the hell is going on here? Cess?"

She drew her sword, before walking up to Iso. "Explain. Now."

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Rita lowered her arm, but still kept her sword at her side. "Not until everyone explains what's happening. Everyone has a weapon out, why shouldn't I? I thought you said it was over, and we had the mole!"

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OOC: Oh look, it's Kiryn! Time for destruction! :)

3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Both Kiev and Krinkov waited patiently still by the entrance near Tessa. Kiev wanted to go back inside but the area so tense and he could feel it. He at least wanted Irina to come out and be with him, but she was with Iso at the moment. Krinkov kept his eyes on Lev to see what his master was up to. He could tell that he was after someone, but he couldn't tell who. the person was apparently invisible and needed to be exposed. Perhaps his master simply needed an opening provided by a distraction? If that were the case then perhaps he could provide the distraction himself. Anything to see an enemy murdered for a change ...

Meanwhile Levski never took his eyes off Katie. With Cess in the way, he had no way of making an accurate attack, and those in range would have to worry about Cess being used as a shield if Katie saw them coming and acted accordingly. It was the most tense moment in recent memory, and though he saw sacrifices as acceptable, it wasn't something he could simply act on without Morgan's consent.

Irina wanted badly to go to Lev, but he was in fight mode, and she knew it. If whatever had him on edge revealed itself, he would strike, but they were searching for a mole, not a serious threat weren't they? She simply couldn't understand what was wrong, or why Katie had been threatened with so many weapons for a short moment. She couldn't take more than one step forward before freezing in place.

Iso had had enough of this though, Katie had looked over to him several times with dread in her eyes. She had nearly gathered up the courage to run to him but until he was ready to do the same nothing happened. As soon as Iso's foot inched forward, so did hers, and then an eruption of sounds ripped through the cave! Krinkov let out a massive roar that was causing him a great deal of throat pains! It was nearly on par with his father's glass shattering roars, and Kiev quickly joined him on instinct! Both wyvern sounded off at the top of their lungs directly into the cave, and the sounds aplified by the cave walls to horribly painful levels!

Levski prepared to cover his ears but stopped when he saw Katie and Cess writhing in pain! Katie's hands were to her head, and she was bending down, her upper body exposed! Anyone not brought to their hands and knees was forced to watch as Levski threw his hand axe at her! It sped through the cave being graced only by the shockwaves of the wyvern roars! Katie opened her eyes again just in time to see the axe strike her on the side of the head! She went down with a loud scream amongst the roars!

Lev: Bull's eye!!

Iso: *gasp* KATIE!!!

Irina: :wtf:

Viveka: :/

Iso was about to run to her, but Irina held him back as best she could!

Irina: Iso don't! Katie can't talk remember?! She can't scream like that!

Iso: W-w ... ... ....

He instantly froze and the truth quickly took hold in him as the figure in the distance rose to her feet, her hair the same length, and her face still belonging to Katie, but her hair now purple with white ends. The look on her face was that of pure agitation!

Lev: Sh*t! That would have killed anyone else! (Tough demon is tough)

She quickly raised her hand to face the ceiling and gave a sinister grin before a loud ice ray began blasting the rocky surface! Over the next fifteen seconds every inch of the cave was covered in layers upon layers of thick crystal clear ice!

OOC: Current temperature inside the cave is -10 degrees F. ^_^

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"Holy shit!" Alferis yelled out, drawing his Tomahawk and standing protectively in front of Reika. She herself drew her dagger and held it in a defensive stance, ready for the demon to strike. The cold was getting to both of them, Alf shivering while Reika's teeth began to chatter.

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Having been right in front of Katie, Cess had been caught in the majority of the ice blast. Once the mist had cleared, he was stuck in a block of ice quite thick, with the demon hiding behind him.



"What the hell? What is that thing? Someone explain this! Ice? Arggggh!" Rita ran forward, both hands on her sword, poised to attack and slice the head of off Katie, or whatever that thing was.



Pary took his tome out, ready to send a balst of light just in case. He moved closer to Charlotte, and offered her his jacket. "Be careful. It must be freezing, and I we should best stay out of this."

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"YOU!" Kelas spat, loosing an arrow at what had to be Shanice. She had another on the string seconds later as she ran out of the cave, knowing that it was likely the worst place to be. "Everyone, weapons out!" she shouted to those standing outside.

Arrin focused, ready to summon Daranau, but was met with a void. He reeled, nearly falling to his knees, and began to rummage for his Elthunder. His vision was still spotty... "Oh dear," he began, sinking to the ground.

Red-brown legs crashed down in front of him, fencing him in: Amari was guarding him. He peered out from around the mare's forelegs to watch, uncertain if he would be able to help or not.


"Right!" She dashed off, riding the wind, warping and arriving in seconds at the battleground. "Not reeeeed!" she sang, leaping to parry Rita's strike. Midnight constricted her movements a bit, shoved up the back of her jacket, but not enough to stop her.

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"SWORD!" Rita dashed forward, trying to shoulder-check the woman. She gave an upstroke, then a quick kick to the gut, before bringing her sword back down in a slash.

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"They're after your weapon too," Alferis hissed at Reika, careful that the demons would'nt hear him. "I want you to run ok?"

"Just shut up slave. Don't do anything just yet," said Reika, raising her dagger.

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Morgan felt the icego under her feet. She slipped, hit her head, and fell unconscious.

"That's probably for the best." Charlotte said, accepting Pary's jacket. "But I'm running in there if someone gets hurt!"

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Though he was merely in the way, Shanice was instantly satisfied with the shielding Cess provided! With a quick position change, Kelas' arrow stuck into the ice block instead of itself, and Shanice followed up by recharging the energy it had used to create the ice cavern! With his hand axe tossed, Levski's only available weapons were his fists since Krinkov carried the others!

Meanwhile Iso was torn! Shanice was standing a short distance away, but he was tormented by thoughts of the real Katie and what may have become of her! He knew he had to kill Shanice, but if he did, he might never find out what happened to the real Katie, and the five seconds he spent dwelling on this tore him apart! He couldn't decide whether to despair or give into his anger! Irina gradually loosen her hold on him seeing how she also wasn't sure what he would do.

Once the attack was charged, Shanice moved out from its cover and with a quick grunt and grin slammed its fist down onto the slick icy ground! From the impact point, a plethora of long thin icy spikes sprang out shooting off like spears to impale everyone still inside the cave!

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As the spikes appeared, Alferis and Reika ran from side to side, dodging any of the icicles that went near. Some brushed Alf's feet, poking through his shoes, blood falling on the floor, but they were off the spikes as soon as they touched them. The aggressive stance taken, Alferis threw his Tomahawk at Shanice, aiming for his skull.

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Amidst the chaos that had already begun, a great fiery burst appeared on the scene! The thick smoke that appeared obscured vision, allowing the demons to more easily seperate the wielders.

Ruby turned and saw a man with an axe...and the girl with Crimson Knives. Maybe I can sever one for myself in all this mess.she thought to herself. Ruby saw the man with the axer throw his Tomahawk and then she ran forward and slashed the thief in the chest.

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"How long?!" Kelas shouted. "Has it been you all along, then?" She shot for the impact point. The arrow shattered. "Don't just stand there, get out!" she yelled to those still inside, running back to pull them out of the way. She was on ice within seconds, slipping and falling; she smacked the ground and pushed back to her feet, grabbing Morgan momentarily for support. "Why's it got to be you?" she muttered, getting Morgan's arm and throwing it over her shoulder, clumsily dragging the woman out of the main danger zone before running back in.

"Tch." Megae barely flinched at the kick and parried with her left blade, reaching in with her right to slash the tendons in Rita's sword arm. "Too slow." She turned, seeing Irina and Isotov. "Broke your toy!" she cackled. "Should I break this one?" she singsonged, leaping for Irina.

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"Aggh..." Reika fell forward on her face as the blood spilled forth from her chest, where the blade cut deep.

"Reika!" Enraged, Alf drew his Iron Axe and struck towards Ruby's head. He stood protectively over Reika, determined that she not be severed.

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